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![]() The Voracious Resurgence |
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Prime Weapons • Ultimate Weapons • Ultimate Augments • Abjurations iL119 • JSE Necks • Divergence Augments • Escutcheons | |
Reforged Armor Artifact: +1 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 Relic: +1/+2 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 Empyrean: +1/+2 • iL109 • iL119/+2/+3 |
Guides • Crafting • Trusts • Apex Monsters |
Titles are a feature of the game that shows in the chat log when examining a player. They are to commemorate some type of achievement you have accomplished. This may include defeating a monster, completing a quest or a mission, or reaching a goal such as a certain crafting rank. Square Enix refers to them in the update notes as Designations. They are closely related to determining your Mastery Rank.
Titles change after repeating an objective, even if you have already received the title before. Most titles can be reacquired and set at various Title Changer NPCs.
Titles of other players can be seen with /check, but not your own. Your own title is displayed under Profile in the Status menu, and of course for other players when they /check you.
These lists are current as of the May 2024 Version Update.
Title List - Alphabetical
This is a complete alphabetical list of all titles in the game.
- "Steaming Sheep" Regular
- A Friend Indeed
- A Moss Kind Person
- Abyssal Purveyor
- Accomplished Alchemist
- Accomplished Angler
- Accomplished Blacksmith
- Accomplished Boneworker
- Accomplished Carpenter
- Accomplished Chef
- Accomplished Goldsmith
- Accomplished Tanner
- Accomplished Weaver
- Ace Angler
- Achuka Coagulator
- Achuka Glaciator
- Acquirer of Ancient Arcanum
- Activist for Kindness
- Adamantking Killer
- Adamantking Usurper
- Adamanttock
- Adumbration Disperser
- Advertising Executive
- Aello Abator
- Agent of the Allied Forces
- Agrarian Initiate
- Agrarian Novice
- Agrarian Professional
- Agrarian Tutelar
- Agrarian Virtuoso
- Airship Denouncer
- Aita Abnegater
- Ajido-Marujido's Minder
- Akvan Absterger
- Albumen Aggrivator
- Alexander Annihilator
- Alfard Detoxifier
- Alluvion Assailant
- Amhuluk Inundater
- Aminon Apprehender
- Amphibian Adulterator
- Amphitrite Shucker
- Ancient Flame Follower
- Animal Trainer
- Another Psyche
- Antica Hunter
- Anvil Advocate
- Apademak Annihilator
- Aphmau's Mercenary
- Apiarist
- Apollyon Ravager
- Apollyon Razer
- Apostate for Hire
- Apothecary Owner
- Apprentice Sommelier
- Apprentice Tarutaru Sauce Manager
- Archmage Assassin
- Arepati Assaulter
- Aristaeus Assailer
- Ark Elvaan Eviscerator
- Ark Galka Gouger
- Ark Hume Humiliator
- Ark Mithra Maligner
- Ark Tarutaru Trouncer
- Armory Owner
- Arms Trader
- Arrester of the Ascension
- Aspidochelone Sinker
- Assassin Reject
- Assistant Detective
- Assistant Extraordinaire
- Astral Aligner
- Avenger
- Averter of the Apocalypse
- Azdaja Abolisher
- Azi Dahaka Annihilator
- Babban's Traveling Companion
- Balli☆☆☆☆star Royale
- Ballistager
- Banisher of Emptiness
- Banisher of the Profane
- Banneret
- Banquet Bestower
- Bastok Welcoming Committee
- Bastok's Second Best Dressed
- Battle of Jeuno Veteran
- Beadeaux Surveyor
- Beakbender
- Bean Cuisine Salter
- Bearer of Bonds Beyond Time
- Bearer of Secrets
- Bearer of the Eight Prayers
- Bearer of the Mark of Zahak
- Bearer of the Wisewoman's Hope
- Behemoth Dethroner
- Behemoth's Bane
- Believer of Altana
- Beloved by the Sea God
- Bennu Deplumer
- Bestrider of Futures
- Bismarck Flenser
- Black Belt
- Black Death
- Black Dragon Slayer
- Black Marketeer
- Blade Enthusiast
- Blaze Marshaller
- Blazewing Berater
- Blessed by the Avatars
- Blobdingnag Burster
- Bloodeye Banisher
- Bloodline Corrupter
- Bloody Berserker
- Bogeydowner
- Bolide Baron
- Bond Fixer
- Bond Renewer
- Bond-building Breeder
- Bone Beautifier
- Boomy and Busty
- Bore Repulsor
- Boroka Beleaguerer
- Botulus Rex Engorger
- Boutique Owner
- Branded by Lightning
- Branded by the Five Serpents
- Breaker of the Chains
- Briareus Feller
- Brilliance Manifest
- Bringer of Bliss
- Bringer of Hope
- Bringer of the Dawn
- Bronze Balli☆star
- Bronze Quadav
- Brother-in-arms
- Brown Belt
- Brown Mage Guinea Pig
- Brown Magic By-Product
- Brulo Extinguisher
- Brygid-approved
- Brygidesque Manager
- Buarainech Exorcist
- Bucket Fisher
- Bug Catcher
- Bukhis Tetherer
- Bumba Befouler
- Burier of the Illusion
- Bushido Blade
- Bushin Aspirant
- Bushin-Ryu Inheritor
- Byakko Tamer
- Bye-bye, Taisai
- Cactrot Desacelerador
- Cailimh Plumageplucker
- Cait Sith's Assistant
- Calamareeler
- Captain
- Carabosse Quasher
- Card Collector
- Cardian Tutor
- Carp Diem
- Cassienova
- Caster Captain
- Cat Burglar Groupie
- Cat Skinner
- Cavern Exemplar
- Celaeno Silencer
- Centurion
- Cerberus Muzzler
- Certified Adventurer
- Certified Rhinostery Venturer
- Cerulean Soldier
- Champion of Abyssea
- Champion of Aht Urhgan
- Champion of the Dawn
- Chief Sergeant
- Chloris Uprooter
- Chocobo Love Guru
- Chocobo Trainer
- Chocochampion
- Chocorookie
- Cirein-croin Harpooner
- Cleaver Dismantler
- Clock Tower Preservationist
- Cloud Breaker
- Clumsy Cleaver
- Coastline Caster
- Cobra Unit Mercenary
- Colkhab Dethroner
- Colkhab Hivecrusher
- Combat Caster
- Comet Charioteer
- Companion of Louverance
- Confident Caretaker
- Confronter of Nightmares
- Conquerer of Fear
- Conqueror of Abyssea
- Conqueror of Fate
- Consort Candidate
- Contest Rigger
- Contributer from the Shadows
- Copper Hook
- Copper Mattock
- Cordon Bleu Fisher
- Corporal
- Courier Extraordinaire
- Coven Collapser
- Crab Crusher
- Cracker of the Secret Code
- Crawler Culler
- Crystal Stakes Cupholder
- Cuijatender Desiccator
- Cultivated Coddler
- Cupid's Florist
- Curator Culler
- Curiosity Shop Owner
- Custodian of Ulbuka
- Dakuwaqa Trawler
- Dark Dragon Slayer
- Dark Resistant
- Dark Sider
- Dawn's Delight
- Dawon Trapper
- Daybreak Gambler
- Dazzling Dance Diva
- Dead Body
- Dealan-dhe Dimmer
- Debaser of Dynasties
- Decurion
- Deed Verifier
- Deity Debunker
- Deliverer of Tearful News
- Delta Enforcer
- Delver of the Depths
- Demonic Dreamer
- Desert Hunter
- Destined Fellow
- Destiny Destroyer...Destroyer
