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Mentors are experienced adventurers who have registered with the Adventurers' Mutual Aid Network (A.M.A.N.), a non-governmental organization founded by adventurers and merchants. These mentors help and advise new adventurers as well as any others in need of assistance throughout Vana'diel.

The Mentor Program was created as a means for players to help one another. Mentors are regular players who offer answers and advice on gameplay to other players. They are neither representatives nor employees of Square Enix.

How to Join the Mentor Program

To register as a mentor, speak with one of the A.M.A.N. representatives below and accept the Records of Eminence objective called Mentor License.

  • Emeige A.M.A.N. - Northern San d'Oria (I-7)
  • Kopua-Mobua A.M.A.N. - Windurst Woods (G-11)
  • Udine A.M.A.N. - Bastok Metalworks (H-8)
    • You must meet certain requirements in order to accept this objective:
  1. Your current Main Job must be at least level 30.
  2. Your play time must tally at least 180 hours, or "7 Days 12:00:00 Hours"+ when using the /playtime command.
  3. Must have completed RoE Repelling an Ambuscade.

After accepting the Mentor License objective, the following Records of Eminence objectives then need to be completed to then complete the Mentor License objective. If you have already completed these objectives, you will then be able to complete the Mentor License objective quickly thereafter.

  • 20+ Combat (Wide Area) objectives
  • 40+ Combat (Region) objectives
  • 30+ Content objectives
  • 10+ Achievements objectives.

After completing the requirements, you can then speak to one of the three A.M.A.N. representatives above. You will now be able to access the Mentor role.

Serving as a Mentor

You can enable the mentor status two ways, and at any time.

  1. Under the "Help Desk" > Config menu
  2. Using the command "/mentor on"
  • "/mentor off" will disable mentor status

Players can find a mentor using the "Help Desk" > Mentor Search menu. This allows you to have a list of mentors displayed, and you can select one to send a /tell to.

Assist Channel

The assist channel is a form of communication that was added to the game in the November 2020 Version Update. The purpose of this channel is for new and returning players to ask questions to mentors in-game without having to use /shout, /yell, or turn to community websites for questions.

There are two separate channels, one for Japanese players and one for English. Every player can see both channels in their log, and eligible players can send messages in either one. To know which channel is being used, a simple (E) will follow player's names who send a message in the English channel. A (J) will follow players names who spoke in the Japanese channel.

The A.M.A.N. Liaison NPCs explain the Assist Channel and all of it's aspects. These NPCs can be spotted in game with an "i" logo next to their name.


Only the following players are able to send messages in the Assist Channels:

  • Players who have the "New Adventurer" status. This is the "?" icon that new characters start with.
    • Even if this icon is turned off, players can still use the assist channel.
  • Being a returning player for whom 48 days have passed since the player's previous login.
  • Mentors who have their mentor status turned on.

Returnees and new players are only able to send messages in the Assist Channel for a total of 240 hours of playtime (AKA: time actually logged into the game on that character). If you are eligible to send messages and you are not a mentor, the deadline is displayed as a date and time whenever you enter an area where you can send or receive messages via the Assist Channel. This time adjusts according to your active playtime.

Sending Messages

To send a message in the Assist Channel, there are two commands:

  1. /ae or /assiste is used for the English Assist Channel
  2. /aj or /assist is used for the Japanese Assist Channel
  • Additionally, the command Ctrl + Q can be used to quickly open the chat box based on the language of the game client you are playing on. Pushing it again switches to the opposite language's channel.

Assist Channel messages can only be sent and received when players are in one of the following locations:

Muting Players

The ability to mute players from the Assist Channel was implemented as a countermeasure for harassment. Only Mentors with a Mastery Rank of 6 or higher are able to add or remove players from the mute list. If a player is muted, their Assist Channel messages are filtered for 24 real life hours. There is no indication that your Assist Channel messages are being filtered, only a message that you were added to the mute list.

To add a player to the mute list:

  • Expand the the chat log to full screen.
  • Highlight the message of the player to add to the mute list.
  • Select "Enter", and a menu on the top right will appear.
  • Click "Add to Mute List"

The command "/mutelist" can be used to pull up the current mute list. Players can then be removed within this menu by clicking their name and then removing them in the sub menu.

