- Her weaponskills are Dark Flare, Dark Burst, Dark Quake, Dark Freeze, Dark Tornado - they are conal attacks that do sizable amounts of damage.
- She summons Elemental Gyves after each use, they can be nuked down fairly easily. They apply various elementally aligned debuffs.
- She also has a weaponskill called Dark Moon that causes weakness for a short period of time.
- Her one hour is Dark Sun, it is AoE death in approximately a 15 yalm radius
. She will say a line before she uses it, so be prepared to run when she is under 50%.
★Maiden of the Dusk
- In the first phase she has the same TP move set as the lower difficulties.
- On her 2nd TP move and beyond she will get adds (up to 3) that hit hard and (afaik) don't depop even after the first phase ends.
- She takes great damage from Light skillchains here.
- In the second phase, if you let her get a TP move off it will zero a particular stat for your characters (For example, INT will be 0'd).
- TP denial via Absorb-TP or DRK SP2 Soul Enslavement is best to avoid any TP moves from happening at all.
- She heals from Light damage and skillchains are a part of this.