Category:Kupofried's Weapon Skill Moogle Magic

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Kupofried's Weapon Skill Moogle Magic.jpg

This is a category of identical Quests used to unlock Empyrean Weapon Skills.

Kupofried's Weapon Skill Moogle Magic
Required Fame Other Fame Level: Unknown
Level Restriction: Level 90~99
Starting NPC Kupofried, (???) Walk of Echoes
Pack None
Title None
Repeatable Yes
Description Certain arcane powers known as "weapon skills" in adventurer vernacular can supposedly be harbored in one's body through the use of moogle magic.
Previous Quest Next Quest
None None
Drafted by the Duchy
Possess either:
The ability to use Empyrean Weapon Skills with any weapon of the same type.


NOTE: You must have completed the Voidwatch storyline quest Drafted by the Duchy to proceed with this quest.

As of the November 5, 2013 version update[1], a separate -1 weapon path of creation was implemented, requiring only the coins, Devious Dice, and Liminal Residue at larger than normal quantities; allowing players to skip camping the NMs for the Magian trials.

*If this is your first Empyrean Weapon Skill, equip either required weapon and select the glowing ??? in the Walk of Echoes.'''

    • Select the weapon type you wish to unlock.
      • Selecting a type different to the equipped weapon requires that appropriate weapon.
    • Trade the ??? your level 99 Walk of Echoes Weapon or level 90+ Empyrean Weapon for a short scene unlocking the Weapon Skill.
      • You may now use the corresponding weapon skill without the weapon which may now be discarded if you so choose.
  • For weapon skills after your first, simply examine the ??? and select the skill you wish to unlock; regardless of what your main job is set to, or what weapon you have equipped. You then need only to trade either of the required weapons to unlock the ability.
    • This means you may unlock the weapon skills before level 90 or 99 for any job after your first Empyrean Weapon Skill unlock, but you will not be able to use the weapon skill until that job is level 90.

  • TLDR:
    • Do VW quests and finish Drafted by the Duchy which means doing the final CS at Ru'Lude Gardens.
    • Get a -1 weapon from the Magian Moogle following the chart.
    • Trade the -1 to the Magian Moogle, get the first trial. This will be coin + -1 weapon. Refer to the chart below and the larger chart.
    • Trade him the -1 weapon again, complete trial, trade again, get new trial.
    • Now you will need 100 Devious Die + -1 weapon. Repeat previous trading steps.
    • Final Magian Moogle step is 100 Liminal Residue + -1 weapon. Repeat previous trading steps. Your weapon will now have the WS on it like "Chant du Cygne"
    • Now go to Walk of Echoes, equip the weapon and click the ??? north of the entrance then select "Give me the power" and the correct weapon type you want.
    • Trade the weapon to the same ???. You are now done.

NOTE: There is a game day wait before you may trade another weapon.

Coin of Glory icon.png Walk of Echoes Coin Distribution Details
Chant du Cygne
Ukko's Fury
Great Axe
Blade: Hi
Victory Smite
Camlann's Torment
Rudra's Storm
Great Sword
Tachi: Fudo
Great Katana
Jishnu's Radiance
Ruin Myrkr

Weapon Empyrean Weapon Skill
Hand-to-Hand Victory Smite
Dagger Rudra's Storm
Sword Chant du Cygne
Great Sword Torcleaver
Axe Cloudsplitter
Great Axe Ukko's Fury
Scythe Quietus
Polearm Camlann's Torment
Katana Blade: Hi
Great Katana Tachi: Fudo
Club Dagan
Staff Myrkr
Bow Jishnu's Radiance
Gun Wildfire