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General Notes

Maiden of the Dusk

As part of Wings of the Goddess Mission 51.
  • This mission battle was released at the level 90 cap. It is trivial for any Level 99 player, let alone any in ilvl equipment.
Lilith 1.png

Lady Lilith

  • DNC/BLM, ~9,800 HP.
  • Immune to Silence and Sleep, and is resistant to Stun.
  • Regular auto-attacks are AoE Magical Damage Element: Dark darkness, remove shadows, and cause knockback.
  • Casts Comet and, at low HP, Meteor.
  • Additionally casts Breakga, Dispelga, Silencega, Graviga, Bindga, and Slowga.
  • Uses the following moves:
  • Dark Thorn: Status Enhancement Gains Dread Spikes and Stoneskin.
  • Durance Whip: Conal Physical Damage Damage, Bio, Bind, and Amnesia.
  • Moonlight Veil: AoE Magical Damage Element: Dark Damage, Terror, and spawns a Dark Gyve.
  • Proceeded by dialogue.
  • Petaline Tempest: Magical Damage Damage, Max HP, MP, and TP down.
  • Subjugating Slash: Conal Damage, Knockback, and Dispels 3 enhancements.
  • Two-Hour ability Trance at 50% and then freely thereafter.
  • While under trance, Lilith gains access to Fatal Allure a gaze-based Charm.
  • This may be avoided by turning away from her.
Lilith 2.png

Lilith Ascendant

  • WHM/BLM, ~17,000 HP.
  • Immune to Silence and Sleep, and is resistant to Stun.
  • Uses the following moves:
  • Dark Burst: Conal Magical Damage Element: Thunder Damage, Stun, resets all ability timers, and summons a Thunder Gyve.
  • Dark Flare: Conal Magical Damage Element: Fire Damage, TP reset, Enmity reduction, and summons a Fire Gyve.
  • Dark Flood: Conal Magical Damage Element: Water Damage, Encumbrance, Knockback, and summons a Water Gyve.
  • Dark Freeze: Conal Magical Damage Element: Ice Damage, Terror, Enmity reduction, and summons an Ice Gyve.
  • Dark Quake: AoE Magical Damage Element: Earth Damage, Bind, Amnesia, and summons an Earth Gyve.
  • Dark Tornado: AoE Magical Damage Element: Wind Damage, full Dispel, Knockback, and summons a Wind Gyve.
<50%, Gains and will use dialogue before these moves:
  • Dark Moon: AoE Magical Damage Element: Dark Damage, Weakness, and summons two Dark Gyves.
  • Dark Sun:AoE Magical Damage Element: Light Damage, chance of Death, and summons two Light Gyves.

Maiden of the Dusk ★

As part of the High-Tier Mission Battlefield
  • The Maiden phantom gem Key Item is only accessible after completing the mission Maiden of the Dusk.
  • Unlike other similar fights such as A Stygian Pact ★, offensive Geomancy potency is not reduced based on the fight difficulty.
  • After being struck with a Blood Pact, she will take 90% less damage from Blood Pacts for 10 seconds. This includes multi-hit Blood Pacts, so they should not be used.
  • While Perfect Defense will reduce damage taken, neither it nor Asylum will outright prevent the enfeebling effects of Lilith's TP moves.
  • These moves (excluding Fatal Allure) may still be resisted, but this becomes increasingly more difficult on higher difficulties.
  • Has about 200k HP on Very Easy.

Gyves ★

  • Once the fight commences, the battlefield will become encircled with Gyves.
  • These Gyves may not be targeted or attacked.
  • Players outside of this circle may not deal damage to Lilith.
  • Spite Wardens however, will take damage outside of this circle.
  • These Gyves will attack players which come within a distance of 6'.
  • Summoned Gyves will not attack.
  • Gyves absorb all forms of Magical Damage magic damage.
Dark Gyve.png
  • Lady Lilith summons Dark Gyves after utilizing a TP move.
  • These have a magic evasion down aura.
  • Additionally, a 5-count Doom aura is added, beginning on "Normal" difficulty and higher.
  • Only players with enmity towards Lilith will be afflicted by the effects of summoned Gyves.
  • Attacking summoned Gyves or Wardens will not incur enmity against Lady Lilith.
  • Summoned Gyves will not despawn; even after Lilith Ascendant appears.
Light Gyve.png
  • Lilith Ascendant summons Light Gyves after utilizing a TP move.
  • These have a Zombie and powerful Dia aura.
  • Each Gyve present will reduce the damage Lilith Ascendant receives.
  • Lilith Ascendant becomes immune to damage once five Light Gyves have been summoned.

