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![]() The Voracious Resurgence |
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Prime Weapons • Ultimate Weapons • Ultimate Augments • Abjurations iL119 • JSE Necks • Divergence Augments • Escutcheons | |
Reforged Armor Artifact: +1 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 Relic: +1/+2 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 Empyrean: +1/+2 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 |
Guides • Crafting • Trusts • Apex Monsters |
Getting Started
In order to begin a new life as a monster, adventurers must first complete Monstrosity (Quest) and obtain the Key Item Ring of supernal disjunction. The quest is offered by the Suspicious Hume in Pashhow Marshlands @ (E-12) (Voidwatch warping places you near the NPC).
The Feretory
Examine an Odyssean Passages located in one of the following areas to be transported to the Feretory and take the form of a monster. The Feretory is a staging area of sorts where adventurers can prepare themselves for the carnage ahead.
- Odyssean Passages are located in Northern San d'Oria (L-8), Port Windurst (M-4), Port Bastok (K-12), and Pashhow Marshlands (E-12).
- Upon entering the Feretory, you lose all buffs and debuffs, including normally unremovable effects such as Signet, Weakness, Food, and Dedication. Status effects are not reinstated upon leaving Monstrosity.
- The Medicated effect is not removed. There may be others.
Monstrous Preparations
Once inside the Feretory, the Equipment menu is replaced with a new "Customization" menu. This menu allows players to adjust aspects of their monster including species, abilities, and name.
See: Monstrosity Species
The Species menu allows the player to choose a monster to possess. Monster species affects the player's appearance (for instance, Mandragora or Korrigan), job (Includes traits and spells), abilities, and monster correlation. The options are initially limited to Rabbit, Mandragora, and Lizard. Additional monster options can be earned through gaining experience or purchased with Infamy.
- Possessing a monster of a different family will reset the amount of experience needed for your next level. Experience will not reset if you possess a different monster of the same family.
- As of the August 6 version update, players may possess Beast, Plantoid, Vermin, and Lizard monster types.
- The maximum level for monsters is 99. The maximum level is also dependent upon the limit break quests a player has completed.
The Faculties menu is where you equip various "Instincts" to your monster. Instincts enhance the abilities and attributes of your monster in various ways. At first, the pool of available instincts in limited. Additional Instincts can be earned through leveling up or purchasing with Infamy. Once an Instinct has been learned, it can equipped to any monster the player possesses.
Instincts cost a certain number of "Instinct Points" in order to be equipped. Each monster has a limited number of Instinct Points that increases with level and rank. The maximum number of Instincts that can be equipped is 12.
Achieving NM or HNM status through accumulation of Infamy increases your total number of Instinct Points by 20 and 40, respectively. These bonuses apply regardless of current level. However, this only applies to players doing Monstrosity in one of the three areas that allow player versus monster combat, and only with Belligerency in effect. Removing Belligerency will revert your status back to MON and any Instincts equipped beyond the old cap will be removed.
The Naming menu allows players to add up to two descriptors to the name of their species.
- The naming convention is <Descriptor #1> <Descriptor #2> <Species Name>.
Infamy is the "currency" of Monstrosity. While in monster form, players earn Infamy at a rate of 10% of the experience they obtain, but some is lost if defeated. Infamy may be exchanged at Teyrnon for new monster types to possess, new Instincts to learn, or collected to increase in rank.
Infamy caps at 10,000 unless you participate in Belligerency. This lifts the cap and you can earn more than 10,000 Infamy, up to 50,000, which is required in order to exchange for some species.
Note: If you have accrued more than 10,000 Infamy, no amount is lost when you enter and exit Belligerency. You do not generate more Infamy in non-Belligerency combat if you are already above 10,000, however.
Higher ranks are only used for Belligerency, which is explained later on, but Monipulator ranks will rise as follows:
Infamy | Rank |
0~10,000 | Mon. (Monster) |
10,001~20,000 | NM (Notorious Monster) |
20,001+ | HNM (Highly Notorious Monster) |
Monthly Adventurer Campaigns
There are two type of campaigns that may run any given month.
Double Monstrosity Bonus Campaign
- When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, all players simply earn double the amount of Experience Points while participating in Monstrosity content.
- The first 11 Monstrosity campaigns were a simple double up gain rate mechanic. After these, they changed the way the campaign worked and it became the chain monstrosity bonus campaign.
