Maiden of the Dusk
- As part of Wings of the Goddess Mission 51.
- This mission battle was released at the level 90 cap. It is trivial for any Level 99 player, let alone any in ilvl equipment.
Lady Lilith
- DNC/BLM, ~9,800 HP.
- Immune to Silence and Sleep, and is resistant to Stun.
- Regular auto-attacks are AoE
darkness, remove shadows, and cause knockback.
- Casts Comet and, at low HP, Meteor.
- Additionally casts Breakga, Dispelga, Silencega, Graviga, Bindga, and Slowga.
- Uses the following moves:
- Dark Thorn:
Gains Dread Spikes and Stoneskin.
- Durance Whip: Conal
Damage, Bio, Bind, and Amnesia.
- Moonlight Veil: AoE
Damage, Terror, and spawns a Dark Gyve.
- Petaline Tempest:
Damage, Max HP, MP, and TP down.
- Subjugating Slash: Conal Damage, Knockback, and Dispels 3 enhancements.
Trance at 50% and then freely thereafter.
- While under trance, Lilith gains access to Fatal Allure a gaze-based Charm.
- This may be avoided by turning away from her.
Lilith Ascendant
- WHM/BLM, ~17,000 HP.
- Immune to Silence and Sleep, and is resistant to Stun.
- Uses the following moves:
- Dark Burst: Conal
Damage, Stun, resets all ability timers, and summons a Thunder Gyve.
- Dark Flare: Conal
Damage, TP reset, Enmity reduction, and summons a Fire Gyve.
- Dark Flood: Conal
Damage, Encumbrance, Knockback, and summons a Water Gyve.
- Dark Freeze: Conal
Damage, Terror, Enmity reduction, and summons an Ice Gyve.
- Dark Quake: AoE
Damage, Bind, Amnesia, and summons an Earth Gyve.
- Dark Tornado: AoE
Damage, full Dispel, Knockback, and summons a Wind Gyve.
- <50%, Gains and will use dialogue before these moves:
- Dark Moon: AoE
Damage, Weakness, and summons two Dark Gyves.
- Dark Sun:AoE
Damage, chance of Death, and summons two Light Gyves.
Maiden of the Dusk ★
- As part of the High-Tier Mission Battlefield
- The Maiden phantom gem
is only accessible after completing the mission Maiden of the Dusk.
- Unlike other similar fights such as A Stygian Pact ★, offensive Geomancy potency is not reduced based on the fight difficulty.
- After being struck with a Blood Pact, she will take 90% less damage from Blood Pacts for 10 seconds. This includes multi-hit Blood Pacts, so they should not be used.
- While Perfect Defense will reduce damage taken, neither it nor Asylum will outright prevent the enfeebling effects of Lilith's TP moves.
- These moves (excluding Fatal Allure) may still be resisted, but this becomes increasingly more difficult on higher difficulties.
- Has about 200k HP on Very Easy.
Gyves ★
- Once the fight commences, the battlefield will become encircled with Gyves.
- These Gyves may not be targeted or attacked.
- Players outside of this circle may not deal damage to Lilith.
- Spite Wardens however, will take damage outside of this circle.
- These Gyves will attack players which come within a distance of 6'.
- Summoned Gyves will not attack.
- Gyves absorb all forms of
magic damage.
- Lady Lilith summons Dark Gyves after utilizing a TP move.
- These have a magic evasion down aura.
- Additionally, a 5-count Doom aura is added, beginning on "Normal" difficulty and higher.
- Only players with enmity towards Lilith will be afflicted by the effects of summoned Gyves.
- Attacking summoned Gyves or Wardens will not incur enmity against Lady Lilith.
- Summoned Gyves will not despawn; even after Lilith Ascendant appears.
- Lilith Ascendant summons Light Gyves after utilizing a TP move.
- These have a Zombie and powerful Dia aura.
- Each Gyve present will reduce the damage Lilith Ascendant receives.
- Lilith Ascendant becomes immune to damage once five Light Gyves have been summoned.
Spite Wardens★
- Spawned by Lady Lilith on Normal or higher difficulty. The limit of Wardens is as follows:
- Normal: 1 Warden
- Difficulty: 2 Wardens
- Very Difficult: 3 Wardens
- Wardens spawn as non-targetable opponents from a Dark Gyve according to the TP move used by Lady Lilith.
- Wardens spawn with enmity towards the target of Lady Lilith at the time of summoning.
- A player with enmity towards Lilith may use an AoE such as Foil or Warcry to gain hate on the Warden.