Spite Wardens★

  • Spawned by Lady Lilith on Normal or higher difficulty. The limit of Wardens is as follows:
  • Normal: 1 Warden
  • Difficulty: 2 Wardens
  • Very Difficult: 3 Wardens
  • Wardens spawn as non-targetable opponents from a Dark Gyve according to the TP move used by Lady Lilith.
  • Wardens spawn with enmity towards the target of Lady Lilith at the time of summoning.
  • A player with enmity towards Lilith may use an AoE such as Foil or Warcry to gain hate on the Warden.
  • Defeating the Gyve they spawn from will proc blue Blue.png and make the corresponding Warden targetable.
  • Wardens are not resummoned after being defeated.
  • Defeating a Warden will add an additional treasure slot to the pool.
  • Durance Whip will spawn Aquila (BLM).
  • Aquila will take 25% damage from Magical Damage magical and Ranged ranged attacks, but is susceptible to Physical Damage physical attacks..
  • Aquila will cast Tier V elemental magic as well as -ga IIIs.
  • Aquila will fight hand-to-hand and use their unique Altair Bullet.
  • Altair Bullet: AoE 15'+ Verification Needed (around target) Physical Damage damage, Poison, Paralyze, Silence, Plague (-MP Only), and Knockback. Absorbable by shadows. Verification Needed
  • Subjugating Slash will spawn Haudrale(RDM).
  • Haudrale will take 25% damage from Physical Damage physical and Magical Damage magical attacks, but is susceptible to Ranged ranged attacks.
  • Haudrale will cast Haste, Silence, Slowga, Bind, Paralyga, and Endark II.
  • Haudrale will use high level sword weapon skills such as Chant du Cygne and their unique Savage Swordhand.
  • Savage Swordhand: (AoE) 15' (around Haudrale) Physical Damage damage, Amnesia, and Knockback. Absorbable by shadows. Verification Needed
  • Petaline Tempest will spawn Larzos (MNK).
  • Larzos will take 25% damage from Physical Damage physical and Ranged ranged attacks, but is susceptible to Magical Damage magic attacks despite resisting some elements. Information Needed
  • Larzos will use high level staff weapon skills such as Garland of Bliss and their unique Forlorn Impact.
  • Forlorn Impact: (AoE) 15' Verification Needed (around target) Physical Damage damage, Paralyze, and Knockback. Ignores shadows.
Lilith 1.png

Lady Lilith ★

  • Immune to Sleep, and is resistant to Silence and Stun.
  • Uses the following moves:
  • Dark Thorn: Status Enhancement Gains a dispelable Dread Spikes and removes one enfeebling effect.
  • Not used with difficulty set to "Very Easy".
  • Durance Whip: Conal Physical Damage Damage, Bio, Bind, and Amnesia.
  • Fatal Allure: Conal Gaze Charm and 60 second Poison.
  • Charm may be avoided by facing away from Lilith.
  • Not used with difficulty set to "Very Easy".
  • Moonlight Veil: AoE Magical Damage Element: Dark Damage and Magic Defense Down.
  • Petaline Tempest: Magical Damage Damage, Max HP, MP, and TP down (1,000 max).
  • Subjugating Slash: Damage and Enmity Reset.
  • Deals 37.5% of Max HP during "Very Easy" difficulty.
  • Deals 75% of Max HP during "Easy," "Normal", "Difficult", and "Very Difficult" difficulties.
  • Bypasses reduction methods such as -Damage Taken, Sentinel's Scherzo, Perfect Defense, etc.
Lilith 2.png

