Windurst Mission 9-2

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from Moon Reading)
Moon Reading
Series None
Starting NPC Any Windurst Gate Guard
Title Vestal Chamberlain
Repeatable No
Description To lure the Bearer of Darkness to the Full Moon Fountain, you must collect the three verses of the ancient people. As her guiding star, the Star Sibyl is counting on you to help her decide the path for Windurst's future. The fate of Windurst rests upon your shoulders!
Previous Mission Next Mission
Doll of the Dead None


Trade enough Crystals to the Conquest NPC to raise the Rank bar and unlock the Mission, then accept it from the Gate Guard.

  • Optional: Talk to everyone from Kupipi and beyond for unique dialogue to this part of the mission within Heavens Tower. The guards just before the teleporter in Windurst Walls will also vary at different points in these missions.
    • After the upcoming cutscene on the top floor, the dialogue will also be changed for the 4 Mithra on the top floor closest to the chamber.
    • All this dialogue will change yet again after the BCNM of this mission, so before then is your only opportunity to experience it.
  • Click the Door: Vestal Chamber on the top floor of Heavens Tower for a cutscene with Star Sibyl.
  • Collect the following 3 Key Items in any order:

Key Item Ancient Verse of Ro'Maeve:

Key Item Ancient Verse of Altepa:

Key Item Ancient Verse of Uggalepih:


Note: If you use the Enternity/FastCS addon, the following cutscenes may not play while using Windower or Ashita. If you are running the game at 60 FPS, you may have to revert to 30 FPS to complete this cutscene.

  • Commands to unload them: //lua u enternity - /addon unload enternity - //lua unload fastcs - //config FrameRateDivisor 2
  • If you crash the game after completing the BCNM, the top door will not provide a cutscene. The remedy is to click the blank, glowing spot right outside of Heavens Tower to complete Rank 10.
  • Not everyone has this issue but if you do the above should work for you.

The BCNM fight is trivial at 99. Trusts can be summoned.

  • The first part is against four Ace Cardians:
    • A good strategy is to cast Sleepga on them and and kill Ace of Batons (BLM) → Ace of Swords (PLD) → Ace of Coins (RDM). Sleep Ace of Cups (WHM) and rest to full.
    • The Cardians will eventually start resisting Sleep. However, unless you take a long time to kill the first three it should not be a problem.
    • The Cardians will aggro from outside casting player casting range. The Ace of Swords will move to melee range while the other three will cast before moving.
    • As soon as the last Cardian dies you will get a cutscene.
  • The next fight is with a Wyvern and a Manticore.
    • You will be assisted by Ajido-Marujido. If he dies, you lose the fight, so be sure to cure him. Kill what Ajido-Marujido decides to fight first.
    • Letting Ajido-Marujido choose will aggro both NMs. Be prepared to pull both off of him.

  • Optional: Talk to Kupipi for optional dialogue which will change once you've reached Rank 10.
    • Everyone else upstairs has new lines again, but they won't change after completion of the mission.
  • Return to the Door: Vestal Chamber in Heavens Tower for a cutscene.
  • Click the Door: Vestal Chamber again for the final cutscene with the Star Sibyl and to end the Windurst story line.