Ra'Kaznar Turris

From FFXI Wiki
Ra'Kaznar Turris
Ra'Kaznar Turris Zone.jpg
Japanese ラ・カザナル宮天守
Map Acquisition
Timeline Present
Continent Ulbuka
Region Ra'Kaznar
Zone Type Battlefield Location
Activities None
Weather None
Goblin Footprint Near the entrance
Ra'Kaznar Turris Connected Zone Zones To
(?-?) No Map.jpg Ra'Kaznar Inner Court (I-8) Updated marked map ra'kaznar inner court map 2.jpeg
Escape (Scroll) icon.png Via Escape Kamihr Drifts
(Exits To Only)
(F-8) Kamihr Drifts Map.png

Zone Information

Catch Cap Body of Water
Ra. Shellfish icon.png Ra._Shellfish 12 All
Translucent Salpa icon.png Translucent Salpa 18
White Lobster icon.png White Lobster 23
Bonefish icon.png Bonefish 30
Bone Chip icon.png Bone Chip 0


Battlefield Name Type Level Cap Time Limit Members

Vagary: Putraxia
 KI: prototype sigil pearl

BCNM Uncapped 30 Minutes 1-6

Vagary: Rancibus
 KI: prototype sigil pearl

BCNM Uncapped 30 Minutes 1-6

Vagary: Palloritus
 KI: prototype sigil pearl

BCNM Uncapped 30 Minutes 1-6

Vagary: Perfidien
 KI: prototype sigil pearl

BCNM Uncapped 30 Minutes 1-6

Vagary: Plouton
 KI: prototype sigil pearl

BCNM Uncapped 30 Minutes 1-6