Peach Power

From FFXI Wiki
Battlefield Information
Location: The Ashu Talif Level Restriction: None
Entry Item: Impish Box Participation: 3-6 Members
Entry Currency: Time Limit: 30 Minutes
Personal Pool:

Guimauve Meat


Name Qty Notes
Flan Princess
  • Amount spawned is equal to party size
  • Susceptible to most debuffs
  • Worth 10JP or 10000EP on kill


  • One entry per earth day for everyone in party who participated in the fight. (lockout resets at JP midnight)
    • Losing the battle will also lockout for the day.
    • You can clear once and then enter again after JP midnight right after each other, no zoning needed.
    • You are not locked out until you use the Impish Box. You can enter, warp out (there is no exit target/item), and re-enter immediately if needed.
  • Upon entering, no enemies are present. When a player uses an Impish Box, a number of Flan Princesses spawn equal to the number of players in the battlefield.
    • They seem to randomly choose who to aggro at start.

All Flans repeatedly use "Dissatisfaction" which steals one buff from a single target.

Flans are highly resistant to physical damage and highly susceptible to magic damage.

When any Flan is defeated, and additionally under unknown conditions Verification Needed, all Flans will use a SP dust cloud effect and a random player will be afflicted with Animated for up to 45 seconds. This player will be forced to attack the enemy and will take no other action until the effect wears off. It seems that this effect can be resisted Verification Needed. When the effect wears off, the player's TP will be reset to 0.

All Flans are susceptible to crowd control effects such as Sleep and Break, but have high resist ranks and which require multiple Immunobreaks.

Secondary targets take -99% AoE damage.

  • When farming the Impish Box from the Locus Imp at Caedarva Mire UNM warp 135 use Feint before Steal to help up your chances. Also can only get one box per imp needs to be HP ≤ 20% and have horn on hip.

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