Chain Monstrosity Bonus Campaign
- When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, players earn double to triple the normal amount of Experience Points from monsters when they earn a chain kill.
- Depending on the number of chains, Experience Points earned accumulates at double to triple the normal rate.
Chain Monstrosity Bonus Campaign - PLUS!
- When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, the chain bonus campaign described above is in effect. Additionally, items that grant the Dedication effect are also doubled.
- An item that grants Infamy/Experience Points +150% is increased to a bonus of +300%. Additionally, a maximum bonus of 30,000 is increased to 60,000.
Area Selection
Journeying into the Field
After finishing their preparations in the Feretory, players can examine the odyssean passage there and select "Stalk prey as a monipulator," which displays a list of possible areas into which they can foray.
- Areas the player has yet to visit will not be displayed.
- Selections also depend on the size of the monster possessed.
- Monster sizes are categorized by the color of the icon border that displays during species selection.
Field Areas
Each field area has a recommended level that displays on the selection menu and helps monipulators avoid biting off more than they can chew.
- It is still possible to enter areas in which the recommended level is higher than the monipulator's.
- Recommended levels correspond to the lowest level of monster in the area, and there may be fiends who are much stronger than the recommended level indicates.
Recommended Level | Region | Area |
Lv 1+ | Ronfaure | West Ronfaure |
Ronfaure | East Ronfaure | |
Gustaberg | North Gustaberg | |
Gustaberg | South Gustaberg | |
Gustaberg | Zeruhn Mines | |
Sarutabaruta | West Sarutabaruta | |
Sarutabaruta | East Sarutabaruta | |
Sarutabaruta | Inner Horutoto Ruins | |
Lv 2+ | Ronfaure | King Ranperre's Tomb |
Gustaberg | Palborough Mines | |
Sarutabaruta | Giddeus | |
Lv 3+ | Ronfaure | Ghelsba Outpost |
Gustaberg | Dangruf Wadi | |
Fauregandi | Ranguemont Pass | |
Lv 7+ | Kolshushu | Tahrongi Canyon |
Lv 8+ | Ronfaure | Fort Ghelsba |
Ronfaure | Yughott Grotto | |
Zulkheim | Konschtat Highlands | |
Zulkheim | La Theine Plateau | |
Lv 12+ | Zulkheim | Valkurm Dunes |
Lv 15+ | Zulkheim | Gusgen Mines |
Zulkheim | Ordelle's Caves | |
Norvallen | Jugner Forest | |
Derfland | Pashhow Marshlands | |
Kolshushu | Buburimu Peninsula | |
Kolshushu | Maze of Shakhrami | |
Aragoneu | Meriphataud Mountains | |
Lv 18+ | Aragoneu | Castle Oztroja |
Lv 20+ | Norvallen | Davoi |
Derfland | Beadeaux | |
Lv 23+ | Norvallen | Batallia Downs |
Lv 24+ | Derfland | Rolanberry Fields |
Lv 25+ | Aragoneu | Sauromugue Champaign |
Li'Telor | The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah | |
Lv 26+ | Qufim Island | Qufim Island |
Lv 30+ | Kuzotz | Eastern Altepa Desert |
Lv 31+ | Tavnazian Archipelago | Lufaise Meadows |
Tavnazian Archipelago | Misareaux Coast | |
Lv 34+ | Fauregandi | Beaucedine Glacier |
Lv 38+ | Fauregandi | Fei'Yin |
Lv 40+ | Norvallen | The Eldieme Necropolis |
Derfland | Crawlers' Nest | |
Aragoneu | Garlaige Citadel | |
Kuzotz | Western Altepa Desert | |
Lv 41+ | Qufim Island | Behemoth's Dominion |
Lv 42+ | Norvallen | Monastic Cavern |
Valdeaunia | Xarcabard | |
Lv 45+ | Sarutabaruta | Toraimarai Canal |
Lv 46+ | Valdeaunia | Castle Zvahl Keep |
Valdeaunia | Castle Zvahl Baileys | |
Lv 52+ | Ronfaure | Bostaunieux Oubliette |
Aragoneu | Castle Oztroja | |
Derfland | Beadeaux | |
Fauregandi | Fei'Yin | |
Lv 58+ | Aragoneu | Castle Oztroja |
Derfland | Beadeaux | |
Valdeaunia | Uleguerand Range | |
Lv 61+ | Arrapago Islands | Caedarva Mire |
Lv 62+ | Vollbow | Cape Teriggan |
Lv 63+ | West Aht Urhgan | Bhaflau Thickets |
Lv 66+ | Vollbow | Valley of Sorrows |
Lv 68+ | Lumoria | Al'Taieu |
Lv 78+ | Lumoria | The Garden of Ru'Hmet |
- When monipulators first enter the field or retry in the same area after being defeated in combat, they will experience "gestation," which bestows the following effects. In addition, monipulators are advised to flee to a safe spot during gestation periods.
