
From FFXI Wiki


As you should have noticed by now, I have set up this guide with the needs and advice geared towards the new or returning player. And my gearing suggestions will follow that idea. Many guides will tell you what is the absolute best gear available in the game... which isn't really helpful to you unless you have powerful friends and/or deep pockets. Which the vast majority of people just don't have. And if you do have such resources available, you likely aren't needing a guide in the first place as you are either a veteran to the job in question, or learned enough to be able to recognize what the best gear there is.
That being said.
The jump from my recommendations to what is the "absolute best" is generally just a +1 variant, and I will be making note of other gear available that is equivalent or even better than what I suggest.

Remember my mantra: Think for yourself.
Remember that this is only a guide meant to suggest things to you, not the words of a living god meant to be followed to the letter.

So first things first. You just pinged 99 and now what is it that you should be wearing?
