Morbol Apron

From FFXI Wiki
Morbol Apron icon.png Morbol apron
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Description: DEF:1
Image: Morbol Apron description.png
Type: Armor Storage: Storage Slip 22
Flags: Equippable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find Morbol Apron on FFXIAH" "Find Morbol Apron on FFXIDB"
Armor Information
Races: All Races Equip. Slot: Body
Level: 1
Jobs: All Jobs

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Cafe Maid Lower Jeuno - (G-9) 112,014 Gil
Only during the Green Festival.


Morbol Apron Appearance.jpg


Keeping up with the Coffee theme of The Green Festival, this apron resembles a Starbucks Barista outfit.

  • Equipping it does not make you part of a Union.
