Antidotes and /NIN Shadows are useful for mitigating Mephitas' poison.
- Possesses an en-Poison effect for -250 HP/tic.
Possesses the following TP moves:
- Uses Venom Storm upon spawn and numerous times throughout the battle, AoE -200 HP/tic poison which bypasses shadows.
- Earthbreaker a
AoE damage with moderate chance of Stun. Absorbed by shadows, but may take more than 3.
- Hits trusts for ~200-1000.
- Venom Sting a weaker single target
hit with -250 HP/tic poison. Absorbed by 1 shadow.
- Venom Breath is a conal -350 HP/tic poison which bypasses shadows.
- Stasis
damage and Paralyze and hate reset if it lands. Absorbed by 1 shadow.
- Evasion
Dispelable evasion boost.
- Sharp Strike
Dispelable +50% attack boost.