Magic Burst

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A Magic Burst ("MB") can be performed by casting a spell such that the spell lands on the target within a brief window after a Skillchain was created on that target composed of an element associated with the casted spell.

How to Magic Burst

  • A spell must be timed so that it finishes casting and lands on the target during the magic burst window.
  • When performed successfully, the text indicating the spell or ability's effect will be preceded by "Magic Burst!" in the chat log.

The Effects of a Magic Burst

  • A magic burst can be performed with any monster-targeted spell as well as with elemental Blood Pacts and Wyvern breaths, and yields a substantial increase in magic accuracy and damage for the spells/abilities that land with the correct timing.
    • The bonus to magic accuracy is speculated to be +100. Verification Needed
    • For enfeebling magic and other spells that do not deal direct damage, only accuracy (not potency) is affected.
    • A magic burst from a wyvern's breath attack only enhances the magic accuracy (not damage) of the breath used.
      • The probability of Dragoon's Wyvern choosing the correct element to magic burst increases when using Drachen Armet/+1.

Elemental Alignments

The skillchain alignments of each element for magic bursts are shown below:

Damage Bonus

  • A two-stage skillchain (created by two Weapon Skills) will result in a 35% increase in magic damage on the magic burst.
  • All stages beyond that will result in an additional 10% damage increase on magic bursted spells (a three-stage skillchain will yield a 45% damage increase, four-stage will yield a 55% damage increase, etc.).
  • Resistance ranks modify the damage bonus, by amounts given in the following table:
Resistance Rank: 150% 130% 115% 100% 85% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5%
Magic Burst Damage Bonus: +150% +115% +85% +60% +50% +40% +15% +5% +0% +0% +0% +0% +0% +0% +0%
  • This is additive with the normal damage bonus that magic bursts give: +35% with +10% for each additional skillchain step. For example, on an enemy with a resistance rank of 115% (after modifying resistance rank with the active skillchain), the magic burst would give a damage increase of 35% + 85% = 120%.

Enhancing Magic Bursts

  • If a magic burst is performed successfully, its damage can be further enhanced by magic burst bonus equipment and other related buffs.
    • The effect of this equipment is additive in a separate damage multiplying step of the magic damage equation.
    • The effects of upgrading Ancient Magic II spells' MB damage with merit points is also an additive bonus with this term (3% additional per upgrade, 15% with 5 upgrades).
    • The effects of Atma of Illusions (10%) and Atmacite of Finesse (2~30%) are additive bonuses with this term.
    • The Magic Burst Bonus job trait is also an additive bonus with this term that exceeds the term cap.

Example: BLM99 with 13% Magic Burst Bonus trait magic bursting a 4/5 merited Freeze II (+12%) while equipped with Sorcerer's Gloves (5%) and Static Earring (5%) will receive an additional 1.35 damage multiplier term, separate from the 1.3 damage multiplier term associated with the magic burst itself, for an overall effect of over +75% damage.

  • The Magic Burst damage enhancement from equipment, Atma/Atmacite, and merit points (in the case of Ancient Magic II) caps at +40%.
    • The following categories are separate from and exceed/are not subject to the aforementioned 40% Magic Burst damage cap:
      • The Magic Burst Bonus job trait, including the effects of Cardinal Chant.
      • Magic Burst damage Job Points.
      • Magic Burst damage Gifts.
      • Equipment listed under the Magic Burst Damage II on the following table.
        • There is currently no known cap to Magic Burst Damage II.

