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![]() The Voracious Resurgence |
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Prime Weapons • Ultimate Weapons • Ultimate Augments • Abjurations iL119 • JSE Necks • Divergence Augments • Escutcheons | |
Reforged Armor Artifact: +1 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 Relic: +1/+2 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 Empyrean: +1/+2 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 |
Guides • Crafting • Trusts • Apex Monsters |
Main Menu
From FFXI Wiki
Menu 1
- Status - Displays various information on the character's condition.
- Profile - Displays Nation affiliation, Rank, Race, Current Home Point, Title, Mastery Rank, Monstrosity and other general info bits.
- Job Levels - Displays all available jobs and their levels. Unlocked advanced jobs will be added to this list.
- Master Levels - Displays all jobs able to receive Master Levels by earning all 2100 Job Points of a specific job.
- Combat Skills - Displays all available Combat Skill levels via gear, Merits, and job combinations.
- Magic Skills - Displays all available Magic Skill levels via gear, Merits, and job combinations.
- Craft Skills - Displays all available Crafting Skill levels.
- Currencies - Displays a wide variety of different game-system currencies, not related to gil.
- Currencies 2 - Displays additional game-system currencies.
- Unity
- Unity Info - Displays current Unity affiliation, ranking, and evaluation.
- Unity chat settings - Toggles Unity chat on/off.
- Ranking Info - Displays Unity rank versus other Unity groups.
- Unity Lists - Displays other characters in a specified Unity.
- Unity Info - Displays current Unity affiliation, ranking, and evaluation.
- Play Time [/playtime] - Displays total play time in the chat log.
- Merit Points - Points to customize general stats and specific job traits after reaching Lv. 75+.
- Categories - Various categories to spend the Merit Points on. See Job Guides.
- Mode Switch - Toggle earning EXP or Limit Points.
- EXP - Continue to earn EXP until reaching Lv. 99 cap. Additional points will then automatically become Limit Points.
- Limit Points - Stop earning EXP and all points will be focused towards gaining Merit Points.
- Job Points - Points to continuing powering up a job after hitting Lv. 99.
- Equipment [Ctrl + E] - Displays the Equipment menu, Base Stats, Attack, Defense, Elemental Resistances, and gil.
- Master (Puppetmaster main or subjob only) - Player's stats and equipment.
- Automaton (Puppetmaster main or subjob only) - Automaton's stats and attachments.
- Magic [Ctrl + M] - Displays all Magic categories.
- White Magic - Displays all learned White Magic.
- Black Magic - Displays all learned Black Magic.
- Songs - Displays all learned Songs.
- Ninjutsu - Displays all learned Ninjutsu.
- Summoning - Displays all learned Summons.
- Blue Magic - Displays all learned Blue Magic.
- Set Spells (Blue Mage main or subjob only) - Manage equipped Blue Magic spells.
- Geomancy - Displays all learned Geomancy.
- Trust - Displays all learned Trust Magic.
- Items [Ctrl + I] - Opens character's direct inventory, referred to as a Gobbiebag.
- Sort Auto
- Sort Manual
- Recycle Bin [/recycle] - Last 10 items disposed off. Deleted forever on zone, logout or disconnect.
- Synthesis - Displays crafting menu.
- Crystal Synthesis - Lists all crystals in inventory to begin the crafting process.
- History - Last 10 attempted synthesis recipes. A red cross will appear on either the crystal or ingredient if either is absent from inventory.
- Favorite/Unfavorite - To preserve recipes in History list.
- Abilities - Displays all Ability categories.
- Job Traits - Displays Job Traits.
- Job Abilities [Ctrl + J] - Displays Job Abilities.
- Weapon Skills [Ctrl + W] - Displays available Weapon Skills depending on the main weapon equipped.
- Ranged Attack - Performs a Ranged Attack.
- Mount - Displays a list of available mounts.
- Pet Command [Ctrl + B] - Displays the Pet command menu.
- Party
- Seek Party - Toggles on/off party invitation status. The green icon next to a player's name indicates to other players that they are looking to group up.
- Find Member - Searches for other players with the party invitation status set.
- Request/Stop Request - Party Finder-esque feature. Not commonly used.
- View Request - Requests received in the last 30 days.