- Defeating the Gyve they spawn from will proc blue
and make the corresponding Warden targetable.
- Wardens are not resummoned after being defeated.
- Defeating a Warden will add an additional treasure slot to the pool.
- Durance Whip will spawn Aquila (BLM).
- Aquila will take 25% damage from
magical and ranged attacks, but is susceptible to physical attacks..
- Aquila will cast Tier V elemental magic as well as -ga IIIs.
- Aquila will fight hand-to-hand and use their unique Altair Bullet.
- Altair Bullet: AoE 15'+
(around target) damage, Poison, Paralyze, Silence, Plague (-MP Only), and Knockback. Absorbable by shadows. 
- Subjugating Slash will spawn Haudrale(RDM).
- Haudrale will take 25% damage from
physical and magical attacks, but is susceptible to ranged attacks.
- Haudrale will cast Haste, Silence, Slowga, Bind, Paralyga, and Endark II.
- Haudrale will use high level sword weapon skills such as Chant du Cygne and their unique Savage Swordhand.
- Savage Swordhand: (AoE) 15' (around Haudrale)
damage, Amnesia, and Knockback. Absorbable by shadows. 
- Petaline Tempest will spawn Larzos (MNK).
- Larzos will take 25% damage from
physical and ranged attacks, but is susceptible to magic attacks despite resisting some elements. 
- Larzos will use high level staff weapon skills such as Garland of Bliss and their unique Forlorn Impact.
- Forlorn Impact: (AoE) 15'
(around target) damage, Paralyze, and Knockback. Ignores shadows.

Lady Lilith ★
- Immune to Sleep, and is resistant to Silence and Stun.
- Uses the following moves:
- Dark Thorn:
Gains a dispelable Dread Spikes and removes one enfeebling effect.
- Not used with difficulty set to "Very Easy".
- Durance Whip: Conal
Damage, Bio, Bind, and Amnesia.
- Fatal Allure: Conal Gaze Charm and 60 second Poison.
- Charm may be avoided by facing away from Lilith.
- Not used with difficulty set to "Very Easy".
- Moonlight Veil: AoE
Damage and Magic Defense Down.
- Petaline Tempest:
Damage, Max HP, MP, and TP down (1,000 max).
- Subjugating Slash: Damage and Enmity Reset.
- Deals 37.5% of Max HP during "Very Easy" difficulty.
- Deals 75% of Max HP during "Easy," "Normal", "Difficult", and "Very Difficult" difficulties.
- Bypasses reduction methods such as -Damage Taken, Sentinel's Scherzo, Perfect Defense, etc.
Lilith Ascendant ★
- Spawns on Normal difficulty and higher after defeating Lady Lilith.
- Immune to Silence and Sleep, and is resistant to Stun.
- Uses the following moves:
- Dark Burst: Conal
Damage, Magic Defense Bonus Down, and MND down.
- Dark Flare: Conal
Damage, Magic Attack Bonus Down, and INT down.
- Dark Flood: Conal
Damage, Attack Down (-75%), and STR Down to 1.
- Dark Freeze: Conal
Damage, Evasion Down (-500), and AGI Down.
- Dark Quake: AoE
Damage, Accuracy Down (-500), and DEX Down.
- Dark Tornado: AoE
Damage, Defense Down (-75%), and VIT Down.
Trance: Uses two random moves and gains access to Dark Moon and Dark Sun.
- Dark Moon: AoE
Damage, Magic Evasion Down, and Plague (-10 MP/tic).
- Dark Sun:AoE
Damage, Magic Accuracy Down, and Dia (-100 HP/tic).
- Enmity/Strategy Note: Players may buff then split parties after entering. Allowing for a tank and support mage to hold Lilith while the other four eliminate the Gyves and Wardens.
- The Gyves will not afflict the secondary party as they have no enmity on Lilith yet.
- This will also prevent these players from being hit by any of Lady Lilith's moves or Meteors.
- Players may then eliminate a Gyve to proc a Spite Warden and Call for Help against this Warden, without doing so on Lilith.
- Thus the tank may hold Wardens and Lilith without the secondary party being impacted. Simply regroup after the Wardens before continuing with the rest of the fight.
- Spite Warden's spells and moves will hit players outside of party, regardless of enmity.
- Calling for help still gains players the extra drop slot as the items come from Lilith herself and the Warden was still defeated.
- Calling for help against Lilith will prevent any drops besides the personal pool of REM Chapters from dropping.