- Destiny Master
- Destroyer of Antiquity
- Destroyer of Hades
- Detector of Deception
- Devastator of Abyssea
- Devil's Demise
- Devourer of Shadows
- Dhartok Defiler
- Discerning Individual
- Disciple of Justice
- Disciplined Dissector
- Disperser of Darkness
- Disturber of Slumber
- Doctor Shantotto Supporter
- Doctor Shantotto's Flavor of the Month
- Doctor Shantotto's Guinea Pig
- Doctor Yoran-Oran Supporter
- Down Piper Pipe-upperer
- Drachenfall Ascetic
- Draconic Interloper
- Dragon Asher
- Dragua Slayer
- Dread Dragon Slayer
- Dread Purger
- Dream Distiller
- Dream Dweller
- Dreambreaker
- Dreyruk Predominator
- Ducal Dupe
- Duke Vepar Vanquisher
- Dung Disseminator
- Durinn Deceiver
- Dynamis-Bastok [D] Dominator
- Dynamis-Bastok [D] Infiltrator
- Dynamis-Bastok [D] Trespasser
- Dynamis-Bastok Interloper
- Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper
- Dynamis-Buburimu Interloper
- Dynamis-Jeuno [D] Dominator
- Dynamis-Jeuno [D] Infiltrator
- Dynamis-Jeuno [D] Trespasser
- Dynamis-Jeuno Interloper
- Dynamis-Qufim Interloper
- Dynamis-San d'Oria [D] Dominator
- Dynamis-San d'Oria [D] Infiltrator
- Dynamis-San d'Oria [D] Trespasser
- Dynamis-San d'Oria Interloper
- Dynamis-Tavnazia Interloper
- Dynamis-Valkurm Interloper
- Dynamis-Windurst [D] Dominator
- Dynamis-Windurst [D] Infiltrator
- Dynamis-Windurst [D] Trespasser
- Dynamis-Windurst Interloper
- Dynamis-Xarcabard Interloper
- Eccentricity Expunger
- Ecologist
- Editor's Hatchet Man
- Elatha Exorcist
- Elegant Dancer
- Elite Einherjar
- Elite Royal Guard
- Emerald Exterminator
- Emissary of the Empress
- Empousa Expurgator
- Ender of Idolatry
- Endymion Paratrooper
- Entrance Denied
- Envoy to the North
- Epic Einherjar
- Epic Heroine
- Erinys Engulfer
- Esha'ntarl's Comrade in Arms
- Established Examiner
- Eternal Communer
- Eternal Mercenary
- Ethniu Exorcist
- Even More Gullible's Travels
- Every Ilm a Heroine
- Exalted Fisherman
- Excommunicate of Kazham
- Executioner Dismantler
- Exorcist in Training
- Expeditionary Trooper
- Extremely Discerning Individual
- Fafnir Slayer
- Faith like a Candle
- Fake-moustached Investigator
- Family Counselor
- Fang Finder
- Fangmonger Forestaller
- Fast Food Deliverer
- Fastriver Fisher
- Fauna Feeder
- Fellow Fortifier
- Final Balli☆☆☆☆star
- Fine Tuner
- Fine Young Griffon
- First Lieutenant
- First-rate Organizer
- Fish Whisperer
- Fishmonger Owner
- Fistule Drainer
- Five-star Purveyor
- Flameserpent Facilitator
- Fleetstalker Fileter
- Fodderchief Flayer
- Fool's Errand Runner
- Forest Praetor
- Forge Fanatic
- Formula Fiddler
- Fortune's Favorite
- Fortune-teller in Training
- Fossilized Sea Farer
- Founder's Pride
- Four-star Purveyor
- Fourth Division Soldier
- Freesword
- Fresh "North Winds" Recruit
- Friend of Abyssea
- Friend of Lehko Habhoka
- Friend of the Helmed
- Friend of the Opo-opos
- Friend to Gluttons
- Frozen Dead Body
- Fu Fighter
- Fuath Purifier
- Fugitive Minister Bounty Hunter
- Fully-Baked Hero
- Fulmination Disruptor
- Furniture Store Owner
- Galeserpent Guardian
- Galkan Hazard
- Gardener for the Ages
- Gartell Grinder
- Gaunab Gutter
- Genbu Cracker
- Geodancer
- Geomancipator
- Gessho Pinioner
- Gessho's Mercy
- Get Over Here!
- Ghdwk Vshdnhu
- Ghostie Buster
- Giant Killer
- Giant Squimperator
- Gigasplosion Expert
- Gigelorum Gagger
- Gin Gagger
- Glavoid Stampeder
- Glorious Groomer
- Goblin in Disguise
- Goblin's Exclusive Fashion Mannequin
- Gogmagog Grinder
- Gold Balli☆☆☆☆star
- Gold Hook
- Gold Mattock
- Gold Musketeer
- Goldwing Squasher
- Goliath Killer
- Good Dew-er
- Gorgonstone Sunderer
- Gourmand Gratifier
- Grand Greedalox
- Grand Knight of the Realm
- Grand Temple Knight
- Grannus Garroter
- Great Grappler Scorpio!?
- Greater Gardener
- Greedalox
- Green Grocer
- Grimoire Bearer
- Guider of Souls to the Sanctuary
- Guiding Star
- Gullible's Travels
- Gustaberg Tourist
- Hadhayosh Halterer
- Hahava Condemner
- Hakkuru-Rinkuru's Benefactor
- Have Wings, Will Fly
- Heavens Tower Gatehouse Recruit
- Hedjedjet Destinger
- Heir of Eternity
- Heir of the Blessed Radiance
- Heir of the Blighted Gloom
- Heir of the Great Earth
- Heir of the Great Fire
- Heir of the Great Ice
- Heir of the Great Lightning
- Heir of the Great Water
- Heir of the Great Wind
- Heir of the New Moon
- Heir to the Holy Crest
- Heir to the Realm of Dreams
- Hellsbane
- Helminth Mincer
- Henwen Harrier
- Herald of a New Age
- Hero Among Heroes
- Hero of Abyssea
- Hero on Behalf of Windurst
- Hexer Vexer
- Hide Handler
- High Roller
- Honorary Citizen of Selbina
- Honorary Doctorate, Majoring in Tonberries
- Honorary Knight of the Cardinal Stag
- Honored Horticulturist
- Hope for the Future
- Horizon Breaker
- Hot Dog
- House Aurchiat Retainer
- Hurkan Birdlimeist
- Hydra Headhunter
- Hyper Ultra Sonic Adventurer
- Ig-Alima Inhumer
- Illuminator of the 10th Walk
- Illuminator of the 11th Walk
- Illuminator of the 12th Walk
- Illuminator of the 13th Walk
- Illuminator of the 14th Walk
- Illuminator of the 15th Walk
- Illuminator of the 1st Walk
- Illuminator of the 2nd Walk
- Illuminator of the 3rd Walk
- Illuminator of the 4th Walk
- Illuminator of the 5th Walk
- Illuminator of the 6th Walk
- Illuminator of the 7th Walk
- Illuminator of the 8th Walk
- Illuminator of the 9th Walk
- Immortal Lion
- Indomitable Fisher
- Indrik Immolator
- Insignificant Adventurer
- Interrupter of Dreams
- Inventor Extraordinaire
- Iratham Capturer
- Irresponsible Adventurer
- Isgebind Defroster
- Itzpapalotl Declawer
- Ixion Hornbreaker
- Izyx Vexer
- Jellybane
- Jewel of the Cobra Unit
- Jewelry Store Owner
- Jingly Dangler
- Judge, Jury, and Executioner
- Jungle Praetor
- Junior Musketeer
- Kaggen Clobberer
- Kalasutrax Cremator
- Kalunga Collapser
- Karababa's Bodyguard
- Karababa's Secret Agent
- Karababa's Tour Guide
- Karaha-Baruha's Research Assistant
- Karkadann Exoculator
- Karkinos Clawcrusher
- Kazham Caller
- Keeper of Ulbuka
- Kei Combuster
- Ketea Beacher
- Khimaira Carver
- Killakriq Excoriator
- Kin Kicker
- King of the Opo-opos
- Kirin Captivator
- Kirin Dismantler
- Kisser Make-upper
- Kit Empathizer
- Knight in Training
- Knight of the Iron Ram
- Knight of the Swiftwing Griffin
