- Draws-in entire alliance, including "dead" members, to a point just in front of the canyon leading to Fei'Yin.
- Draw-in activates anytime a player is ~15' away from Scylla.
- Draw-in will not be activated during the aura phases from Frozen Mist or Hydro Wave.
- Casts Bindga, Paralyga, or Poisonga II every 60-90 seconds.
- Has a Fast Cast bonus, spells only take 1-2 seconds to cast.
- Will cast a spell even during aura TP spam phases.
- Has access to all Ruszor TP moves, but behavior is altered during the aura gained from Frozen Mist or Hydro Wave.
- For the duration of the aura, Scylla will gain an enhanced aura effect and repeatedly ready an instant usage move corresponding to the aura.
- Moves are used every 3-4 seconds back-to-back for the duration of the aura effect.
- The aura effects will last for 45 seconds.
- Frozen Mist - Ice Guillotine: -50% Max HP Down (3min), and Amnesia (45~60s). Gains 10' Paralysis aura.
- Hydro Wave - Aqua Cannon: Knockback (10'), and -50% Defense Down (3min). Gains 10' Silence aura.
- Possesses a moderately potent Humanoid Killer.
- Observed to proc often enough to occasionally cause two or even upwards of four intimidations in a row.
- Has a very high resistance to Souleater making it impossible to DRK zerg.
- Susceptible to Blind, Slow, Stun, and Silence.
- Silence wears off very quickly.
- Immune to Bind, Break, Gravity, Paralyze, and Sleep.
- If the alliance fighting it wipes, it will immediately despawn with the message: "The monster fades before your eyes, a look of disappointment on its face."