Talk:Peach Power

From FFXI Wiki

Magical Weaponskills and Enspells are highly effective in this fight. SCH Regen and Phalanx also carry a lot of value due to the repeated loss of control of your character. A RDM/BLM of sufficient Master Level can open the fight with a Saboteur-Stymie Sleepga II in order to take all of the enemies out of commission. The tank may consider running away from buffs before the fight so as to have nothing for the Flans to absorb. Each enemy has quite a bit of HP but doesn't hit particularly hard. The big danger in the fight is allowing too many buffs to be absorbed, especially if healers/supports get Animated and can't cure and/or Dispel. Positron (talk) 21:55, 9 November 2023 (UTC)

PLD/BLU Defense food, Idle DT set, Duban - Cast Blue AoE hate spell to get hate on the 3-6 flans and put in corner and just block & spot cure; you dont want any dispelable buffs. SCH - Regen whole party but PLD, before pull Tabla - Embrava (PLD can have this) then create SC and MB helix one flan at a time; spot cure as needed. COR - Wizards/crooked sam - Leaden Salute when you can if you a good cor you should be able to still Leaden with there TP drains. Alternate job for 3 job or additional members RDM/NIN - wouldn't bother sleeping with the berserk charm you prob gonna wake them up anyway, and thats if you dont do it to early and get hate cause flans will flatten you just do buffs/Enspell yourself. GEO Indi Acumen entrust Barrier on PLD, wouldnt waste time with GEO cause when you get berserk your bubble will disappear. WHM - Cures I guess dont use Cureskin on PLD. if you can afford a THF it wouldn't hurt to get TH as much as you can on every flan Fiddle (talk) 11-27-23