- Undetectable by enemies
- Invisible
- Sprint
- Unable to attack
- The location at which monipulators spawn after either leaving the Feretory or retrying is randomly determined.
- The job ability Relinquish in the menu will end your possession of a monipulator and send your character back to the Odyssean Passage where you entered.
- (The game says you will return to the Feretory when using Relinquish; but this is an error.)
- You will get a 5 second count-down on screen. If you are aggro'ed, or move during these 5 seconds, you will not leave the monipulator form.
- If you are under the effect of a DOT or other detriment ability (i.e. [Frost], [Poison], etc...) the ability will not occur, and you will have to wait for the DOT effect to wear off before trying again.
Monipulator Aggro
Aggressive monsters in the field will still aggro players, even when they are in Monipulator form, with one notable exception:
- Monsters of the family that your Monipulator is strong against will not aggro you. For example, if you are playing a Beast-type mob, then Lizard-type mobs will not aggro you. If you are a Plantoid-type mob, then Beast-type mobs will not aggro you, etc.
Other Methods for Unlocking Species
Unlocking Via Infamy Exchange
Speak with Teyrnon in the Feretory to exchange infamy for new instincts and monster species and support effects.
Certain species and instincts must be unlocked by fulfilling requirements, and will be listed only after those requirements are met.
The infamy cost for job-related Instincts can be reduced by 50% by completing the level 70 Limit Break quest for that job.
Unlocking Via Trading Items
Certain subspecies may only be unlocked by trading specific items to the NPC Suibhne in the Feretory after fulfilling the requisite conditions.
- Suibhne will inform players as to what items they must procure after they have fulfilled the following conditions, so make sure to speak with him periodically.
- Can possess the species of the subspecies they wish to unlock.
- Are of the requisite level to unlock the subspecies.
- In the event that a player can unlock multiple subspecies, Suibhne will inform him of one requisite item at random.
- Any of the requisite items may be traded at any time. There is no reason for it to be the one Suibhne mentioned during a player's last conversation with him.
Experience Points
The amount of Experience Points required for a monipulator to level up is, thankfully, lower than that of players.
Experience Points/Level Breakdown
Refer to the tables below for the Experience Points required to progress through each level from 1-99.
- : The exp stops at 1 point before the 29,000 shown on screen, so cap is 28,999 / 996,399.
There is no need to even get 1 more exp over lvl. 99 as when you change species, you lose the exp over the lvl 99 amount.
Text Commands
- The text command /checkname (/cn) has been introduced.
- This command enables players to examine the true names of adventurers while they are possessing monsters in Monstrosity.
- This command functions in the exact same manner as /check when using it on normal adventurers.
- This command enables players to examine the true names of adventurers while they are possessing monsters in Monstrosity.
- The text command /monsterskill (/ms) has been introduced.
- /monsterskill (/ms) "[m.s. name]" "[target name]"
- You cannot use a job ability that you have not learned, or if the current environment restricts monster ability usage.
- This command may only be used in Monstrosity.
- /monsterskill (/ms) "[m.s. name]" "[target name]"
Players can fight against Monipulators in combat known as Belligerency. When a player obtains the Gladiatorial writ of summons, they sign up to fight Monipulators. Players in this state are known as "Gladiators". Only players in Monstrosity who also sign up for Belligerency in the Feretory are able to be attacked or attack Gladiators.
Players who are participating in Belligerency on either side will have a special icon displayed by their names. Stars are added as either Gladiator or Monipulator's ranks increase.
Only the following areas are eligible for Belligerency, and each one is level capped:
Level Cap | Area |
30 | Buburimu Peninsula |
60 | Xarcabard |
90 | Uleguerand Range |
Signing up as a Gladiator
The following conditions must be met to sign up as a Gladiator
- Complete Monstrosity (Quest).
