
From FFXI Wiki

Some TP moves in this list need updating, but rather than just silently change them I wanted to provide some log data for the effects.

Impudence and Eternal misery are Doom, not Zombie. 10 count and 5 count respectively.

[19:39:49]The Aminon readies Impudence. [19:39:49]The Aminon uses Impudence.�Martel takes 400 points of damage. [19:39:52]Martel's doom counter is now down to 9.

[19:29:53]The Aminon readies Eternal Misery. [19:29:53]The Aminon uses Eternal Misery.�Martel takes 622 points of damage. [19:29:54]Martel's doom counter is now down to 4.

Incessant Void is an AoE full dispel

[19:29:04]The Aminon readies Incessant Void. [19:29:04]Martel's Haste effect wears off. [19:29:04]Martel's Protect effect wears off. [19:29:04]Martel's Shell effect wears off. [19:29:04]Martel's Regen effect wears off. [19:29:04]Martel's Refresh effect wears off. [19:29:04]Martel's Phalanx effect wears off. [19:29:04]Martel's Tactician's Roll effect wears off. [19:29:04]Martel's Monk's Roll effect wears off. [19:29:04]Martel's Enmity Boost effect wears off. [19:29:04]Martel's Fast Cast effect wears off. [19:29:04]Martel's Vallation effect wears off. [19:29:04]The Aminon uses Incessant Void.�Martel takes 265 points of damage.

Blast of Reticence is mute, not regular silence. [19:45:45]The Aminon uses Blast of Reticence.�Martel takes 439 points of damage. [19:46:08]Martel is no longer muted.

Torrential Pain does not dispel, and inflicts Taint. [19:36:08]The Aminon readies Torrential Pain. [19:36:08]The Aminon uses Torrential Pain.�Martel takes 0 points of damage. [19:37:08]Martel is no longer tainted. --Martel (talk) 22:17, 10 June 2023 (UTC)

So it looks like some of the things I've been "Correcting" weren't wrong. They're just what the moves do when you have the Ra'Kaznar Seal. Fortunately, there's a lot of info on this on JP wiki. Will have to update for this. --Martel (talk) 22:54, 10 June 2023 (UTC)

Strats from FFXIAH


We use pld/sch , cor/drk, brd/drk, dnc/drg, geo/drk, rdm/drk. Dnc did about half the dmg using prime dagger ruthless / rudra alternating. Tact / miser roll (with real dnc box step + bog eclips frailty + dia 3 light shotted + fury we didn't need chaos roll). Brd uses mordant rime to not wall dancer. Rdm uses black halo held TP to around ~1700 use full store tp / occult gear for impact. Our geo doesn't have a cloak but they could impact occult also. Geo WS with judgment. Pld uses CDC, vorpal or knights of the round if you have relic r15. brd / dnc / cor can safely use regal gloves for extra tp generation from damage taken. There isn't much risk the aoe dmg is very slow coming in and its easy for pld to keep up heals. With proper macc sets absorb tp always lands if dark threnody and frazzle 3 is up (we use marine stewpot for anyone sub drk). -- 11:49, 28 November 2023 Taint

Make sure you have ionis it gives huge bonuses and the save tp from it stacks with miser roll.

If no one has dancer, you can use drk. Brd would sub dnc to get steps up. With drk tp feed was a lot higher onto aminon so you need to be a little more careful or add some subtle blow to drk ws sets. Impact occult is vital to getting high TP values for origin / cross reaper whatever you are using. You need to time absorb stats for when impact is down and maybe delay impact if the bonus stats are falling off soon.

Macro usually:

/attack on /wait 1 <insert WS or JA here> /wait 2 /attack off

/attack <wait 1> /ws "ws name" <bt> <wait 2> /attack

Aminon "To the Deepest Dark"

Similar strategy as Taint, for Hard mode. did a write up on it for my LS's. Might as well post here as well in case some specifics are missing.

Unlike the Mage/Death method, you do NOT want to wait for Bane of Tartarus to be triggered, keep it from using a TP move from the beginning to prevail(aside from the intro full-dispel).