- Knitting Know-It-All
- Knower of Untruths
- Krabkatoa Steamer
- Kuftal Tourist
- Kukulkan Defanger
- Kulatz Bridge Companion
- Kumhau Roaster
- Kutharei Unhorser
- Kyou Killer
- Lacovie Capsizer
- Lady Killer
- Lagoon Explorer
- Lambton Worm Desegmenter
- Lance Corporal
- Lancelord Divester
- Leather Lauder
- Legendary Alchemist
- Legendary Blacksmith
- Legendary Boneworker
- Legendary Culinarian
- Legendary Goldsmith
- Legendary Legionnaire
- Legendary Tanner
- Legendary Weaver
- Legendary Woodworker
- Legionnaire
- Lesser Landscaper
- Leviauthority
- Lich Banisher
- Life Saver
- Lifecycler
- Lifter of Shadows
- Lifter of Spirits
- Light of Dawn
- Lightweaver
- Li'l Cupid
- Lilith Liquidator
- Lithosphere Annihilator
- Lizard Skinner
- Long Live Mumor
- Looks Good in Leggings
- Looks Sublime in a Subligar
- Loom Lunatic
- Lost & Found Officer
- Lost Child Officer
- Love is Alive
- Lower than the Lowest Tunnel Worm
- Lu Shang-like Fisher King
- Lugh Exorcist
- Lumber Lather
- Lupine Liquidator
- Lusca Debunker
- Lux Ex Tenebris
- Maat Masher
- Maere Bestirrer
- Maester of Maddening
- Maju Mauler
- Mandragardener
- Manifest Mauler
- Marmorkrebs Mauler
- Mary's Guide
- Master Academic
- Master Brawler
- Master Caster
- Master Centurion
- Master Evoker
- Master Headliner
- Master Healer
- Master Hunter
- Master Hussar
- Master Lyricist
- Master Magus
- Master Mononofu
- Master Naturalist
- Master of All
- Master of Ambition
- Master of Chance
- Master of Manipulation
- Master Privateer
- Master Puppeteer
- Master Rogue
- Master Runeist
- Master Shinobi
- Master Soulstealer
- Master Tamer
- Master Templar
- Master Warlock
- Master Wizard
- Matchmaker
- Maze Artisan
- Maze Navigator
- Maze Overlord
- Maze Scholar
- Maze Wanderer
- Mboze Mauler
- Melisseus Domesticator
- Mender of Wings
- Mercenary
- Mercenary Captain
- Mercenary Major
- Mercy Errand Runner
- Mimic Masher
- Mireu Mincer
- Mist Melter
- Moblin Kinsman
- Mog Garden Seedling
- Mog Gardener
- Mog House Handyperson
- Mog's Exceptionally Kind Master
- Mog's Kind Master
- Mog's Loving Master
- Mog's Master
- Mole Manipulator
- Mommy's Helper
- Mon Cherry
- Monarch Linn Patrol Guard
- Monke-Onke Master
- Moon Charioteer
- Moon Maven
- Moppet Massacrer
- Morbolbane
- Morta Extirpator
- Musketeer Commander
- Muyingwa Wingcrusher
- Myrmecoleon Tamer
- Mythril Balli☆☆☆star
- Mythril Hook
- Mythril Mattock
- Mythril Musketeer No. 6
- N/A
- Naga Raja Nullifier
- Nag'molada's Underling
- Naja's Comrade-In-Arms
- Nashmeira's Loyalist
- Nashmeira's Mercenary
- Neak Nullifier
- New "Best of the West" Recruit
- New "Buuma's Boomers" Recruit
- New Adventurer
- Ngai Nabber
- Nidhogg Slayer
- Night Sky Navigator
- Nightmare Awakener
- Nightmare Illuminator
- Nilotican Decimator
- Novice Nurseryman
- Novice Nuzzler
- Observer of Fateful Cubes
- Obsidian Storm
- Octopotentate
- Ocythoe Overrider
- Odorous Adventurer
- Ogopogo Overturner
- Ombifid Slayer
- Omega Ostracizer
- One-Eyed Jack
- One-star Purveyor
- Ongo Obliterator
- Onychophora Obliterator
- Orcish Serjeant
- Orcus Trophy Hunter
- Orthrus Decapitator
- Ou Obliterator
- Oupire Impaler
- Ouryu Obfuscator
- Ouryu Overwhelmer
- Overlord Executioner
- Overlord Overthrower
- Ovjang's Errand Runner
- Ovni Obliterator
- Pakecet Pacifier
- Palloritus Punisher
- Pandemonium Queller
- Pantokrator Disprover
- Paradise Regained
- Paragon of Bard Excellence
- Paragon of Beastmaster Excellence
- Paragon of Black Mage Excellence
- Paragon of Blue Mage Excellence
- Paragon of Corsair Excellence
- Paragon of Dark Knight Excellence
- Paragon of Dragoon Excellence
- Paragon of Monk Excellence
- Paragon of Ninja Excellence
- Paragon of Paladin Excellence
- Paragon of Puppetmaster Excellence
- Paragon of Ranger Excellence
- Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
- Paragon of Samurai Excellence
- Paragon of Summoner Excellence
- Paragon of Thief Excellence
- Paragon of Warrior Excellence
- Paragon of White Mage Excellence
- Parter of the Veil
- Patriarch Protector
- Pazuzu Perplexer
- Penitentes Blaster
- Pentacide Perpetrator
- Pentarch Pacifier
- Perfidien Paindealer
- Photopticator Operator
- Pickpocket Pincher
- Pick-up Artist
- Pil Unfrocker
- Pilgrim to Dem
- Pilgrim to Holla
- Pilgrim to Mea
- Plouton Pincer
- Pond Preceptor
- Potation Pathfinder
- Potion Potentate
- Praefectus
- Praefectus Castrorum
- Presidential Protector
- Preventer of Ragnarok
- Preventer of the Second Coming
- Princess's Partisan
- Prishe's Buddy
- Private First Class
- Private Second Class
- Procne Punisher
- Professional Loafer
- Professor Koru-Moru Supporter
- Promising Dancer
- Prospective Pamperer
- Protected by Ulbukan Spirits
- Protector of the Sacred City
- Proud Automaton Owner
- Puddle Patron
- Pulverizer Dismantler
- Purger of the Warder
- Purple Belt
- Pursuer of the Past
- Pursuer of the Truth
- Purveyor in Training
- Putraxia Pulverizer
- Putrid Purveyor of Pungent Petals
- Qiji's Friend
- Qiji's Rival
- Qilin Contravener
- Quartet Captivator
- Queen's Confidante
- Queller of Otherworldly Gales
- Quetzalcoatl Plucker
- Quick Fixer
- Quieter of Ancient Thoughts
- Rabbit Tussler
- Rabbiter
- Radiance of Daybreak
- Rainbow Weaver
- Raja Regicide
- Ra'Kaznar Exemplar
- Rancibus Ravager
- Random Adventurer
- Rani Decrowner
- Raptor Wrangler
- Raskovniche Render
- Receiver of Sigils
- Researcher of Classics
- Reserve Knight Captain
- Resheph Eradicator
- Respected Ruffler
- Restaurant Owner
- Ringbearer
- Rip-roaring Limbrender
- River Regent
- Roc Star
- Rod Retriever
- Ronfaurian Rescuer
- Rook Buster
- Rookie Hero Instructor
- Royal Archer
- Royal Cavalier
- Royal Grave Keeper
- Royal Guard
- Royal Spearman
- Royal Squire
- Royal Swordsman
- Royal Wedding Planner
- Ruby Repulser
- Ruminator Confounder
- Runic Emissary
- Runic Engraver
- Ruthven Entomber
- S.O.B. Super Hero
- Sable★Star
- Sagacious★Star
- Saintly★Star
- Salaheem's Risk Assessor
- Samursk Vitiator
- San d'Orian Royal Heir
- Sand Blaster
- Sandworm Wrangler
- Sapphire★Star
- Sardineophyte
- Satiator Depriver
- Sauce Supreme
- Savage★Star
- Savior of Abyssea
- Savior of Knowledge
- Savior of Love
- Scarlet★Star
- Scenic Snapshotter
- Schah Scraper
- Schultz Scholar
- Scylla Skinner
