- Casts Firaga III and Fire IV at high HP.
- Switches to Firaga IV and Fire V at low HP (<~33%).
- In addition to Ululation, Magma Hoplon, Scorching Lash, and Lava Spit, Orthrus can also:
- "Howl" without a chat log message similar to Black Shuck in Better Than One or Amarok.
- This resets enmity when the animation completes.
- It is impossible to proc while he is "Howl"ing
- Use Gates of Hades above ~33% HP.
- Use below ~33% HP, a powered-up version of Gates of Hades.
- Casts Fire III, Fire IV, Flare, and Fire V on himself to regain HP with the Blaze Spikes effect from Magma Hoplon active.
- If spikes were stolen with Orthrus at 1% while he was casting on himself, it used to be possible for him to kill himself this way and yield no drops. Allegedly it is no longer possible. Test at your own risk.
- Heavily resists both Light and Dark spells, which makes it difficult to proc with Flash, Light Threnody, Dark Threnody, and Dispel even with Elemental Seal.