Windurst Mission 6-2

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(Redirected from Saintly Invitation)
Saintly Invitation
Series None
Starting NPC Any Windurst Gate Guard
Title Hero on Behalf of Windurst, Victor of the Balga Contest
Repeatable No
Description A mission issued by Heavens Tower. In reply to the Yagudo Holy One's invitation, you are to compete and triumph at the contest held at Balga's Dais deep within Giddeus.
Previous Mission Next Mission
Full Moon Fountain The Sixth Ministry


Trade enough Crystals to the Conquest NPC to raise your Rank bar and unlock the Mission, then accept it from the Gate Guard.


Note: If you're in a party with other players, only players that are on this Mission or have completed it may enter the BCNM.

Castle Oztroja


  • Starting from the main entrance on Map 1, go through the first Brass Door (I-8) by turning the correct lever and go upstairs at point A.
    • Note: While standing in between the two levers, pull one and move away immediately. It will either open the Brass Door, or a trapdoor which can cause you to fall. If the trapdoor opens, wait for it to close and try the other lever. Which lever controls which door changes every day.
  • You'll now be on Map 2. Proceed west towards the next Brass Door (G-8). This particular door requires a combination of 4 levers to be opened. While you can find the solution, you can also easily brute force by turning the levers until it opens.
  • Go upstairs at point G and you'll be on Map 3. Go straight to point H and you'll be on Map 4.
  • Open the the large Brass Door by interacting with the unlit Torch in one of the four corner rooms.
    • A second person may help with this and can just run in after this and open it from the inside.
  • Next, you will need to crack the passwords to the Brass Statue to unlock the trapdoor.
    • Visit the Brass Statue page to see possible combinations and further details.
  • After the fall, proceed to a smaller Brass Door on the platform, which is past one Yagudo High Priest in this area. The priest is true sight.
  • Trade the Judgment Key to the Brass Door. The Key has one use only, if you're in a party make sure your party/alliance members are ready to enter.
    • If someone does not make it through the door before it closes, there are two options: get another Key, or have the person die outside the door, then use tractor and raise.
  • Speak to Kaa Toru the Just inside the door to obtain the Key Item Holy One's oath and an Ashura Necklace.

Return to the Door: Vestal Chamber at the top of Heavens Tower to complete the Mission.