- Seagull Phratrie Crew Member
- Sealer of the Portal of the Gods
- Searcher of the Voracious
- Searing★Star
- Seasoning Connoisseur
- Second Lieutenant
- Second-rate Organizer
- Sedna Tuskbreaker
- Seeker of the Light
- Seeker of Truth
- Seer of Songs
- Seiryu Clipper
- Sender of Shadow
- Senior Gold Musketeer
- Senior Musketeer
- Sergeant
- Sergeant Major
- Serious Snuggler
- Serket Breaker
- Servant to the Servant
- Severer Dismantler
- Sgili Stomper
- Shadow Banisher
- Shadow Walker
- Shadowy★Star
- Shedder of Harlequin Tears
- Sheep's Milk Deliverer
- Shell Outer
- Shell Scrimshander
- Shell Shocker
- Shining Scale Rifler
- Shockmaw Subjugator
- Shoeshop Owner
- Sidhe Smasher
- Silagilith Detonator
- Silencer of the Echo
- Silencer of the Lambs
- Silver Balli☆☆star
- Silver Hook
- Silver Mattock
- Silver Smelter
- Simurgh Poacher
- Sin Hunter Hunter
- Sin Purger
- Singing★Star
- Sippoy Capturer
- Sirocco Tamer
- Skullcrusher
- Sky Breaker
- Skyserpent Aggrandizer
- Slicing★Star
- Smiter of the Shadow
- Smok Defogger
- Sneaking★Star
- Sniping★Star
- Sobek Mummifier
- Solar Sage
- Sonic★Star
- Soothing★Star
- Sorrow Drowner
- Spearing★Star
- Spelunker
- Spirit Seeker
- Spiritual★Star
- Spoilsport
- Sprightly★Star
- Springserpent Sentry
- Stampeder
- Star Breaker
- Star Charioteer
- Star in the Azure Sky
- Star of Ifrit
- Star Onion Brigade Member
- Star Onion Brigadier
- Stardust Dancer
- Star-ordained Warrior
- Stippling★Star
- Stoneserpent Shocktrooper
- Storied Geomancer
- Stormer of Abyssea
- Street Sweeper
- Striking★Star
- Subduer of the Mamool Ja
- Subduer of the Trolls
- Subduer of the Undead Swarm
- Subjugator of the Lofty
- Subjugator of the Mired
- Subjugator of the Soaring
- Subjugator of the Veiled
- Sublime Slicer
- Suchian Feller
- Summa Cum Laude
- Summit Breaker
- Summoning★Star
- Sun Charioteer
- Sunshine Cadet
- Super Model
- Superhero
- Superheroine
- Superior Private
- Supernal Savant
- Surging★Star
- Surtr Smotherer
- Suzaku Plucker
- Svaha Striker
- Swamp Savant
- Swarminator
- Swaying★Star
- Sword Saint
- Sworn to the Dark Divinity
- Tactician Magician
- Talks with Tonberries
- Tarutaru Murder Suspect
- Tavnazian Squire
- Tavnazian Traveler
- Tchakka Desiccator
- Tchakka Filleter
- Team Player
- Tearjerker
- Teles Terrifier
- Temenos Emancipator
- Temenos Liberator
- Temperer of Mythril
- Tenshodo Member
- Tenzen's Ally
- Tethra Exorcist
- The Ascended
- The Awakener
- The Benevolent One
- The Chebukkis' Worst Nightmare
- The Decider
- The Eternal Wind
- The Fanged One
- The Fated
- The Hornsplitter
- The Immortal Fisher, Lu Shang
- The Lost One
- The Love Doctor
- The Lovelorn
- The Moon's Companion
- The One True Pioneer
- The Pious One
- The Pure One
- The Savior of Vana'diel
- The Sixth Serpent
- The Triumphant
- The Trustworthy
- The Vivisector
- Thicket Praetor
- Third-rate Organizer
- Thousand-Year Traveler
- Three-star Purveyor
- Tiamat Trouncer
- Timekeeper
- Tireless Tracker
- Titlacauan Dismemberer
- Tojil Douser
- Tonberry Toppler
- Torchbearer
- Torchbearer of the 10th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 11th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 12th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 13th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 14th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 15th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 1st Walk
- Torchbearer of the 2nd Walk
- Torchbearer of the 3rd Walk
- Torchbearer of the 4th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 5th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 6th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 7th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 8th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 9th Walk
- Tortoise Torturer
- Total Loser
- Toxin Tussler
- Trader of Antiquities
- Trader of Mysteries
- Trader of Renown
- Transcendental Tamer
- Transient Dreamer
- Trash Collector
- Traveling Medicine Man
- Traverser of Time
- Treader of an Icy Past
- Treasure of Olduum
- Treasure Scavenger
- Treasure Trove Tender
- Treasure-house Ransacker
- Tree Praetor
- Trialed-and-True Runeist
- Triboulex Terrorizer
- Tried and Tested Knight
- Trinket Turner
- Tristitia Deliverer
- Triumphant Owner
- Troll Subjugator
- Troupe Brilioth Dancer
- True Companion of Louverance
- Turul Grounder
- Two's Company
- Two-star Purveyor
- U Bnai Underminer
- Ulbukan Stalwart
- Ulbukan Understudy
- Ulhuadshi Desiccator
- Ulmia's Soulmate
- Ultima Undertaker
- Ultimate Champion of the World
- Ultimate Runeist
- Umagrhk Manemangler
- Unquenchable Light
- Unsung Heroine
- Unwavering Blaze
- Uptala Reprobator
- Urmahlullu Usurper
- Usurper Deposer
- Utkux Peltburner
- Vampire Hunter D-Minus
- Vanquisher of Apathy
- Vanquisher of Arrogance
- Vanquisher of Ashrakk
- Vanquisher of Cowardice
- Vanquisher of Dhokmak
- Vanquisher of Envy
- Vanquisher of Rage
- Vanquisher of Spite
- Vegetable Evolutionary
- Vegetable Hero
- Vegetable Revolutionary
- Venerated Adventurer
- Vermillion Venturer
- Verthandi Ensnarer
- Very Discerning Individual
- Vestal Chamberlain
- Victor of the Balga Contest
- Victorious Owner
- Vinegar Evaporator
- Vinipata Vanquisher
- Vir'ava Vegetator
- Virtuous Saint
- Visitor to Abyssea
- Voidwrought Deconstructor
- Vrtra Vanquisher
- Wanderer of Time
- Wandering Minstrel
- Warchief Wrecker
- Warrior of Abyssea
- Warrior of the Crystal
- Waterway Exemplar
- Waypoint Warrior
- Weald Exemplar
- Weatherer of Brumal Climes
- Weed Praetor
- White Knight
- Wibbly Wobbly Woozy Warrior
- Wildcat Publicist
- Windtalker
- Winning Owner
- Wise Wizard
- Witness to Provenance
- Wood Worshiper
- Wopket Trunksplitter
- World Serpent Slayer
- Worthy of Trust
- Wrathare Waxer
- Wyrm Astonisher
- Wyrm God Defier
- Wyrmsworn Protector
- Xevioso Zapper
- Xolotl Xtrapolator
- Ya Done Good
- Yaanei Crasher
- Yagudo Coopkeeper
- Yagudo Initiate
- Yakshi Yanker
- Yilbegan Hideflayer
- Yumcax Logger
- Zerde Zapper
- Zeroine to Heroine
- Zeruhn Sweeper
- Zirnitra Wingclipper
Title List - Extracted Order
This list is extracted from the .dat files in the same order as displayed - this may be useful for grouping purposes to figure out where titles come from.