- Autogroup - Automatic party formation when in the same zone as other players of a similar level. Not commonly used.
- Languages - Set the preferred language for partying. Displays in search results.
- Alarm Type - Set an alert noise of party status changes.
- Trade - Request or accept/decline a trade with a target.
- Search [/search or /sea] - Searches for players using one or more filters. See [/? search] for a list of all typed parameters.
- Area - Specify an area, region, or entire server (World).
- Name - Specify a player's name.
- Job - Specify a job (abbreviations accepted when using /search).
- Country - Specify a nationality.
- Race - Specify a race.
- Level - Specify a level range.
- Master Level - Specify a Master Level range.
- Rank - Specify the Nation Rank of players.
- Request - Specify players with Request status enabled.
- Unity - Specify players in a particular Unity.
- Friend - Specify players from Friend List.
- Linkshell - Specify players from Linkshell.
- Linkshell 2 - Specify players from second Linkshell.
- Ballista - Specify players participating in Ballista (PvP).
- Monstrosity - Specify players participating in Monstrosity.
- Comment - Specify players by Comment Type (EXP Party, Battle Content, Missions & Quests, Item, Linkshell, Looking for Friends, Others).
- Edit Comment - Set a search comment for other players to see.
- Linkshell - Equip and manage Linkshells. Two can be equipped at once.
- Region Info - View expansion specific regional information.
- Conquest [/rmap]
- Besieged [/bmap]
- Campaign [/cmap]
- Colonization [/colmap]
- Map [/map] - View a map of current or other specified area.
- Markers - Save a location pin to a map. View party member location.
- Wide Scan - Search for nearby NPCs and Mobs.
- Track - Places a tracking marker on the Compass, located in the lower-left corner of the UI.
- Remote Scan - Narrows the search area of Wide Scan.
- Change Map
- Mog House - Replaces Map while in a Mog House or Mog Garden. Opens the Mog House menu.
- Storage - View and manage all inventories. Same as View House on Menu 2, accessible outside the Mog House.
- Sort Auto
- Sort Manual
- Switch - Swaps either of the open inventories for a different one. For example, transfer items from Wardrobe 1 to Wardrobe 2, instead of the default inventory.
- Delivery Box [/mailbox or /sendpost] - Receive or send items and gil. Gil can only be sent to one recipient at a time until it is received and only up to 1 million. Receiving gil has no such limitation, for instance from Auction House sales.
- Change Jobs
- Gardening [/garden]
- Layout [/layout] - Display and arrange Furniture.
- Open/Close Mog - Allows visitors to enter Mog House/Garden.
- Remodel [/remodel] - Change second floor style.
- Storage - View and manage all inventories. Same as View House on Menu 2, accessible outside the Mog House.
Menu 2
- Missions [/mission] - View current and completed Missions. Grouped by expansion.
- Nations - San d'Oria Missions, Bastok Missions, Windurst Missions.
- Zilart - Rise of the Zilart Missions.
- Promathia - Chains of Promathia Missions.
- Aht Urhgan - Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions.
- Assault - Assault Missions
- Altana - Wings of the Goddess Missions.
- Campaign - Campaign Ops.
- Adoulin - Seekers of Adoulin Missions.
- Add-ons - Rhapsodies of Vanadiel Missions, A Crystalline Prophecy Missions, A Moogle Kupo d'Etat Missions, A Shantotto Ascension Missions.
- Quests [/quest] - View current and completed Quests and Records of Eminence.
- Current
- Completed
- San d'Oria - San d'Oria Quests.
- Bastok - Bastok Quests.
- Windurst - Windurst Quests.
- Jeuno - Jeuno Quests.
- Other Areas - Other Quests.
- Outlands - Outlands Quests.
- Aht Urghan - Aht Urhgan Quests.
- Crystal War - Crystal War Quests.
- Abyssea - Abyssea Quests.
- Adoulin - Adoulin Quests.
- Coalition - Coalition Assignments.
- Records of Eminence - Manage Record of Eminence objectives.
- Current - Currently selected objectives (30 maximum).
- Objectives List - Available objectives to chose from.
- Vana'Bout - Seasonal server-wide objectives.
- Plaudits
- Sparks
- Unity Accolades
- Deeds
- Number Completed (of RoEs)
- Key Items [/keyitem] - Displays important objects known as
key items. A yellow icon denotes unread key item descriptions.
