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Ambuscade is a new type of battle content wherein the enemies within change every monthly version update, first released in the April 5th 2016 Version Update[1].

Ambuscade has a variety of difficulty levels, so everyone from seasoned veterans to those just starting out should find a challenge equal to their needs. With varying rewards to match.
Those wishing to tackle the strongest foes are advised to select “Very Difficult” and be prepared for a valiant struggle!

Latent effects from Legion Rewards denoted with "Legion:" are active in Ambuscade.[2]

Getting Started

Complete the Stepping into an Ambuscade Records of Eminence objective and speak with Gorpa-Masorpa in Mhaura at (G-9) for an explanation about Ambuscade.

  • Players must have completed the First Step Forward Records of Eminence objective in order to undertake Stepping into an Ambuscade.
    • Stepping into an Ambuscade can be set from the Tutorial section of the Records of Eminence menu under Basics:
Quests → Objective List → Tutorial → Basics → Stepping into an Ambuscade

Be in possession of either the Ambuscade Primer Volume One or Volume Two Key Items.

  • All party members must be in possession of one of these two Key Items.

Eligibility Requirements

In order to participate, players must satisfy the following:

  • Complete either the Ambuscade Primer Volume One or Volume Two objectives in order to obtain the Key Item for the corresponding volume of the primer for the type of battle players wish to complete.
    • Players may have only one of each of the Ambuscade Primer Key Items.
      • Objective targets vary by month after a version update, opponents are rotated out, and generally not repeated.
  • The Ambuscade Primer Volume One and Two objectives can be undertaken from the Ambuscade category of the Records of Eminence menu.
Quests → Objective List → Content → Ambuscade
Dynamis and Abyssea monsters do not count for kills required

Entry and Progression

  • Examine the Ambuscade Tome in Mhaura (G-9) and select the type and difficulty level you would like to attempt.
    • Only the party leader may register the group.
    • The party will be registered so long as the system detects that there are no issues with the layer area or registering party members.
      • Players will be unable to register if:
        • Any player is not in possession of an Amuscade Primer Volume One or Two Key Item.
        • The number of registrants exceeds the maximum of fifty reservations.
        • A party member already has a reservation.
          • To cancel a reservation:
            • A player may cancel their reservation via the ambuscade tome.
            • Three minutes has passed from the time the player is notified that their instance is ready.
            • The registrant boards a boat.
            • The registrant leaves Mhaura in any way.
    • Adding new party members after registration will not cancel the registration, but the party may only enter with the number of players it registered with.
  • A message will display for the party leader when entry is ready.
    • As of the July 2016 update[3], automatic entering was added.
      • The default setting is "off" and may be changed by having the party lead examine the Ambuscade Tome and selecting the Toggle auto-transport function.
      • In line with this, having the auto-transport function off has a notification sound played when it is the party's turn.
        • This may be disabled via the sound settings in the Config menu.
  • Examine the ambuscade tome within three minutes to enter.
    • The time limit for an Ambuscade is 30 minutes (Earth time).
    • Between 1~6 players may participate.
      • Trusts may be called after entering Maquette Abdhaljs-Legion.
        • The number of alter egos that may be called forth will depend on the number of players initially registered.
      • Player HP and MP will be restored to full and any status ailments they are suffering from will be removed upon entry.
    • Key Items will only be lost upon victory.
      • Meaning that should a player or group lose, they may reattempt the battlefield without having to reacquire new Key Items.

Upon victory, a special currencies known as Hallmarks and Badges of Gallantry, which may be exchanged for rewards, Experience/Limit Points, and Capacity points will be given to all players.

Notorious Monsters inside Ambuscade do not drop any treasure directly.


Battle Information

A Word On Enmity

  • Enmity functions abnormally in two ways.
  1. The mobs will go to a random player once someone aggros.
  2. After aggro everyone is on the hate list by default, so you can easily get hate with AOE enmity actions like Warcry and Valiance or self target enmity actions like Foil and Pflug.

Battle Type & Levels

There are two types of Ambuscades you may attempt. Entry into either is determined by which Key Item you possess.

