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![]() The Voracious Resurgence |
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Prime Weapons • Ultimate Weapons • Ultimate Augments • Abjurations iL119 • JSE Necks • Divergence Augments • Escutcheons | |
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Easy solo as RDM/NIN with decent gear (no REMA, Naegling + Ternion+1 as weapons). I guess any job could work honestly. Using August and Arciela and yourself spamming Savage Blade is enough to lock Selkit into using only Hell Scissors, which won't kill you. Other trusts were Yoran, Joachim and Ulmia. Just spam Savage Blade until it's dead and keep shadows up just in case, because enmity will be a bit all over the place. -- 04:48, 10 September 2020 Shadd
On my first go at this NM as BLU/NIN I used August and Arciela as well, but unfortunately it didn't do the trick and eventually the strong poison started killing us. Fortunately though, you can safely reraise near these NMs and get another shot at victory. This time I used Gessho, Teodor, Arciela, Apururu and Selh'teus and it went as Shadd described. Of further note is that Light skillchain damage appeared to be strongly resisted, but not Darkness. I'll have to do more fighting to confirm this. --Eithin (talk) 10:23, 8 June 2021 (EDT)
NIN/DRG same strategy as above. Just innin, shadows, and migawari. Trusts: Arciela, Joachim, Seltheus, Cornelia, August. -- Arundo, 1 October 2024 (JST)
Any melee /NIN will work, bouncing around hate and locking him to Hell Scissors. Used PUP/NIN with Valoredge + BLU/NIN, Gessho, Selh'teus, Balamor, Arciela or Koru-moru. Beware Selkit's Hell Scissors into a double attack, make sure you have a source of Haste to keep Utsusemi recast timers down and at least two shadows up at all times. Also beware using Begrudging Ring/etc. The extra damage taken resulted in deaths even using Gearswap for WS precast.
--Safiyyah (talk) 14:09, 10 November 2017 (EST)
Hell Scissors
Just to echo the above statement, the damage from Hell Scissors can be reduced/increased by the amount of PDT/DT gear you are wearing. In the event Selkit catches you during a WS set with Begruding Ring (and no other PDT/DT gear), he will likely one-shot you, even if you have shadows up. --Prismfang (talk) 17:31, 11 May 2018 (EDT)
Master RUN/WAR tank, Master COR/RDM Drachen/Beast rolls and heals, Master SMN/RDM for Dia II and AF/AC Volt Strike spam.
~320k HP with 3 people Kriz (talk) 16:19, 31 December 2019 (EST)
~335k HP with 6 people Kriz (talk) 15:56, 20 March 2020 (EDT)
/NIN Not Needed
If you have a hybrid -DT%/TP set for when you have hate, you won't need shadows to protect you from getting killed by a regular melee hit post-Hell Scissors. Hell Scissors damage is affected by +/-DT% gear, but not by attack or defense, so it's totally safe to /WAR and Berserk to kill him faster.
Pretty easy with BLU/WAR and 2-boxed DNC/NIN (too lazy to change subjob to /WAR, barely ever took hate anyway) with Apururu, August, Teodor and Selh'teus. I had -32% DT; Malignance and Ayanmo sets are both great for this. I held off WS when I was about to take a Hell Scissors to the face to prevent death by gearswap. If you're worried, you can set Occultation, but it doesn't really matter. --Aliekber (talk) 14:50, 20 May 2020 (EDT)
SE must have changed stuff over the last 3 years as I tried this with su3 gear thf/drg and wiped trusts gone in less than 30 seconds and then me. not to sure if much of this new content IS actually soloable with out the best gear if even than. -- 11:07, 27 May 2023 Clamo
- Lol, it isn't hard if you read the page. Nothing has changed about this NM since it was released 8 years ago. --Spicyryan (talk) 22:07, 27 May 2023 (UTC)
- I did read.......and others have had problems to. I also watched a clip on how to do it and they had dam good gear and still had issues. SE changing stuff. so we shall see just how long this game stays up now. -- 15:00, 7 June 2023 Clamo