- Speak to the Suspicious Hume in Pashhow Marshlands at (E-12) to hear about being a Gladiator.
- Obtain the
Gladiatorial writ of summons from any of the following NPCs:
- Suspicious Elvaan - Northern San d'Oria (L-8)
- Suspicious Tarutaru - Port Windurst (M-4)
- Suspicious Galka - Port Bastok (K-12)
- Note that you can return the
Gladiatorial writ of summons by speaking to them again. If you keep it, you will always enter Belligerency when you zone into an applicable area. Because these areas are level capped, you should never keep the key item on you.
When entering an applicable area, you are given a 1 minute effect which allows you time to prepare. You cannot warp to an area via Monstrosity, but any other method of transportation works.
Signing up as a Monipulator
Enter the Feretory and speak to Aengus. Select the option to participate in Belligerency. You will now only be able to warp to one of the three areas listed above. To exit Belligerency, simply speak to Aengus again and select the option.
Rules in Belligerency
There are a few limitations to know about during this content:
- Gladiators:
- Gladiators can form parties and alliances.
- Only one Monipulator may be claimed by a party or alliance.
- A Gladiator cannot trade or purchase items from a Bazaar with anyone who is not a Gladiator.
- If you have the
Gladiatorial writ of summons, you cannot Mount.
- Gladiators will suffer a 10 second Encumbrance effect after changing equipment.
- Monipulators:
- Only one party or alliance can claim a Gladiator at a time.
- You cannot assist other Monipulators who are fighting a Gladiator.
- If a party of alliance you "claimed" is disbanded after beginning the battle, you can only fight the player that has "claim" on you.
If you defeat a Monipulator as a Gladiator, you will earn a form of currency known as Prestige. Earning enough Prestige will increase your Gladiator rank, similar to how Infamy increases a Monipulator's rank. Below are the ranks, and they can be seen in-game under Profile > Status:
Prestige | Rank |
0~10,000 | Glad. (Gladiator) |
10,001~20,000 | CG (Champion Gladiator) |
20,001+ | HCG (High Champion Gladiator) |
The rate that Prestige is earned is as follows:
- Defeating a regular monster nets you 10% of the normal amount of Experience Points you would have earned.
- If you defeat a Monipulator, you receive 20% of the Monipulator's Infamy that they had upon being defeated. This amount is then split evenly between all party/alliance members.
- If you are defeated by a Monipulator, you lose 30% of your Prestige
- Monipulators who defeat Gladiators obtain 20% of each Gladiator's prestige, which is then converted into Infamy. The other 10% is lost.
Treasure Chests
When a Gladiator defeats a Monipulator, a treasure chest will drop. The spoils inside vary depending on the rank of the Monipulator that was slain.
Additionally, Gladiators must be a high enough rank to open the chest:
- "CG" or higher is needed to open chests from "NM" Monipulators.
- "HCG" is needed to open chests from "HNM" Monipulators.
Possible spoils include:
Exchanging Prestige
Gladiators may speak to any of the "Suspicious" NPCs to exchange Prestige for unique rewards:
- Suspicious Elvaan - Northern San d'Oria (L-8)
- Suspicious Tarutaru - Port Windurst (M-4)
- Suspicious Galka - Port Bastok (K-12)
The following items can be purchased:
Alloy Tonic: 5,000
- Grants 10 RP
Alloy Tonic +1: 10,000
- Grants 50 RP
Alloy Tonic +2: 20,000
- Grants 2,000 RP
Fiend Torque: 10,000
Animosity Torque: 25,000
Laceration Torque: 25,000
Goetic Torque: 25,000
Trade both the eligible torque and any Alloy Tonic to a "Suspicious" NPC above to augment a piece of equipment. You will then be asked to choose an augment path.
It takes 5,980 RP in order to cap a torque at Rank 15. This is essentially three Alloy Tonic +2.
You can change upgrade paths at any time.
It was announced on the official website that fully augmented torques at Rank 15 can be exchanged for a new one by trading it to one of the "Suspicious" NPCs. This is unclear in the community, and it is possible that it was never implemented. Please edit this article accordingly if information is known.
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category "Monstrosity"
The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total.