Primer Volume One
Type Difficulty Content Level Hallmarks Earned Gallantry Earned
Very Difficult 139 3600 300 / 600 / 900 / 1200 / 1500
Difficult 134 2400 240 / 480 / 720 / 960 / 1200
Normal 129 1200 180 / 360 / 540 / 720 / 900
Easy 124 600 80 / 160 / 240 / 320 / 400
Very Easy 119 200 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100
Primer Volume Two
Type Difficulty Content Level Hallmarks Earned Gallantry Earned
Ambuscade Very Difficult 129 300 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150
Difficult 124 250 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 / 125
Normal 119 200 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100
Easy 114 150 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75
Very Easy 109 100 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50

An Abdhaljs Seal icon.png Abdhaljs Seal will triple the amount of hallmarks and gallantry you receive from a successful Ambuscade.

Intense Ambuscade (Vol. One)

Volume 1, March 2025, Corse

Difficulty Foes Notes
Very Difficult Bozzetto Pishogue (BLM/DRK)

Summons Bozzetto Warder x4

Difficult Bozzetto Pishogue (BLM/DRK)

Summons Bozzetto Warder x4

Normal Bozzetto Pishogue (BLM/DRK)

Summons Bozzetto Warder x4

Easy Bozzetto Pishogue (BLM/DRK)

Summons Bozzetto Warder x4

Very Easy Bozzetto Pishogue (BLM/DRK)

No adds. No Doom. Casts elemental -ga III spells, Ice Spikes.

Bozzetto Pishogue:

  • As of the Feb. 2023 Update changes, Will now remove all debuffs from Bozzetto Pishogue (Boss) and Bozzetto Warder (adds).
  • It will only use the two abilities in conjunction when adds are alive while using the SP ability.
  • (On Normal) Summons 4x Bozzetto Warder Adds at 90% HP and a second wave at 35% HP.
  • (On Normal) Bozzetto Warders appear to boost the damage of the Blood Weapon/Souleater combo to 20k-50k per auto.

Uses the following TP Moves:

  • Final Retribution: Deals physical damage + Stun.
  • Envoutement: Deals Element: Dark damage + Curse.
  • Memento Mori: Gains Magic Attack Bonus.
  • Quelling Seal: AoE Silence.
  • Hecatomb Macabre : AoE Charm (15 seconds) and Doom (20 Seconds).
    • If multiple targets (players or pets) are in range, it will miss one of them.
    • The Doom effect is not present on the Very Easy difficulty
  • Gambol Macabre : Single target Charm (29 seconds) and Doom (30 seconds). If you are very quick you can get one cursna off in the window.
    • As of the Feb. 2023 Update changes, Will no longer use this move if all Bozzetto Warder are defeated but will use it if main target is further than 10 yalms and will land regardless.

Setups and Strategies:

Very Difficult:

  • Not Defeating the Warders

Jobs: MNKicon.gif MNK, BLUicon.gif BLU, BRDicon.gif BRD, CORicon.gif COR, PLDicon.gif PLD, WHMicon.gif WHM

  • CORicon.gif COR: Crooked Chaos, and Monks rolls. DDs wont need to worry about SB beyond TPing in SB II thanks to Monks.
  • BRDicon.gif BRD: March, Minuet, Minuet, Madrigal. Wind Threnody the Corse.
  • BLUicon.gif BLU: A good Club, and magic accuracy recast set. Set Feather Tickle and Reaving Wind. Advisable to also set Battery Charge and Retinal Glare.
  • WHMicon.gif WHM: Silence the Corse. Auspice, Barblind, Dia, and keep Banish effect active.
  • PLDicon.gif PLD: Cap block rate with a shield that isn't Ochain, provide Holy Circle.


  • 1) MNK engages the mob, and gets it down to 90%. Adds then spawn. BLU uses Feather Tickle and Reaving Wind.
    • Do not skillchain past this point as it will heal the mob. So victory smite between the Savage Blade and Black Halos.
  • 2) Party should all defeat one single Bozetto Warder. This seems to prevent the usage of Blood Weapon/Souleater going off and massacring the party. We had an issue with this regularly, and it completely stopped happening from then on.
    • PLD should get AoE hate on the Warders with Banishga and then a JA or something of the sort. Despite being ambuscade, enmity is a bit odd with these after initially spawning and they will run around beating people without some intervention.
  • 3) Party then TPs on the Warders and WSes the Pishogue.
    • BLU should Black Halo as well, but use Feather or Reaving if it is up before WSing.
  • 4) When the second round of adds spawns around 35%, defeat one just to be safe, and then continue until the fight ends.
  • Wind Threnody will likely affect the success rate of Reaving Feathers. Magic accuracy food isn't required at all when it is on for a well geared BLU, but you will resist regularly without either active.
    • This is with Maxentius and Thibron as a ML 30+ BLU. So that should put you in the ballpark for how to anchor your magic accuracy requirements. If you need to, Sakpata's Sword is a solid choice to offhand to solve any issues.

