Pavor Nocturnus

From FFXI Wiki
Blood Pact Information
Avatar: Dark-SMN-Icon.gifDiabolosDiabolos
Level Obtained: 98
Description: Lures an enemy into an eternal nightmare.
Blood Pact Type: Blood Pact: Ward
MP Cost: 197
Base Duration: Question
Command: /pet "Pavor Nocturnus" <t>


  • Attempts to inflict Death on the target, if Death misses it will attempt to instead Dispel the target.
  • Success rate of Death on targets not under the effect of sleep is nearly zero, tested on a level 0 mob and using conduit with an ilvl 119 Diabolos.
  • Has a very high success rate on mobs that are put to sleep, until a certain level. The mechanics of the accuracy of Death are currently unknown (ex. mob magic evasion, mob level, mob max hp, or something else). Does not work on NMs.
  • Dispel aspect is accurate. It is unknown if the Dispel aspect can miss, if the mob has buffs that can be dispelled on it.