Magic Burst Damage I (40% cap)
Equipment Damage Bonus Player Level Item Level
Akademos +10% 99 119
Bunzi's Rod +10% 99 119
Cath Palug Hammer +7% 99 119
Kunimitsu +10% 99 119
Maxentius # of skillchains × 4% 99 119
Catalyst +5% 69 -
Ea Hat +6% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Houppelande +8% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Cuffs +5% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Slops +7% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Pigaches +4% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Hat +1 +7% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Houppelande +1 +9% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Cuffs +1 +6% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Slops +1 +8% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Pigaches +1 +5% 99 119 (Su3)
Spaekona's Sabots +2 +5% 99 119
Spaekona's Sabots +3 +10% 99 119
Sorcerer's Gloves +5% 72 -
Sorcerer's Gloves +1 +5% 75 -
Sorcerer's Gloves +2 +10% 90 -
Archmage's Gloves +13% 99 109
Archmage's Gloves +1 +16% 99 119
Archmage's Gloves +2 +18% 99 119
Archmage's Gloves +3 +20% 99 119
Atrophy Chapeau +2 +5% 99 119
Atrophy Chapeau +3 +10% 99 119
Lethargy Fuseau +2 +10% 99 119
Hachiya Kyahan +2 +5% 99 119
Hachiya Kyahan +3 +10% 99 119
Assimilator's Shalwar +2 +5% 99 119
Assimilator's Shalwar +3 +10% 99 119
Hashishin Basmak +2 +10% 99 119
Hashishin Basmak +3 +15% 99 119
Academic's Gown +2 +5% 99 119
Academic's Gown +3 +10% 99 119
Arbatel Bracers +2 +10% 99 119
Arbatel Bracers +3 +15% 99 119
Bagua Mitaines +2 +8% 99 119
Bagua Mitaines +3 +12% 99 119
Azimuth Tights +2 +10% 99 119
Azimuth Tights +3 +15% 99 119
Agwu's Cap +7% 99 119
Agwu's Robe +10% 99 119
Agwu's Gages +8% 99 119
Agwu's Slops +9% 99 119
Agwu's Pigaches +6% 99 119
Bunzi's Hat +7% 99 119
Bunzi's Robe +10% 99 119
Bunzi's Gloves +8% 99 119
Bunzi's Pants +9% 99 119
Bunzi's Sabots +6% 99 119
Nyame Helm +5% 99 119
Nyame Mail +7% 99 119
Nyame Gauntlets +5% 99 119
Nyame Flanchard +6% 99 119
Nyame Sollerets +5% 99 119
Mallquis Trews +3% 99 119
Mallquis Trews +1 +5% 99 119
Mallquis Trews +2 +6% 99 119
Jhakri Pigaches +3% 99 119
Jhakri Pigaches +1 +5% 99 119
Jhakri Pigaches +2 +7% 99 119
Baalmuian Robe Question 99 -
Chelona Trousers +1 +Question% 99 -
Chelona Trousers +10% 99 -
Argute Stole +5% 99 -
Argute Stole +1 +7% 99 -
Argute Stole +2 +10% 99 -
Mizukage-no-Kubikazari +10% 99 -
Channeling Robe +2% 34 -
Nebula Houppelande +Question% 87 -
Nebula Houppelande +1 +Question% 87 -
Menhit Leggings +4% 89 -
Locus Ring +5% 99 -
Static Earring +5% 72 -
Grioavolr Augment-Icon.png: +1-10% 99 119
Helios Armor Set Augment-Icon.png: +1-10% 99 119
Herculean Armor Set Augment-Icon.png: +1-8% 99 119
Merlinic Armor Set Augment-Icon.png: +1-11% 99 119
Sorcerer's Stole Augment-Icon.png: +0-6% 99 -
Sorcerer's Stole +1 Augment-Icon.png: +0-8% 99 -
Sorcerer's Stole +2 Augment-Icon.png: +0-10% 99 -
Zenith Mitts Augment-Icon.png: +2-9% 73 -
Zenith Mitts +1 Augment-Icon.png: +2-10% 73 -
Blitzer Poleyn Augment-Icon.png: +10% 75 -
Desultor Tassets Augment-Icon.png: +10% 75 -
Tatsumaki Sitagoromo Augment-Icon.png: +10% 75 -
Modified by Equipment/Atma/Atmacite
Atma of Illusions +10% - -
Atmacite of Finesse +2~30% - -
Magic Burst Damage II (Question% cap)
Equipment Damage Bonus Player Level Item Level
Arasy Staff +3% 99 119
Arasy Staff +1 +5% 99 119
Ochu +13% 99 119
Mpaca's Staff +3% 99 119
Ea Hat +6% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Hat +1 +7% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Houppelande +8% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Houppelande +1 +9% 99 119 (Su3)
Samnuha Coat +8% 99 119
Amalric Gages +5% 99 119
Amalric Gages +1 +6% 99 119
Ea Cuffs +5% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Cuffs +1 +6% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Slops +7% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Slops +1 +8% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Pigaches +4% 99 119 (Su3)
Ea Pigaches +1 +5% 99 119 (Su3)
Mujin Band +5% 88 -
Pedagogy Mortarboard +2 +2% 99 119
Pedagogy Mortarboard +3 +4% 99 119
Arbatel Loafers +2 +4% 99 119
Arbatel Loafers +3 +5% 99 119
Azimuth Coat +2 +4% 99 119
Azimuth Coat +3 +5% 99 119
Spaekona's Gloves +2 +4% 99 119
Spaekona's Gloves +3 +8% 99 119
Archmage's Tonban +2 +2% 99 119
Archmage's Tonban +3 +3% 99 119
Wicce Coat +2 +4% 99 119
Wicce Coat +3 +5% 99 119
Agwu's Gages Augment-Icon.png: +1-6% 99 119
Bunzi's Gloves Augment-Icon.png: +1-6% 99 119
Nyame Helm Augment-Icon.png: +1-6% 99 119
Nyame Mail Augment-Icon.png: +1-7% 99 119
Nyame Gauntlets Augment-Icon.png: +1-5% 99 119
Nyame Flanchard Augment-Icon.png: +1-5% 99 119
Nyame Sollerets Augment-Icon.png: +1-5% 99 119

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