The fight should take around 5.5 to 9 or so minutes (including buffing) depending on the group.

  • Defeating the Warders

Jobs: MNKMNKicon.gif, BLUBLUicon.gif, GEOGEOicon.gif, BRDBRDicon.gif, SCH,SCHicon.gif SMNSMNicon.gif

  • MNK 4 Step SC's, Be prepared to turn to wait for BLU and SMN to pull down the TP of the Corse. Try to not It push under 38%-/+ so Bloody Weapon is not active at the time of the pops of the second set of Skeletons. Once both sets of skeletons are done it is just managing the TP with the team to victory.
  • Blu Reaving Wind, Feather Tickle Top priority, Carcharian Verve, Help kill the skeletons when popped
  • GEO Attack, Frailty, Help heal, and any other debuff you can land helps.
  • BRD Minuet/Attack/ACC songs Ballads on Mages, Help Heal, and any other debuff you can land help. You can also Magic Finale the ice spikes.
  • SCH Pro/Shell, Regen V, Refresh, Phlanax, Adloquium, Stoneskin Reapply whenever needed, Removed Blinds and stat down effects and Heal
  • SMN Apogee: Ecliptic Howl, Ecliptic Growl, Then Hastaga II, Crystal Blessing. Once engaged Mewing Lullaby in conjunction with Blu's TP down spells, Can use Shock Squall to stun all the skeletons after the initial pop and support with Whispering Wind as the skeletons go down reset yourself up for Mewing Lullaby.
  • When the skeletons pop they have what seems to be a very strong enmity lock on specific party members, so be away you may have to be vigilant with healing on mages until they are eliminated. It isn't hard to manage but you can have bad luck SC/MB on anyone and it lights out. As long as it wasn't during a Bloody Weapon you should be able to recover and still win.
  • About 18~22 min In and out.


  • Same as VD just quicker
15~17 Min in an out


  • Same as D just quicker


  • Both AOE and single target charms can be avoided by running out of range as they are cast.

Very Easy:

  • Solo: Prepare for AoE nukes and either bring a trust healer that outranges the AoE silence (Yoran-Oran, Apururu), or uses AoE healing job abilities (Ingrid II, Iroha II, Arciela, Lilisette I/II, Selh'teus). Once its HP is below 80% it may start using Hecatomb Macabre which is avoidable. Once you're charmed it will despawn your Trusts, then you have powerful buffs for 3 minutes to try to defeat it.

Key Item Locations:

Regular Ambuscade (Vol. Two)

Volume 2, March 2025, Demon

Difficulty Foes Notes
Very Difficult Hunky (WAR)

Summons: Nauseating Gargoyle, Dampening Gargoyle, Misdirecting Gargoyle

Difficult Hunky (WAR)

Summons: Nauseating Gargoyle, Dampening Gargoyle, Misdirecting Gargoyle

Normal Hunky (WAR)

Summons: Nauseating Gargoyle, Dampening Gargoyle, Misdirecting Gargoyle

Easy Hunky (WAR)

Summons: Nauseating Gargoyle, Dampening Gargoyle, Misdirecting Gargoyle

Very Easy Hunky (WAR)

Summons: Nauseating Gargoyle, Dampening Gargoyle, Misdirecting Gargoyle


Obtaining Key Item= Castle Zvahl Keep HP 1
All enemies must be defeated.
The battle is centered on team vs. team combat. With multiple foes each playing a specific role, the key to victory lies in deciding which one to defeat first. You might find things a bit easier if you bring a lot of area of effect attacks.