- Temporary Key Items - Typically consumed on use, for example battlefield entries, mission/quest deliveries, etc.
- Permanent Key Items - Typically gained at certain milestones or for certain actions, for example, Airship Pass, Chocobo license, etc.
- Abyssea - Atmas, Abyssites, NM pops, etc.
- Voidwatch - Stratum Abyssites, Periapts, Atmacites, etc.
- Geas Fete - Key items for Escha, NM pops, etc.
- Mounts - Mounts in possession.
- Mog Garden - Upgrades for Mog Garden in possession.
- Magical Maps - Maps in possession.
- Claim Slips - Claims to stored equipment sets.
- Active Effects - Moghancement, Moglification, and Cheer boosts as well as Artifact, Relic, Empyrean +2/+3 unlocks.
- View House - View and manage all inventories.
- Mog Safe [/bank] - Only Mog House/Garden, Nomad Moogle accessible.
- Mog Safe 2 [/bank2] - Only Mog House/Garden, Nomad Moogle accessible.
- Storage [/storage] - Only Mog House/Garden accessible.
- Mog Locker [/locker] - Only Mog House/Garden, Nomad Moogle accessible.
- Mog Satchel [/satchel] - Accessible anywhere.
- Mog Sack [/sack] - Accessible anywhere.
- Mog Case [/case] - Accessible anywhere.
- Mog Wardbrobe 1-8 [/wardrobe or /wardrobe# (#=2,3,4, etc.)] - Accessible anywhere. Only stores equipment. 1 & 2 are included, while 3-8 are paid monthly options.
- Sort Auto
- Sort Manual
- Switch - Swaps either of the open inventories for a different one. For example, transfer items from Wardrobe 1 to Wardrobe 2, instead of the default inventory.
- Bazaar - Players can list items in their main inventory for sale. Items marked
Exclusive cannot be bazaared.
- Set Prices - Set a price, up to 99 million gil, for an item.
- Edit Comment - Set a comment for other players to see when you are /check'd. No bazaaring is required.
- Macros - Create executable command buttons and equipment sets.
- Edit Macro - Provides a list of 40 macro books to edit.
- Book 01-40 - Each book contains 10 sets of 2 macros bars. Each macro can contain up to 6 lines of commands executed in a series.
- Confirm - Sets a book.
- Change Name - Change a book's name.
- Copy - Copy a book to the macro clipboard.
- Paste - Paste a book from the macro clipboard to the currently selected book.
- Delete - Resets a book to its original blank state.
- Within each book, each button can be copied, pasted, or deleted.
- Within each button, each line can be copied, pasted, or deleted.
- Within each book, each button can be copied, pasted, or deleted.
- Book 01-40 - Each book contains 10 sets of 2 macros bars. Each macro can contain up to 6 lines of commands executed in a series.
- Edit Macro - Provides a list of 40 macro books to edit.
- Edit Equip. Set - Create 200 sets of equipment that can be used in macros or commands.
- Set 001-200 - A set of all 16 weapon and armor slots.
- Edit - Add or remove equipment to the selected equip set.
- Remove piece - Will display a red cross on the slot and remove whatever is in that slot when the equip set is activated.
- Change Name - Change an equip set's name.
- Copy - Copy an equip set to the equip set clipboard.
- Paste - Paste an equip set from the equip set clipboard to the selected equip set.
- Delete - Resets an equip set its original blank state.
- Use Current - Adds all currently equipped gear into the selected equip set.
- Equip - Equips the current equip set. See /equipset command [/? equipset] for more details.
- Style Lock - Locks the equip set as outward appearance (vanity set, glamour). Also prevents "blinking" when changing equipment except for main weapon type. See /lockstyleset command [/? lockstyleset] for more details.
- Edit - Add or remove equipment to the selected equip set.
- Set 001-200 - A set of all 16 weapon and armor slots.
- Edit Equip. Set - Create 200 sets of equipment that can be used in macros or commands.
- Config - Configure some in-game behavior and interfaces.
- Gameplay - Auto-targeting, Volume levels, Gamma RBG adjustment [Suggested set to zero, default is intended for CRTs!], Inventory auto-sort and auto-group settings [Suggested On!].