- Fodderchief Flayer
- Warchief Wrecker
- Dread Dragon Slayer
- Overlord Executioner
- Dark Dragon Slayer
- Adamantking Killer
- Black Dragon Slayer
- Manifest Mauler
- Behemoth's Bane
- Archmage Assassin
- Hellsbane
- Giant Killer
- Lich Banisher
- Jellybane
- Bogeydowner
- Beakbender
- Skullcrusher
- Morbolbane
- Goliath Killer
- Mary's Guide
- Simurgh Poacher
- Roc Star
- Serket Breaker
- Cassienova
- The Hornsplitter
- Tortoise Torturer
- Mon Cherry
- Behemoth Dethroner
- The Vivisector
- Dragon Asher
- Expeditionary Trooper
- Bearer of the Wisewoman's Hope
- Bearer of the Eight Prayers
- Lightweaver
- Destroyer of Antiquity
- Sealer of the Portal of the Gods
- Burier of the Illusion
- Family Counselor
- Great Grappler Scorpio!?
- Bond Fixer
- Vampire Hunter D-Minus
- Sheep's Milk Deliverer
- Bean Cuisine Salter
- Total Loser
- Doctor Shantotto's Flavor of the Month
- Pilgrim to Holla
- Pilgrim to Dem
- Pilgrim to Mea
- Daybreak Gambler
- The Pious One
- A Moss Kind Person
- Entrance Denied
- Apiarist
- Rabbiter
- Royal Grave Keeper
- Courier Extraordinaire
- Ronfaurian Rescuer
- Pickpocket Pincher
- Fang Finder
- Faith like a Candle
- The Pure One
- Lost Child Officer
- Silencer of the Lambs
- Lost & Found Officer
- Green Grocer
- The Benevolent One
- Knight in Training
- Lizard Skinner
- Bug Catcher
- Spelunker
- Arms Trader
- Traveling Medicine Man
- Cat Skinner
- Carp Diem
- Advertising Executive
- Third-rate Organizer
- Second-rate Organizer
- First-rate Organizer
- Bastok Welcoming Committee
- Shell Outer
- Bucket Fisher
- Pursuer of the Past
- Pursuer of the Truth
- Mommy's Helper
- Hot Dog
- Stampeder
- Qiji's Friend
- Qiji's Rival
- Contest Rigger
- Ringbearer
- Kulatz Bridge Companion
- Beadeaux Surveyor
- Avenger
- Treasure Scavenger
- Airship Denouncer
- Zeruhn Sweeper
- Tearjerker
- Crab Crusher
- Star of Ifrit
- Sorrow Drowner
- Brygid-approved
- Drachenfall Ascetic
- "Steaming Sheep" Regular
- Purple Belt
- Gustaberg Tourist
- Sand Blaster
- Black Death
- Fresh "North Winds" Recruit
- New "Best of the West" Recruit
- New "Buuma's Boomers" Recruit
- Heavens Tower Gatehouse Recruit
- Cat Burglar Groupie
- Crawler Culler
- Savior of Knowledge
- Star-ordained Warrior
- Lower than the Lowest Tunnel Worm
- Star Onion Brigade Member
- Star Onion Brigadier
- Quick Fixer
- Fake-moustached Investigator
- Hakkuru-Rinkuru's Benefactor
- S.O.B. Super Hero
- Editor's Hatchet Man
- Doctor Shantotto's Guinea Pig
- Spoilsport
- Super Model
- Ghostie Buster
- Night Sky Navigator
- Fast Food Deliverer
- Cupid's Florist
- Tarutaru Murder Suspect
- Hexer Vexer
- Cardian Tutor
- Deliverer of Tearful News
- Fossilized Sea Farer
- Down Piper Pipe-upperer
- Kisser Make-upper
- Timekeeper
- Fortune-teller in Training
- Torchbearer
- Tenshodo Member
- Chocobo Trainer
- Bringer of Bliss
- Activist for Kindness
- Envoy to the North
- Exorcist in Training
- Professional Loafer
- Clock Tower Preservationist
- Life Saver
- Fool's Errand Runner
- Card Collector
- Researcher of Classics
- Street Sweeper
- Mercy Errand Runner
- Two's Company
- Believer of Altana
- Trader of Mysteries
- Trader of Antiquities
- Trader of Renown
- Brown Belt
- Horizon Breaker
- Goblin's Exclusive Fashion Mannequin
- Summit Breaker
- Sky Breaker
- Cloud Breaker
- Star Breaker
- Greedalox
- Certified Rhinostery Venturer
- Cordon Bleu Fisher
- Ace Angler
- Lu Shang-like Fisher King
- Matchmaker
- Ecologist
- Li'l Cupid
- The Love Doctor
- Savior of Love
- Honorary Citizen of Selbina
- Purveyor in Training
- One-star Purveyor
- Two-star Purveyor
- Three-star Purveyor
- Four-star Purveyor
- Five-star Purveyor
- Doctor Yoran-Oran Supporter
- Doctor Shantotto Supporter
- Professor Koru-Moru Supporter
- Rainbow Weaver
- Shadow Walker
- Heir to the Holy Crest
- Bushido Blade
- Paragon of Paladin Excellence
- Paragon of Beastmaster Excellence
- Paragon of Ranger Excellence
- Paragon of Dark Knight Excellence
- Paragon of Bard Excellence
- Paragon of Samurai Excellence
- Paragon of Dragoon Excellence
- Paragon of Ninja Excellence
- Paragon of Summoner Excellence
- New Adventurer
- Certified Adventurer
- Shadow Banisher
- Tried and Tested Knight
- Dark Sider
- The Fanged One
- Have Wings, Will Fly
- Animal Trainer
- Wandering Minstrel
- Mog's Master
- Mog's Kind Master
- Mog's Exceptionally Kind Master
- Paragon of Warrior Excellence
- Paragon of Monk Excellence
- Paragon of Red Mage Excellence
- Paragon of Thief Excellence
- Paragon of Black Mage Excellence
- Paragon of White Mage Excellence
- Mog's Loving Master
- Royal Archer
- Royal Spearman
- Royal Squire
- Royal Swordsman
- Royal Cavalier
- Royal Guard
- Grand Knight of the Realm
- Grand Temple Knight
- Reserve Knight Captain
- Elite Royal Guard
- Legionnaire
- Decurion
- Centurion
- Junior Musketeer
- Senior Musketeer
- Musketeer Commander
- Gold Musketeer
- Praefectus
- Senior Gold Musketeer
- Praefectus Castrorum
- Freesword
- Mercenary
- Mercenary Captain
- Combat Caster
- Tactician Magician
- Wise Wizard
- Patriarch Protector
- Caster Captain
- Master Caster
- Mercenary Major
- Fugitive Minister Bounty Hunter
- King of the Opo-opos
- Excommunicate of Kazham
- Kazham Caller
- Dream Dweller
- Apprentice Sommelier
- Desert Hunter
- Seeker of Truth
- Kuftal Tourist
- The Immortal Fisher, Lu Shang
- Looks Sublime in a Subligar
- Looks Good in Leggings
- Honorary Doctorate, Majoring in Tonberries
- Treasure-house Ransacker
- Cracker of the Secret Code
- Black Marketeer
- Acquirer of Ancient Arcanum
- Ya Done Good
- Heir of the Great Fire
- Heir of the Great Earth
- Heir of the Great Water
- Heir of the Great Wind
- Heir of the Great Ice
- Heir of the Great Lightning
- Guider of Souls to the Sanctuary
- Bearer of Bonds Beyond Time
- Friend of the Opo-opos
- Hero on Behalf of Windurst
- Victor of the Balga Contest
