- Takes drastically reduced magic damage.
- Hell Scissors reduces the target's HP to 5-10% of its current value and will reset enmity on the target.
- Will use Hell Scissors in response to Weapon Skills.
- The amount of HP reduced can be mitigated with high magic evasion. Element, if any, is unknown.
- Using frequent Weapon Skills or Trusts whose auto-attacks count as a Weapon Skill can lock Selkit to use only Hell Scissors.
- Trusts that have special auto-attacks include August, Balamor, Teodor & Arciela.
- Earth Breaker is a 40' AoE with very high damage and potent Stun.
- Venom Storm, is a 40' AoE with potent Poison effect.
- Can use Mighty Strikes multiple times below 50%.
- MS followed by Earth Breaker will easily 1-hit players not using damage reduction armor or abilities.
- Using TP move Evasion grants the NM a 25% Slow Aura, overrides Haste for 120 seconds.
- Using TP move Sharp Strike grants the NM an Evasion Down aura, for 120 seconds.
- Under 25%, will use TP move Telsonic Tempest which inflicts Encumbrance on targets in range.