If a player is added to the mute list, everyone who can read the Assist Channel receives the notification that a player was added to the mute list and who added them. This also works in reverse; everyone can see who is removed from the mute list and by whom.

Similarly, Mentors are able to give a warning to players if they deem it necessary. This is done by following the steps above, but instead click on the "Give Warning" option. A message is displayed to the player who received the warning that they have been warned. Mentors can only issue one Warning per day.

Although this system may sound great in practice, in reality may not be. Players often mute others for no reason at all, even if their messages were not inappropriate. This often results in mute battles. This is where other players then remove the muted player, and in return mute the person who muted the first player. Other players who were not involved also join in on this act since everybody who can read the Assist Channel chat receives the mute/unmute messages.

Evaluating Mentors

All mentors have a flag to the left of their name while chatting in the Assist Channel. If you deem a Mentor's Assist Channel message to be worthwhile, you can give them a "Thumbs Up". This raises their evaluation score, and will eventually reward them the next tier flag.

There are limitations and requirements to "Thumbs Up" mentors:

  • You can only "Thumbs Up" a mentor up to 10 minutes after they sent a message.
    • If they log off before the 10 minutes is up, you cannot give them a rating.
  • You must be able to speak in the Assist Channel in order to send a "Thumbs Up".
    • See the requirements needed above under the Assist Channel section.
  • You can only send one Thumbs Up per Earth day. This means you cannot rate up more than one person per Earth day.
  • Mentors can "Thumbs Up" other Mentors, but the same rules above apply.

If a player gives you a "Thumbs Up", a message is displayed to the Mentor who received it saying that a player has given one to them. It does not say who gave them the evaluation. Mentors can only receive up to three "Thumbs Up" evaluations per Earth Day.

  • All Mentors start with the Bronze flag.
  • 50 "Thumbs Up" evaluations reward the Silver flag.
  • 50 additional "Thumbs Up" evaluations reward the Gold flag.

Mentor Flags.jpg

Evaluations are tallied at JP Midnight, and flags are then upgraded at that time. Evaluations and flags are not lost over time. There is no known benefit to receiving more than 100 "Thumbs Up" evaluations.

Mastery Rank

Were you looking for Master Level?

Mastery Rank is a numerical value representative your completion of missions, quest, and various other types of in-game content. The higher the rank, the more you have completed. This rank has no effect on gameplay. You can view your Mastery Rank at any time under Profile in the Status menu. Mastery Rank is also displayed to the left of a player's name, on top of the flag they have achieved when speaking in the Assist Channel.

All players have a Mastery Rank even if they do not sign up to be a Mentor.

Note that the one effect Mastery Rank has is your ability to place and remove players on the Mute List in the Assist Channel. Only players with Mastery Rank of 6 or higher are able to place and remove players on the Mute List.

Increasing Mastery Rank

There are 8 Mastery Ranks, which was confirmed by the 2022 Reddit AMA. The exact criteria to gain level ups is not known, so players wanting to level up Mastery Rank should focus on clearing quests/missions/NM kills to acquire a large amount of Titles. In game, Titles can be checked at the Title Changer NPCs. Note that a small number of titles are currently bugged, some are not achievable anymore, and some are thought to be unachievable at all at any point.

SE noted the following items impact rank on their official forum response here:

  • Number of days played
  • Mission progression level
  • Number of completed quests
  • Combat Skills / Magic Skills
  • Synthesis Skill / Fishing Skill
  • Number of Trusts
  • Battle Contents. Ex: Dynamis, Nyzul, MMM, Skirmish, Omen, and numerous others.
  • Non-Battle Contents. Ex: Chocobo Racing, Mog Garden, Home Points, and numerous others

Because titles are closely related (they say 'nearly equal'), titles received from clearing content are related to Mastery Rank. To give one example, the title "Expeditionary Trooper" received from doing an Expeditionary Force qualifies. There are a wide number of things related to Mastery Rank. One confirmed item is the Key Item Medal of Altana §§§§, which was confirmed to have the same weight as 10 titles.

Mastery Rank is updated when you zone, so if you do something that you suspect increases Mastery Rank, you should zone to confirm that your rank has changed.


Mastery Rank Data

Mastery Rank increases on zone