- Gullible's Travels
- Even More Gullible's Travels
- Heir of the New Moon
- Assassin Reject
- Black Belt
- Vermillion Venturer
- Cerulean Soldier
- Emerald Exterminator
- Guiding Star
- Vestal Chamberlain
- San d'Orian Royal Heir
- Hero Among Heroes
- Dynamis-San d'Oria Interloper
- Dynamis-Bastok Interloper
- Dynamis-Windurst Interloper
- Dynamis-Jeuno Interloper
- Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper
- Dynamis-Xarcabard Interloper
- Discerning Individual
- Very Discerning Individual
- Extremely Discerning Individual
- Royal Wedding Planner
- Consort Candidate
- Obsidian Storm
- Pentacide Perpetrator
- Wood Worshiper
- Lumber Lather
- Accomplished Carpenter
- Anvil Advocate
- Forge Fanatic
- Accomplished Blacksmith
- Trinket Turner
- Silver Smelter
- Accomplished Goldsmith
- Knitting Know-It-All
- Loom Lunatic
- Accomplished Weaver
- Formula Fiddler
- Potion Potentate
- Accomplished Alchemist
- Bone Beautifier
- Shell Scrimshander
- Accomplished Boneworker
- Hide Handler
- Leather Lauder
- Accomplished Tanner
- Fastriver Fisher
- Coastline Caster
- Accomplished Angler
- Gourmand Gratifier
- Banquet Bestower
- Accomplished Chef
- Fine Tuner
- Friend of the Helmed
- Tavnazian Squire
- Ducal Dupe
- Hyper Ultra Sonic Adventurer
- Rod Retriever
- Deed Verifier
- Chocobo Love Guru
- Pick-up Artist
- Trash Collector
- Ancient Flame Follower
- Tavnazian Traveler
- Transient Dreamer
- The Lost One
- Treader of an Icy Past
- Branded by Lightning
- Seeker of the Light
- Dead Body
- Frozen Dead Body
- Dreambreaker
- Mist Melter
- Delta Enforcer
- Omega Ostracizer
- Ultima Undertaker
- Ulmia's Soulmate
- Tenzen's Ally
- Companion of Louverance
- True Companion of Louverance
- Prishe's Buddy
- Nag'molada's Underling
- Esha'ntarl's Comrade in Arms
- The Chebukkis' Worst Nightmare
- Brown Mage Guinea Pig
- Brown Magic By-Product
- Bastok's Second Best Dressed
- Rookie Hero Instructor
- Goblin in Disguise
- Apostate for Hire
- Talks with Tonberries
- Rook Buster
- Banneret
- Gold Balli☆☆☆☆star
- Mythril Balli☆☆☆star
- Silver Balli☆☆star
- Bronze Balli☆star
- Searing★Star
- Striking★Star
- Soothing★Star
- Sable★Star
- Scarlet★Star
- Sonic★Star
- Saintly★Star
- Shadowy★Star
- Savage★Star
- Singing★Star
- Sniping★Star
- Slicing★Star
- Sneaking★Star
- Spearing★Star
- Summoning★Star
- Putrid Purveyor of Pungent Petals
- Unquenchable Light
- Ballistager
- Ultimate Champion of the World
- Warrior of the Crystal
- Indomitable Fisher
- Averter of the Apocalypse
- Banisher of Emptiness
- Random Adventurer
- Irresponsible Adventurer
- Odorous Adventurer
- Insignificant Adventurer
- Final Balli☆☆☆☆star
- Balli☆☆☆☆star Royale
- Destined Fellow
- Orcish Serjeant
- Bronze Quadav
- Yagudo Initiate
- Moblin Kinsman
- Sin Hunter Hunter
- Disciple of Justice
- Monarch Linn Patrol Guard
- Team Player
- Worthy of Trust
- Conqueror of Fate
- Breaker of the Chains
- A Friend Indeed
- Heir to the Realm of Dreams
- Gold Hook
- Mythril Hook
- Silver Hook
- Copper Hook
- Dynamis-Valkurm Interloper
- Dynamis-Buburimu Interloper
- Dynamis-Qufim Interloper
- Dynamis-Tavnazia Interloper
- Confronter of Nightmares
- Disturber of Slumber
- Interrupter of Dreams
- Sapphire★Star
- Surging★Star
- Swaying★Star
- Dark Resistant
- Bearer of the Mark of Zahak
- Seagull Phratrie Crew Member
- Proud Automaton Owner
- Private Second Class
- Private First Class
- Superior Private
- Wildcat Publicist
- Adamantking Usurper
- Overlord Overthrower
- Deity Debunker
- Fafnir Slayer
- Aspidochelone Sinker
- Nidhogg Slayer
- Maat Masher
- Kirin Captivator
- Cactrot Desacelerador
- Lifter of Shadows
- Tiamat Trouncer
- Vrtra Vanquisher
- World Serpent Slayer
- Xolotl Xtrapolator
- Boroka Beleaguerer
- Ouryu Overwhelmer
- Vinegar Evaporator
- Virtuous Saint
- Bye-bye, Taisai
- Temenos Liberator
- Apollyon Ravager
- Wyrm Astonisher
- Nightmare Awakener
- Cerberus Muzzler
- Hydra Headhunter
- Shining Scale Rifler
- Troll Subjugator
- Gorgonstone Sunderer
- Khimaira Carver
- Elite Einherjar
- Star Charioteer
- Sun Charioteer
- Subduer of the Mamool Ja
- Subduer of the Trolls
- Subduer of the Undead Swarm
- Agent of the Allied Forces
- Scenic Snapshotter
- Branded by the Five Serpents
- Immortal Lion
- Paragon of Blue Mage Excellence
- Paragon of Corsair Excellence
- Paragon of Puppetmaster Excellence
- Lance Corporal
- Corporal
- Master of Ambition
- Master of Chance
- Master of Manipulation
- Ovjang's Errand Runner
- Sergeant
- Sergeant Major
- Karababa's Tour Guide
- Karababa's Bodyguard
- Karababa's Secret Agent
- Skyserpent Aggrandizer
- Chief Sergeant
- Aphmau's Mercenary
- Nashmeira's Mercenary
- Chocorookie
- Second Lieutenant
- Galeserpent Guardian
- Stoneserpent Shocktrooper
- Photopticator Operator
- Salaheem's Risk Assessor
- Treasure Trove Tender
- Gessho's Mercy
- Emissary of the Empress
- Endymion Paratrooper
- Naja's Comrade-In-Arms
- Nashmeira's Loyalist
- Preventer of Ragnarok
- Champion of Aht Urhgan
- First Lieutenant
- Captain
- Crystal Stakes Cupholder
- Winning Owner
- Victorious Owner
- Triumphant Owner
- High Roller
- Fortune's Favorite
- Superhero
- Superheroine
- Bloody Berserker
- The Sixth Serpent
- Eternal Mercenary
- Springserpent Sentry
- Sprightly★Star
- Sagacious★Star
- Schultz Scholar
- Knight of the Iron Ram
- Fourth Division Soldier
- Cobra Unit Mercenary
- Windtalker
- Lady Killer
- Troupe Brilioth Dancer
- Cait Sith's Assistant
- Ajido-Marujido's Minder
- Comet Charioteer
- Moon Charioteer
- Sandworm Wrangler
- Ixion Hornbreaker
- Lambton Worm Desegmenter
- Pandemonium Queller
- Debaser of Dynasties
- Disperser of Darkness
- Ender of Idolatry
- Lugh Exorcist
- Elatha Exorcist
- Ethniu Exorcist
- Tethra Exorcist
- Buarainech Exorcist
- Oupire Impaler
- Scylla Skinner
- Zirnitra Wingclipper
- Dawon Trapper