  • Hunky (Kindred) - Highest HP. Physical Damage Dealer
    • Condemnation (Cone AoE Physical Damage Damage + Stun)
    • Quadrastrike (High Physical Damage Damage)
  • Clunky (Ahriman) - Magic Damage Dealer.
  • Funky (Imp) - Enfeebling
  • Gargoyles: Effectively a Fetter. Has enfeebling aura. Remains in stationary form and does not attack.
  • Spunky On D and VD only. (Taurus) - Tank.

Setups and Strategies:

Previous Battles

Old battlefield information is stored on the Ambuscade Archive page.


See Ambuscade Rewards for specific item and equipment rewards.


Hallmarks are the primary currency of Ambuscade. They can be used to purchase items from Gorpa-Masorpa.
There are two types of rewards available. Those received in exchange for Hallmarks and those received for total amount of hallmarks accumulated.

  • Hallmarks are not expended upon receiving items from the list of rewards for total amount of hallmarks accumulated.
  • The types of items available vary with the content of that month’s Ambuscade.
  • Your total number of hallmarks will reset back to 0 after each month's version update.
Hallmarks and Badges of Gallantry are reset upon the next month's version update being implemented (usually set to happen from around the 3rd to the 10th of a month).[4]


Badges of Gallantry are the secondary currency of Ambuscade. They can be used to purchase items from Gorpa-Masorpa, and are only given to those who participate in Ambuscade with other players.

  • Like Hallmarks, your Badges of Gallantry will reset back to 0 after each month's version update.
Hallmarks and Badges of Gallantry are reset upon the next month's version update being implemented (usually set to happen from around the 3rd to the 10th of a month).[5]

Monthly Adventurer Campaigns

There is one type of campaign that may run any given month.

Ambuscade Point Bonus Campaign

  • When this Monthly Adventurer Campaign is active, hallmarks and badges of gallantry will yield double the normal amount once per day when participating in each Ambuscade difficulty level.
    • This bonus will reset at Japanese Midnight Earth time and stacks with the effects of Abdhaljs Seals to yield a total of four times the normal amount.
      • Unclear on whether a mistranslation. Currently observed value with Campaign active and Seal used is 5 times the normal amount.
        • As of July 2024, using a Seal during the Campaign stacks multiplicatively, resulting in 6 times the usual Gallantry.

Ambuscade Gallantry Campaign

JSE Cape Augmentation

Job-specific Back equipment obtained with a A. Voucher- Back icon.png Ambuscade Voucher: Back can be augmented by trading them along with certain items to Gorpa-Masorpa.

  • See the AmbuscadeCapesW.gif JSE capes page for augment information for the Job Specific Capes.

To augment a cape:

  • Trade the item to Gorpa-Masorpa along with either an Abdhaljs Thread, Abdhaljs Dust, Abdhaljs Sap, Abdhaljs Dye or an Abdhaljs Resin.
  • Select the desired attribute, and confirm your choice. After the initial trade, you can max out that path on your next trade if you also trade enough materials.
    • Augments may be changed by repeating the above steps.
    • Changing the augment path will not return any items used up to that point.
      • However, when using an Abdhaljs Needle icon.png Abdhaljs Needle to change the augment, the current potency is maintained.
  • Further trading an augmented item with items corresponding to the attribute initially selected will increase the strength of the augmentation.
    • For maximum strength augments the following are all required per cape:
Abdhaljs Thread icon.png Abdhaljs Thread x20, Abdhaljs Dust icon.png Abdhaljs Dust x20, Abdhaljs Sap icon.png Abdhaljs Sap x10, Abdhaljs Dye icon.png Abdhaljs Dye x10, Abdhaljs Resin icon.png Abdhaljs Resin x5

Armor Upgrade

To upgrade Salvage Armor Variant Ambuscade Armor trade either the NQ or +1 variant and the requisite Abdhaljs Metal icon.png Abdhaljs Metals to Gorpa-Masorpa:

To upgrade Limbus and Nyzul Armor Variant Ambuscade Armor trade either the NQ or +1 variant and the requisite Abdhaljs Fiber icon.png Abdhaljs Fibers to Gorpa-Masorpa:

Base Armor Trade.pngTradeTrade.png Armor Piece +1 Trade.pngTradeTrade.png Armor Piece +2 Jobs
Flamma Zucchetto icon.png Flamma Abdhaljs Fiber x5.png Flam. Zucchetto +1 icon.png Flamma +1 Abdhaljs Fiber x10.png Flam. Zucchetto +2 icon.png Flamma +2 WAR / PLD / DRK / SAM / DRG
Tali'ah Turban icon.png Tali'ah Tali'ah Turban +1 icon.png Tali'ah +1 Tali'ah Turban +2 icon.png Tali'ah +2 BST / PUP / SMN
Mummu Bonnet icon.png Mummu Mummu Bonnet +1 icon.png Mummu +1 Mummu Bonnet +2 icon.png Mummu +2 MNK / THF / RNG / NIN / COR / DNC
Aya. Zucchetto icon.png Ayanmo Aya. Zucchetto +1 icon.png Ayanmo +1 Aya. Zucchetto +2 icon.png Ayanmo +2 WHM / RDM / BRD / BLU / RUN
Mallquis Chapeau icon.png Mallquis Mallquis Chapeau +1 icon.png Mallquis +1 Mallquis Chapeau +2 icon.png Mallquis +2 BLM / SCH / GEO

Ambuscade Weapons

Speaking with Gorpa-Masorpa and listening to the message from Abdhaljs will allow you to exchange an A. Voucher- Weapon icon.png Ambuscade Voucher: Weapon for a weapon of your choice or the grip.
Each stage is then upgraded as follows:
Abdhaljs Nugget icon.png Abdhaljs Nugget x5 (1,500 Total Hallmarks / 4,500 Total Gallantry)
Abdhaljs Gem icon.png Abdhaljs Gem x5 (2,500 Total Hallmarks / 7,500 Total Gallantry)
Abdhaljs Anima icon.png Abdhaljs Anima x5 (4,000 Total Hallmarks / 12,000 Total Gallantry)
Abdhaljs Matter icon.png Abdhaljs Matter x5 (6,000 Total Hallmarks / 18,000 Total Gallantry) and one of any non-Ambuscade Pulse Weapon

  • For a single base Tokko to Final Form weapon, total required points: 14,000 Hallmarks or 42,000 Gallantry
    • This does not include the cost of an A. Voucher- Weapon icon.png Ambuscade Voucher: Weapon. As you may only get one per month for free from the Total Hallmarks Rewards List, additional vouchers may be purchased for an additional 1,000 Hallmarks or 6,000 Gallantry.

Pulse Weapons
Source Potpourri Category
Sagasinger icon.png SagasingerSagasinger description.png Arch Dynamis Lord None
Ephemeron icon.png EphemeronEphemeron description.png Aello Voidwatcher Goodness 2
Coruscanti icon.png CoruscantiCoruscanti description.png Qilin Voidwatcher Goodness 2
Murasamemaru icon.png MurasamemaruMurasamemaru description.png Uptala Voidwatcher Goodness 2
Borealis icon.png BorealisBorealis description.png Ig-Alima Voidwatcher Goodness 2
Asteria icon.png AsteriaAsteria description.png Botulus Rex Voidwatcher Goodness 2
Delphinius icon.png DelphiniusDelphinius description.png Bismarck Voidwatcher Goodness 2
Aytanri icon.png AytanriAytanri description.png Morta Voidwatcher Goodness 2
Girru icon.png GirruGirru description.png Paramount Gallu Legion Clomper Goodness 2
Ikarigiri icon.png IkarigiriIkarigiri description.png Paramount Botulus Legion Clomper Goodness 2
Tenkomaru icon.png TenkomaruTenkomaru description.png Svaha Burrower Goodness 2
Himthige icon.png HimthigeHimthige description.png Grannus Burrower Goodness 2
Adflictio icon.png AdflictioAdflictio description.png Samursk Burrower Goodness 2
Gusterion icon.png GusterionGusterion description.png Dreyruk Burrower Goodness 2
Dukkha icon.png DukkhaDukkha description.png Silagilith Burrower Goodness 2
Chastisers icon.png ChastisersChastisers description.png Urmahlullu None
Router icon.png RouterRouter description.png Fleetstalker None
Annealed Lance icon.png Annealed LanceAnnealed Lance description.png Shockmaw None