- Chat Filters - Filter certain messages in-game: specific communication channels, attack messages, etc. [Very Helpful!].
- Music note icon - Will give a chime when receiving a message, for example with /tell.
- Hold - Will hold the message, so as to not scroll by.
- On - Filter is on, as in filter is active.
- Off - Filter is off, as in filter is inactive.
- Font Colors - Customize the color of chat log text based on type of message.
- Chat
- For Self
- For Others
- System
- Default - Restores defaults.
- Windows - Various configurations for chat log windows.
- Shared - Split chat log into 2 windows [Very Helpful!], Timestamps, UI background color/style, Window open/closing effect [Suggested Off!].
- Window 1/2 - Reactive window sizing based on amount of text, lines displayed, window width, resize time.
- Log - Customize which type of messages display in which window. For example, set all chat text to Window 1 and all battle text to Window 2 [Very Helpful!].
- Misc. - Misc. 1-4 contains a variety of interesting settings. Damage Display is fun on Both, Shadows can be computationally taxing, Weather Effects, Character Models Displayed, Icon Type--often modded for more HD buff/debuff icons.
- Misc. 2 - Clipping Plane, Footstep Effects, Animation Frame Rate, Keyboard Size, Background Aspect Ratio [Very Important!]. Keyboard Assignments can be fun as they remap some hotkey Menus to other keys or in some cases (Ranged Attack) bind new commands to new keys. Macro Palette Size and Position.
- Misc. 3 - Display AoE indicators, Target Expressions uses different cursors for sub-targeting, Party Icon Display and Timer Display are very helpful [Everything Suggested On!].
- Misc. 4 - Software Keyboard can be helpful for controller players when a keyboard is out of reach. Term Filter is a highly customizable chat filter. No more /yell spam! See: Filtration Station#Official Term Filter for setup instructions [Very Helpful!].
- Effects - Filters what effects render based on who performed the action to what. For example, a player hitting a monster causes a hit effect graphic. Toggle these as needed. It can help for big fights to filter anything that targets or was used by Non-party PC.
- On - Filter is on, as in filter is active.
- Off - Filter is off, as in filter is inactive.
- Mouse/Camera - Not recommended to use mouse as camera. Screen Edge Panning [Suggested Off!], Camera View Normal or Chase Cam, Third/First-Person Camera X/Y Normal or Inverted.
- Global - Contains Chat Language Filter for curse words and Auto-Disconnect timer when AFK [Suggested Off!].
- Gamepad - Opens FFXIConfig.exe tool for configuring controllers.
- Help Desk [/helpdesk]- Learn more about the game or contact Square-Enix support, known as Game Masters (GMs).
- Q&A - Keyword search knowledge base.
- Adventuring Primer [/primer] - Contains information on gameplay Basics to Early Content to Advanced Content.
- Mentor Search - Displays a list of Mentors currently online.
- Help Desk - Contact Square-Enix support. Browse the knowledge base.
- Config - Enable/disable Mentor status [/mentor]. Cancel New Adventurer status, the red question-mark icon next to a new character's name.
- Current Time [/clock] - Displays the current Vana'diel time, including Moon Phase, as well as Earth time in chat log. Also toggles on/off display of the Vana'diel clock under the Compass, located in the lower-left corner of the UI.
- Communication
- Friend List [/friendlist] - Displays up to 200 friends. Use /befriend playername to add a new friend.
- To List - View Friend List categorized by who is online and offline.
- Messages - View Messages sent to PlayOnline account.
- Online Status
- Online [/online] - Allow friends and other players to see you're online.
- Away [/away] - Block all incoming /tell messages and set an Away icon next to the character's name.
- Invisible [/invisible] - Hides you from appearing online to friends and from all /search results.
- Emote List - Select from a list of available emotes. Each emote will display as its associated command (/cheer, /jump, /wave, etc.).
- Friend List [/friendlist] - Displays up to 200 friends. Use /befriend playername to add a new friend.
- Shut Down [/shutdown] - Shut down the game straight to desktop after 30 seconds. Shut Down is immediate while in Mog House or Mog Garden.
- Log Out [/logout] - Log out to the Title Screen or Select Character screen after 30 seconds. Default destination can be set under the Config option on the Title Screen. Log out is immediate while in Mog House or Mog Garden.