- Krabkatoa Steamer
- Orcus Trophy Hunter
- Blobdingnag Burster
- Verthandi Ensnarer
- Ruthven Entomber
- Yilbegan Hideflayer
- Torchbearer of the 1st Walk
- Torchbearer of the 2nd Walk
- Torchbearer of the 3rd Walk
- Torchbearer of the 4th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 5th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 6th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 7th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 8th Walk
- Furniture Store Owner
- Armory Owner
- Jewelry Store Owner
- Boutique Owner
- Apothecary Owner
- Curiosity Shop Owner
- Shoeshop Owner
- Fishmonger Owner
- Restaurant Owner
- Assistant Detective
- Promising Dancer
- Stardust Dancer
- Elegant Dancer
- Dazzling Dance Diva
- Friend of Lehko Habhoka
- Summa Cum Laude
- Grimoire Bearer
- Seasoning Connoisseur
- Fine Young Griffon
- Babban's Traveling Companion
- Fellow Fortifier
- Chocochampion
- Traverser of Time
- Mythril Musketeer No. 6
- Jewel of the Cobra Unit
- Knight of the Swiftwing Griffin
- Wyrmsworn Protector
- Flameserpent Facilitator
- Maze Wanderer
- Maze Navigator
- Maze Scholar
- Maze Artisan
- Maze Overlord
- Swarminator
- Battle of Jeuno Veteran
- Grand Greedalox
- Karaha-Baruha's Research Assistant
- Honorary Knight of the Cardinal Stag
- Detector of Deception
- Silencer of the Echo
- Bestrider of Futures
- Mog House Handyperson
- Presidential Protector
- The Moon's Companion
- Arrester of the Ascension
- House Aurchiat Retainer
- Wanderer of Time
- Smiter of the Shadow
- Heir of the Blessed Radiance
- Heir of the Blighted Gloom
- Sworn to the Dark Divinity
- Temperer of Mythril
- Star in the Azure Sky
- Fangmonger Forestaller
- Visitor to Abyssea
- Friend of Abyssea
- Warrior of Abyssea
- Stormer of Abyssea
- Devastator of Abyssea
- Hero of Abyssea
- Champion of Abyssea
- Conqueror of Abyssea
- Savior of Abyssea
- Vanquisher of Spite
- Hadhayosh Halterer
- Briareus Feller
- Karkinos Clawcrusher
- Carabosse Quasher
- Ovni Obliterator
- Ruminator Confounder
- Eccentricity Expunger
- Fistule Drainer
- Kukulkan Defanger
- Turul Grounder
- Bloodeye Banisher
- Satiator Depriver
- Iratham Capturer
- Lacovie Capsizer
- Chloris Uprooter
- Myrmecoleon Tamer
- Glavoid Stampeder
- Usurper Deposer
- Yaanei Crasher
- Kutharei Unhorser
- Sippoy Capturer
- Titlacauan Dismemberer
- Smok Defogger
- Amhuluk Inundater
- Pulverizer Dismantler
- Durinn Deceiver
- Karkadann Exoculator
- Ulhuadshi Desiccator
- Itzpapalotl Declawer
- Sobek Mummifier
- Cirein-croin Harpooner
- Bukhis Tetherer
- Sedna Tuskbreaker
- Cleaver Dismantler
- Executioner Dismantler
- Severer Dismantler
- Lusca Debunker
- Tristitia Deliverer
- Ketea Beacher
- Rani Decrowner
- Orthrus Decapitator
- Dragua Slayer
- Bennu Deplumer
- Hedjedjet Destinger
- Cuijatender Desiccator
- Brulo Extinguisher
- Pantokrator Disprover
- Apademak Annihilator
- Isgebind Defroster
- Resheph Eradicator
- Empousa Expurgator
- Indrik Immolator
- Ogopogo Overturner
- Raja Regicide
- Alfard Detoxifier
- Azdaja Abolisher
- Amphitrite Shucker
- Fuath Purifier
- Killakriq Excoriator
- Maere Bestirrer
- Wyrm God Defier
- Hahava Condemner
- Celaeno Silencer
- Voidwrought Deconstructor
- Devourer of Shadows
- Kaggen Clobberer
- Akvan Absterger
- Pil Unfrocker
- Qilin Contravener
- Uptala Reprobator
- Aello Abator
- Torchbearer of the 9th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 10th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 11th Walk
- Nightmare Illuminator
- Gaunab Gutter
- Kalasutrax Cremator
- Ocythoe Overrider
- Ig-Alima Inhumer
- Botulus Rex Engorger
- Torchbearer of the 12th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 13th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 14th Walk
- Torchbearer of the 15th Walk
- Delver of the Depths
- Subjugator of the Lofty
- Subjugator of the Mired
- Subjugator of the Soaring
- Subjugator of the Veiled
- Legendary Legionnaire
- Witness to Provenance
- Bismarck Flenser
- Morta Extirpator
- Unsung Heroine
- Epic Heroine
- Epic Einherjar
- Mender of Wings
- Champion of the Dawn
- Bushin Aspirant
- Bushin-Ryu Inheritor
- Temenos Emancipator
- Apollyon Razer
- Goldwing Squasher
- Silagilith Detonator
- Surtr Smotherer
- Dreyruk Predominator
- Samursk Vitiator
- Umagrhk Manemangler
- Supernal Savant
- Solar Sage
- Bolide Baron
- Moon Maven
- Izyx Vexer
- Grannus Garroter
- Svaha Striker
- Melisseus Domesticator
- Waterway Exemplar
- Cavern Exemplar
- Muyingwa Wingcrusher
- Dakuwaqa Trawler
- Tojil Douser
- Colkhab Dethroner
- Achuka Glaciator
- Tchakka Desiccator
- Weald Exemplar
- Hurkan Birdlimeist
- Yumcax Logger
- Colkhab Hivecrusher
- Achuka Coagulator
- Tchakka Filleter
- Rabbit Tussler
- Helminth Mincer
- Mandragardener
- Moppet Massacrer
- Rip-roaring Limbrender
- Shell Shocker
- Yagudo Coopkeeper
- Gigasplosion Expert
- Brother-in-arms
- Antica Hunter
- Amphibian Adulterator
- Tonberry Toppler
- Bloodline Corrupter
- Kumhau Roaster
- Brilliance Manifest
- Quieter of Ancient Thoughts
- Ark Hume Humiliator
- Ark Elvaan Eviscerator
- Ark Mithra Maligner
- Ark Tarutaru Trouncer
- Ark Galka Gouger
- Pentarch Pacifier
- Dream Distiller
- Ra'Kaznar Exemplar
- Utkux Peltburner
- Cailimh Plumageplucker
- Wopket Trunksplitter
- Ouryu Obfuscator
- Unwavering Blaze
- Lancelord Divester
- Gessho Pinioner
- Sin Purger
- Adumbration Disperser
- Queller of Otherworldly Gales
- Blaze Marshaller
- Penitentes Blaster
- Sirocco Tamer
- Suchian Feller
- Ombifid Slayer
- Nilotican Decimator
- Illuminator of the 1st Walk
- Illuminator of the 2nd Walk
- Illuminator of the 3rd Walk
- Illuminator of the 4th Walk
- Illuminator of the 5th Walk
- Illuminator of the 6th Walk
- Illuminator of the 7th Walk
- Illuminator of the 8th Walk
- Illuminator of the 9th Walk
- Illuminator of the 10th Walk
- Illuminator of the 11th Walk