Lilith Ascendant ★

  • Spawns on Normal difficulty and higher after defeating Lady Lilith.
  • Immune to Silence and Sleep, and is resistant to Stun.
  • Uses the following moves:
  • Dark Burst: Conal Magical Damage Element: Thunder Damage, Magic Defense Bonus Down, and MND down.
  • Dark Flare: Conal Magical Damage Element: Fire Damage, Magic Attack Bonus Down, and INT down.
  • Dark Flood: Conal Magical Damage Element: Water Damage, Attack Down (-75%), and STR Down to 1.
  • Dark Freeze: Conal Magical Damage Element: Ice Damage, Evasion Down (-500), and AGI Down.
  • Dark Quake: AoE Magical Damage Element: Earth Damage, Accuracy Down (-500), and DEX Down.
  • Dark Tornado: AoE Magical Damage Element: Wind Damage, Defense Down (-75%), and VIT Down.
  • Two-Hour ability Trance: Uses two random moves and gains access to Dark Moon and Dark Sun.
  • Dark Moon: AoE Magical Damage Element: Dark Damage, Magic Evasion Down, and Plague (-10 MP/tic).
  • Dark Sun:AoE Magical Damage Element: Light Damage, Magic Accuracy Down, and Dia (-100 HP/tic).

  • Enmity/Strategy Note: Players may buff then split parties after entering. Allowing for a tank and support mage to hold Lilith while the other four eliminate the Gyves and Wardens.
  • The Gyves will not afflict the secondary party as they have no enmity on Lilith yet.
  • This will also prevent these players from being hit by any of Lady Lilith's moves or Meteors.
  • Players may then eliminate a Gyve to proc a Spite Warden and Call for Help against this Warden, without doing so on Lilith.
  • Thus the tank may hold Wardens and Lilith without the secondary party being impacted. Simply regroup after the Wardens before continuing with the rest of the fight.
  • Spite Warden's spells and moves will hit players outside of party, regardless of enmity.
  • Calling for help still gains players the extra drop slot as the items come from Lilith herself and the Warden was still defeated.
  • Calling for help against Lilith will prevent any drops besides the personal pool of REM Chapters from dropping.

Update12-06-2010 0.jpg
Type Humanoid
Family Unclassified
Job Dancer's Tiara icon.png Dancer
Healer's Cap icon.png White Mage
Sub Job Wizard's Petasos icon.png Black Mage
Class Mission NM
Battlefield NM
Lady Lilith Resistances
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
100% 100% 100% 70% 100% 100% 100% 50%
Lilith Ascendant Resistances
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
60% 60% 60% 20% 60% 60% 60% 20%
Lady Lilith ★ Resistances
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
50% 50% 50% 20% 40% 40% 40% A
Lilith Ascendant ★ Resistances
Physical Damage Magical Damage Breath Damage Slashing Blunt H2H Piercing Ranged
100% 100% 50% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Element: Fire Element: Wind Element: Thunder Element: Light Element: Ice Element: Earth Element: Water Element: Dark
20% 20% 20% A 50% 50% 50% 20%
A: Absorbs · S: Susceptible · R: Resists
100% denotates that a monster takes full damage.
Tiers of 50% or less guarantee a spell resist.


Listings by Zone
  Walk of Echoes
FFXIDB Icon v3.png

     Battlefield: Maiden of the Dusk
     Possess: Primal glow (All Members)
Level Behavior
This monster is aggressive.
~9,800 / ~17,000 CheckCheck
Abilities Spells
Lady Lilith:
Dark Thorn
Durance Whip
Moonlight Veil
Petaline Tempest
Subjugating Slash
Fatal Allure
Lilith Ascendant:
Dark Burst
Dark Flare
Dark Flood
Dark Freeze
Dark Quake
Dark Tornado
Dark Moon
Dark Sun
Lady Lilith:
Lilith Ascendant:
Resist Silence
Resist Sleep
Resist Stun
  Walk of Echoes [P]

     Battlefield: Maiden of the Dusk ★
     Possess: Maiden phantom gem (All Members)
Level Behavior
This monster is aggressive.
VE: ~200k

  E: Question
  N: Question
  D: Question

CheckCheck VE: Question

  E: Question
  N: Question
  D: Question
VD: 1,4201/1,3192

Lilith Liquidator (VD Clear)
Abilities Spells
Lady Lilith ★:
Dark Thorn
Durance Whip
Moonlight Veil
Petaline Tempest
Subjugating Slash
Fatal Allure
Lilith Ascendant ★:
Dark Burst
Dark Flare
Dark Flood
Dark Freeze
Dark Quake
Dark Tornado
Dark Moon
Dark Sun
Lady Lilith ★:
Lilith Ascendant ★:
Resist Silence
Resist Sleep
Resist Stun

Ability Information