It is essential to keep Frazzle 3 and Dark Threnody up 99% of the time and everyone absorb-tp on cooldown. WS when TP reaches 2000-3000. DNC uses at lower TP thresholds, everyone else wait until ideal fTP TP to reduce Aminon's TP accumulation.

Party food: HQ stewpot DNC: grape daifuku +1 Everyone(except DNC): Absorb-TP immediately when off cooldown.

Placement: Aminon faces the PLD, everyone else behind/side of Aminon within melee range. Counter knockback by using the entrance doorway's corners - after the boss is pulled the door closes, creating 2 places ideal for your tank on one side & everyone else on the other.

DNC/DRG: DNCicon.gif Box Step, Quick step, Feather Step, Climactic/Reverse Flourish, Jumps.

  • SP during last 1-minute of Bolster window. Do Not Forget To High/Super Jump! Should be able to land 6-8 WS's during the window with practice.
    • TP ready > Climactic > WS1(Ruthless/Rudras/PK) > Reverse Flourish > Grand Pas > WS2 > Reverse Flourish > WS3 > Trance > WS4 > Reverse Flourish > WS5 > Reverse Flourish > WS6 > Jump > High Jump > Climactic Flourish > No foot rise > WS7 > Reverse Flourish > WS8
  • WS: Ruthless Stroke/Rudras or Rudras/PK.

RDM RDMicon.gif Priorities: Frazzle > Absorb-TP > Dia III > Paralyze 2/Slow 2 > PLD buffs > party buffs > Black Halo.

  • Keep Haste, Refresh and Phalanx up on party and Gain-MND self. Maintain Saboteur+Frazzle3, Dia3, Slow2 and Paralyze2 on Aminon.
  • Stymie, Saboteur, distract 3 AFTER soul voice songs wear off.(if needed)
  • Don't forget to rebuff your PLD after pull asap if the full-dispel isn't avoided. Phalanx2 > Frazzle3 > Rebuff PLD > Debuff Aminon.
  • WS: Black Halo

GEO GEOicon.gif Indi-fury, Geo-Fraility, Entrust-Precision(after SV).

  • WS: Judgement

BRD BRDicon.gif SV/CC at start, Minuetx2, Madrigal, Honor March, Aria, change aria with an additional madrigal after SV drops.

  • Begin buffs after the PLD returns from pulling Aminon to ensure they have buffs after the full-dispel.
  • Keep Dark Threnody on! Very important. Should be able to reapply when the time remaining gets low.
  • WS: Mordiant Rhyme

COR CORicon.gif CC-Tactician’s Roll, Miser's Roll(Chaos if damage seems uncapped, we didn't need)

  • Begin buffs after the PLD returns from pulling Aminon to ensure they have buffs after the full-dispel.
  • Cutting Cards the bard after SV/CC.
  • Random Deal/Wild Card as needed. We save Wild Card for after Stymie+Distract(if needed, otherwise save Stymie for F boss).
  • WS: Savage Blade

PLD/SCH PLDicon.gif Stoneskin is your friend, Aegis, Majesty+Cure.

  • Don’t let your friends die, you are the healer.
  • Time Phalanx 2 reapplication appropriately.
  • WS: Imperator / Knights of the Round

Route: ABC Boss KI farm(Split=RDM:A; GEO+COR:B; Remaining:C) > A boss > Aminon > Botulus(before or after Aminon) > E boss > C Boss > G Boss (Skip Naraka) > B Boss > F Boss > D Boss > H Boss.

We usually time out after F boss, but occasionally can fit D boss in.

When comfortable with the fight, incorporate impact with occult sets to increase kill speed. Be cautious of the TP feed Impact produces. Have absorb-tp ready prior to Impact and use immediately thereafter. DO NOT USE 2 IMPACTS SIMULTANEOUSLY! (Unless you also enjoy living dangerously~)

Zattano and Friends | Knights Radiant Static | Bismarck

Nvee666 (talk) 06:40, 15 January 2024 (UTC) | Updated: 31 October 2024