Promathia Mission 1-2

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Below the Arks
Series Chains of Promathia
Starting NPC Pherimociel, Ru'Lude Gardens - (G-6)
Title None
Repeatable No
Description Something is afoot. Travel to the Grand Duke's Palace to learn details of recent events.
Previous Mission Next Mission
The Rites of Life The Mothercrystals
Access to Promyvion areas.


  • Head to Ru'Lude Gardens and speak with Pherimociel at (G-6) in the palace for a cutscene which begins this mission.
  • You must now complete each of the three Promyvions, which can be done in any order.
    • The walkthrough for completing each Promyvion is located in the next mission, The Mothercrystals.
  • (Optional) Speak with Rainhard, Ru'Lude Gardens (H-6), at the top of the stairs in the palace for some dialogue about Harith.
  • (Optional) Speak with Harith in the Duke's house (H-5) to learn a little more (very little) about the Emptiness.


You are now able to enter any of the three Promyvion areas. They are accessed by examining the Shattered Telepoint at the crags in Konschtat Highlands (Promyvion - Dem), Tahrongi Canyon (Promyvion - Mea), and La Theine Plateau (Promyvion - Holla).
After examining the Shattered Telepoint and entering the Hall of Transference, click on the Large Apparatus to your left to enter Promyvion if this is your first time here. If not, you can enter via the Cermet gate in the center.

  • The three Promyvions can be completed in any order.

Some monsters inside Promyvion will drop an item called a "Recollection of..." These items can be traded to Harith in Ru'Lude Gardens at (H-5) along with 2,000 gil to receive an Anima. Which can be used to weaken the bosses inside Promyvion if you do them at lower levels as the fights were originally for a party of level 30 players. You may wish to try to obtain a few animas before attempting the bosses, although it is completely optional.

  • Just remember not to erase your memory at the Large Apparatus before returning to Harith.