A Stygian Pact ★
- This starts at -10% damage dealt, increases to -25%, -60%, and caps of -85% by use of the same skill seven times.
- This reduction is applied to each singular skill and is not reduced in time.
- Players must use five other abilities to reset the reduction.
- Debuffs such as slow, silence, dispel, etc as well as other weaponskills count towards resetting the penalties.
- The potency of Dread Spikes will increase with higher difficulties chosen.
- The effects of Geomancy against Odin Prime are reduced based on the difficulty chosen:
- This does not affect Geomancy for the players themselves.
- Very Easy: -0%
- Easy: -25%
- Normal: -50%
- Difficult: -75%
- Very Difficult: -75%
- Gains access to Kaustra during Manafont
- Susceptible to Silence, but resistance grows steeply after only one or two applications.
- Geirrothr
damage is split among the players it impacts, and varies based on difficulty.
- Sanngetall's removal of all rolls and songs makes Scherzo unreliable, but will not remove Earthen Armor or Migawari.
- Very Easy: 6,000
- Easy: 9,000
- Normal: 12,000
- Difficult: 15,000
- Very Difficult: 18,000
- Zantetsuken X is used at <50% HP and will K.O. any players with a defense a certain amount below Odin Prime's attack.
- Dispelling the attack boost from Yggr and Endark, using Bio and Attack Down, and boosting defense will all increase survivability.
- The attack boost from Yggr overwrites and is overwritten by attack down effects such as Tidal Roar or Full Break.