Ladybug (MON)

From FFXI Wiki

Species Main Sub Unlocked From
Ladybug THF THF Fly level 45
Gold Ladybug THF RDM 7,500 Infamy from Teyrnon with Ladybug level 50

Species notes



Name Lv. TP CT Yalms Area Targets Description
Sudden Lunge 1 130 Single Deals physical damage. Additional effects: Knockback, Stun.
Noisome Powder 10 100 AoE Weakens the attacks of enemies around the caster.
Spiral Spin 20 100 Conal Deals 200% physical damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster. Additional effect: Accuracy Down.
Nepenthean Hum 30 200 AoE Makes enemies around the caster amnesic.
Spiral Burst 40 120 Cone Deals fire damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from caster and removes all detrimental effects afflicting him.
Searing Effulgence 50 180 Deals light damage to enemies around the target. Additional effects: Dia, Knockback.