- Illuminator of the 12th Walk
- Illuminator of the 13th Walk
- Illuminator of the 14th Walk
- Illuminator of the 15th Walk
- Lithosphere Annihilator
- Fulmination Disruptor
- Bore Repulsor
- Palloritus Punisher
- Putraxia Pulverizer
- Rancibus Ravager
- Alluvion Assailant
- Perfidien Paindealer
- Plouton Pincer
- Fleetstalker Fileter
- Shockmaw Subjugator
- Geodancer
- Runic Engraver
- Apprentice Tarutaru Sauce Manager
- Vegetable Revolutionary
- Friend to Gluttons
- Waypoint Warrior
- Ulbukan Stalwart
- Toxin Tussler
- Spiritual★Star
- Stippling★Star
- Geomancipator
- Trialed-and-True Runeist
- Queen's Confidante
- Princess's Partisan
- Potation Pathfinder
- Storied Geomancer
- Ultimate Runeist
- Mog Garden Seedling
- Kit Empathizer
- Jingly Dangler
- Mole Manipulator
- Agrarian Novice
- Agrarian Initiate
- Agrarian Professional
- Agrarian Virtuoso
- Agrarian Tutelar
- Weed Praetor
- Tree Praetor
- Thicket Praetor
- Forest Praetor
- Jungle Praetor
- Copper Mattock
- Silver Mattock
- Mythril Mattock
- Gold Mattock
- Adamanttock
- Puddle Patron
- Swamp Savant
- Pond Preceptor
- River Regent
- Monke-Onke Master
- Sardineophyte
- Calamareeler
- Octopotentate
- Giant Squimperator
- Leviauthority
- Novice Nurseryman
- Lesser Landscaper
- Greater Gardener
- Honored Horticulturist
- Mog Gardener
- Brygidesque Manager
- Vegetable Evolutionary
- Blade Enthusiast
- Runic Emissary
- Maester of Maddening
- Sunshine Cadet
- Quartet Captivator
- The Trustworthy
- The Lovelorn
- Inventor Extraordinaire
- Boomy and Busty
- Weatherer of Brumal Climes
- White Knight
- Light of Dawn
- Observer of Fateful Cubes
- Knower of Untruths
- Ulbukan Understudy
- Keeper of Ulbuka
- Radiance of Daybreak
- Wibbly Wobbly Woozy Warrior
- Heir of Eternity
- Prospective Pamperer
- Novice Nuzzler
- Serious Snuggler
- Cultivated Coddler
- Respected Ruffler
- Dung Disseminator
- Fauna Feeder
- Confident Caretaker
- Glorious Groomer
- Transcendental Tamer
- Bond-building Breeder
- Clumsy Cleaver
- Disciplined Dissector
- Established Examiner
- Sublime Slicer
- Lifter of Spirits
- Shedder of Harlequin Tears
- Hope for the Future
- Thousand-Year Traveler
- Vanquisher of Ashrakk
- Vanquisher of Dhokmak
- Protected by Ulbukan Spirits
- Receiver of Sigils
- Destroyer of Hades
- Bringer of the Dawn
- The One True Pioneer
- Bringer of Hope
- Good Dew-er
- Lifecycler
- Sword Saint
- The Fated
- Protector of the Sacred City
- Urmahlullu Usurper
- Blazewing Berater
- Coven Collapser
- Pazuzu Perplexer
- Wrathare Waxer
- Lupine Liquidator
- Ruby Repulser
- Devil's Demise
- Custodian of Ulbuka
- Azi Dahaka Annihilator
- Naga Raja Nullifier
- Quetzalcoatl Plucker
- Pakecet Pacifier
- Duke Vepar Vanquisher
- Vir'ava Vegetator
- Byakko Tamer
- Genbu Cracker
- Seiryu Clipper
- Suzaku Plucker
- Kirin Dismantler
- Vanquisher of Apathy
- Vanquisher of Cowardice
- Vanquisher of Envy
- Vanquisher of Arrogance
- Vanquisher of Rage
- Purger of the Warder
- Conquerer of Fear
- Dawn's Delight
- Maju Mauler
- Yakshi Yanker
- Neak Nullifier
- Teles Terrifier
- Assistant Extraordinaire
- Exalted Fisherman
- Sauce Supreme
- Fish Whisperer
- Abyssal Purveyor
- Banisher of the Profane
- Spirit Seeker
- One-Eyed Jack
- Curator Culler
- Master Centurion
- Master Brawler
- Master Healer
- Master Wizard
- Master Warlock
- Master Rogue
- Master Templar
- Master Soulstealer
- Master Tamer
- Master Lyricist
- Master Hunter
- Master Mononofu
- Master Shinobi
- Master Hussar
- Master Evoker
- Master Magus
- Master Privateer
- Master Puppeteer
- Master Headliner
- Master Academic
- Master Naturalist
- Master Runeist
- Zerde Zapper
- Vinipata Vanquisher
- Schah Scraper
- Albumen Aggrivator
- Onychophora Obliterator
- Erinys Engulfer
- Herald of a New Age
- Preventer of the Second Coming
- Lux Ex Tenebris
- The Triumphant
- Fu Fighter
- Kyou Killer
- Kei Combuster
- Gin Gagger
- Kin Kicker
- Ou Obliterator
- Dynamis-San d'Oria [D] Trespasser
- Dynamis-San d'Oria [D] Infiltrator
- Dynamis-San d'Oria [D] Dominator
- Dynamis-Bastok [D] Trespasser
- Dynamis-Bastok [D] Infiltrator
- Dynamis-Bastok [D] Dominator
- Dynamis-Windurst [D] Trespasser
- Dynamis-Windurst [D] Infiltrator
- Dynamis-Windurst [D] Dominator
- Dynamis-Jeuno [D] Trespasser
- Dynamis-Jeuno [D] Infiltrator
- Dynamis-Jeuno [D] Dominator
- Mimic Masher
- Judge, Jury, and Executioner
- Zeroine to Heroine
- Every Ilm a Heroine
- Dread Purger
- Sidhe Smasher
- Alexander Annihilator
- Lilith Liquidator
- Mireu Mincer
- Draconic Interloper
- Vegetable Hero
- Contributer from the Shadows
- The Decider
- The Ascended
- The Savior of Vana'diel
- Blessed by the Avatars
- Seer of Songs
- The Eternal Wind
- Dealan-dhe Dimmer
- Sgili Stomper
- U Bnai Underminer
- Gogmagog Grinder
- Aristaeus Assailer
- Marmorkrebs Mauler
- Gigelorum Gagger
- Raskovniche Render
- Procne Punisher
- Henwen Harrier
- Xevioso Zapper
- Ngai Nabber
- Kalunga Collapser
- Mboze Mauler
- Ongo Obliterator
- Arepati Assaulter
- Bumba Befouler
- Dhartok Defiler
- Gartell Grinder
- Triboulex Terrorizer
- Aita Abnegater
- Aminon Apprehender
- Paradise Regained
- Founder's Pride
- Master of All
- Raptor Wrangler
- Gardener for the Ages
- Lagoon Explorer
- Servant to the Servant
- Legendary Woodworker
- Legendary Blacksmith
- Legendary Goldsmith
- Legendary Weaver
- Legendary Tanner
- Legendary Boneworker
- Legendary Alchemist
- Legendary Culinarian
- Eternal Communer
- Destiny Destroyer...Destroyer
- Fully-Baked Hero
- Ghdwk Vshdnhu
- Love is Alive
- The Awakener
- Get Over Here!
- Bond Renewer
- Treasure of Olduum
- Beloved by the Sea God
- Destiny Master
- Tireless Tracker
- Galkan Hazard
- Bearer of Secrets
- Long Live Mumor
- Parter of the Veil
- Demonic Dreamer
- Searcher of the Voracious
- Another Psyche
- Sender of Shadow
- Astral Aligner
- Venerated Adventurer