100 Byne Bill

From FFXI Wiki
(Redirected from One Hundred Byne Bill)
100 Byne Bill icon.png One hundred byne bill
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: This ancient Bastokan currency dates back to C.E. 857. It commemorates the opening of the ferry route between Mhaura and Selbina. A machine cog and a Hume technician are portrayed.
Image: 100 Byne Bill description.png
Type: Item
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, Not vendorable
Stack size: 99
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Others ➞ Misc. 3
"Find 100 Byne Bill on FFXIAH" "Find 100 Byne Bill on FFXIDB"

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Gorpa-Masorpa Mhaura - (G-9) Ambuscade Reward
See Ambuscade for more details

Redeemed From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Haggleblix Beadeaux - (E-7) Trade him 100 1 Byne Bills for one 100 Byne Bill

Obtained from Instance...
Battle Name Level Cap Entry Item(s) Zone
Dynamis Prismatic hourglass Dynamis - Bastok
Dynamis Prismatic hourglass Dynamis - Jeuno
Dynamis Prismatic hourglass Dynamis - Beaucedine
Dynamis Prismatic hourglass Dynamis - Xarcabard
Dynamis Prismatic hourglass Dynamis - Buburimu
Dynamis Prismatic hourglass Dynamis - Qufim
Dynamis Prismatic hourglass Dynamis - Valkurm
Dynamis Prismatic hourglass Dynamis - Tavnazia

Used in the following Item Upgrades
Item Name Notes
Relic Weapons Used in the Relic Weapon upgrade process

Trade x100 to Haggleblix in Beadeaux at (E-7) to obtain
x1 10,000 Byne Bill

Reforged Relic Armor Agoge (WAR), Hesychast's (MNK), Fallen's (DRK), Bihu (BRD), Sakonji (SAM), Mochizuki (NIN), Lanun (COR), Pedagogy (SCH)

x2 100 Byne Bill required to upgrade to Reforged Relic Armor from base Relic Armor.
x1 100 Byne Bill required to upgrade to Reforged Relic Armor from Relic Armor +1.