- Romaa Mihgo (S) is implied to be carrying a child in the womb at the end of the storyline.
- It may seem like a contradiction of the Rise of the Zilart lore, however :
- The people in the Shadowreign areas are incorrect about the current year since they use the positions of the stars to determine the current date, and the stars are not where they're supposed to be.
- The Rise of the Zilart version of Windurst has a timekeeping problem too, where the crystalline lenses in their telescopes originate from demons of the land of illusions.
- The child would've been given to her by Lehko Habhoka
- He may have implanted a piece of his soul for reincarnation, as suggested by an ominous journey ahead (he already did a task resembling the headstone pilgrimage in his earlier quests, so it's not that) and message that Romaa would be waiting forever for his return. A similar ability is connected to the descendants of the Holy City of Adoulin, demons of Tartarus, the forbidden art of the Windurstian manustery in the Windurst Allegience missions, and other possibilities.