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Strategy / Testimonial

Arebati's base stats and defense discussion can be found here.

Vengeance 0

PLD, COR, WHM, PUP, 2 Trusts

PLD keeps hate until PUP can 2-hour using Overdrive 1200 set. COR rolls Beast and Companion's to keep automaton alive. WHM keeps PLD and Trusts alive. Used Monberaux and Koru-Moru for back up heals.

Vengeance 15


WHM: Barblizzara, Barparalyzera, Boost-AGI, Auspice. Shell V tank when it get dispelled.
COR: Samurai Roll + Crooked Card on Chaos Roll
GEO: Bolster Fury + AGI, Entrust Fend
BRD: SV Honor March, Minuet x2, Agi Etude, Dirge on RNG COR. March, Honor March, Carol x2, Sirvente on Tank. Pianisimo the songs if dispelled

Proc Red *!!* then Blue *!!* in certain time duration to remove aura.
Red Weakness: Critical (Normal & WS)
Blue Weakness: More Criticals (Normal & WS)

Update June 2021: June 2021 patch seems to add Yaegasumi. March 2021 to before June 2021 Arebati don't use SP

COR Tactician Roll in the lobby area, wait for 3000 TP before go to fight area, COR RNG get Aftermath 3 for double/triple damage if have Empy/Mythic. We somewhat ignored the criticals for aura, and just dish out as much damage as we can. BRD with Tauret to help critical during aura would be a great bonus. RNG Decoy Shot on GEO or Tank
Coordinate Random Deal, then Wild Card, then Random Deal to help keep Triple Shot, Double Shot up as much as possible.

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Vengeance 20

RNGicon.gif RNG, CORicon.gif COR, RUNicon.gif RUN, BRDicon.gif BRD, SCHicon.gif SCH, GEO

  • Finished with 2:46 remaining with RD failing to reset Double/Triple shots, and Wild Card hitting a 4 for a big womp womp.
  • Going faster would be an unnecessary test of the RUN to hold hate anyway.

So, we tried this various ways such as using RDM instead of SCH, and while that is viable we felt this worked best. However, it really requires the BRD to be on their A game, and defense down/attack down aura will likely just ruin the whole thing, but that goes for anything.

RNG (ML3) and COR (ML15) both used Armageddon R15 with Crit AM3 sets. Which was really nice at keeping an aura or maybe two off and proced. Arma not necessary, but as the RUN it sure felt nice.

SCH: Embrava's shortly after the start, and reapplies before it wears. Regen V does the heavy lifting, but the SCH takes care of curing the RUN and backline. Windstorm II, Adloquium, but the SCH just pays attention to the fight and uses Libra when they feel its appropriate.
The SCH and BRD will be the ones getting hit by the Raaz this fight so stay alert. Eat defense food.

GEO: Idris (Level 119) icon.png. Geo-Fury, Indi-Barrier, and entrust AGI. Everyone stands in the Indi-Barrier at all times. JA at the start, and Bolster after the SCH is done with Caper.

RNG: Shadowbinds the Raaz when it pops out to give 60 seconds of breathing room to the backline, and lets the BRD grab hate. Otherwise, DD, and don't worry about putting bind back on.

  • RNG was 69% of the parse. WSAVG, 29.5k, I saw Last Stand spikes to upwards of 49k. Ranged Crit Rate 64%. Ranged crit damage range 1,495 ~ 15,754, avg 7,419.

COR: Crooked Chaos, and Sam roll. Shoot, pew-pew. Random Deal Double/Triple Shot. Wild Card based on Double/Triple as well.

  • COR was 30.5% of the parse. WSAVG 11.5k, I saw Last Stand spikes to upwards of 22.6k. Ranged Crit Rate 44.5%. Ranged crit damage range 849 ~ 4,892, avg 2,662.

BRD: Carnwenhan icon.pngCarn. Honor March, Minuet x2, Minnie, and Dirge. Pianissimo Sirvente the RUN. The BRD gives themselves Sirvente when the add comes out then rotates Lullabys and then Pining Nocturne after every several rounds. Repeat. The BRD needs to time this exactly to when they are being hit so that they do not get caught in their midcast and blown up. Enmity+ set was not necessary nor used. Timing songs to take the hit in your idle set saw the BRD taking ~70 a hit.

  • Songs on the RNG and COR still had 2 minutes left at the end of the fight.

RUN: Epeolatry (Level 119) icon.png Epeo is not required, but helps. The RUN needs to be the glue of this entire fight as pulling hate, for even a second, means the party is murdered by fetters.
I prefer to pull the kitty downstairs, and circle wide (wiiiiiiide) through the archway and tuck myself in the corner behind the torch so that I never get knocked back along the wall at the stairs while casting, and the monster isn't engulfing my screen with fetter glows. Make sure the SCH can cure you behind the torch.
The BRD is going to be busy so don't expect any Marches or Carol.

Start the fight with extra buffs to mitigate the dispels from Biting Abrogation taking important things. Cast embolden Crusade, Flash, Vallation, Foil, and then run down to the party. Position yourself. Burn your Pflug, Swordplay, Gambit, and Rayke. Then just time time Foil or any JAs so that you don't get caught with encumbrance at the wrong time. Save One for All and Liement separately for if they happens at the wrong time.
The RUN should evaluate their sets for the following:

  • Keeping HP as consistent as possible across sets.
  • Updating any skill sets from Master Level to remove unnecessary skill+ (Phalanx and Barspell) and increase HP/DT.
  • I opt for the 472 skill tier of Phalanx instead of 500 to keep HP/DT in the set.
  • Changing Foil to 5/5 Nyame with enmity+ accessories so that you can't be encumbered to the point of death with fetters.
  • Optional, but I went this route.

Upon being dispelled the most important thing is to cast Phalanx immediately to stop the resisted fetter damage which hovers around 30-40 a hit without Phalanx. Followed by Barblizzard, and then Crusade. I didn't bother casting besides this and Foil.

  • If you are quick to notice either the knockback animation or the mass of stat down icons appearing. Then you can immediately cast Phalanx with no danger of encumbrance. Never bother casting shell, your set should cap MDT without it.
  • I didn't feel and was not seeing that I needed more magic evasion and just took the Flume Belt over the Engraved Belt for free MP. Bring Vile's otherwise.

When It all goes right it just feels easy. When it doesn't, it doesn't. --Spicyryan (talk) 01:29, 16 February 2022 (EST)

General Strategy: Physical ranged attacks Arebati. Rebuff spam on tank due to dispels. Use defense buffs to deal with the add. Damage check is tight, so we prioritize extra damage buffs from GEO for the first bit of the fight while we have extra healing help from Tabula Rasa's Embrava and enhanced Regen V, then switch to Barrier shortly after the add comes out.

Aura we got: Magic Accuracy Down

RNG: Spam Last Stand at 2k (can rely a bit more on white damage than usual if using Arma). Armageddon is best for additional white damage, Fomalhaut if you don't have it. Remember to pop occasional Wildfires for AM3 on Arma (very important to keep up AM3)! When the add spawns, try to Shadowbind it away from everyone. Camouflage can help reduce enmity. Do not WS Arebati for about 1 minute after Yaegasumi. Make sure your Ranged Attack sets and Last Stand set has some DT, not necessarily capped DT (idle set should be capped).
COR: Tactician Roll in lobby for the RNG to get 3k TP (and yourself if you don't swap weapons for rolls). In fight, Crooked Cards + Samurai Roll and Chaos Roll. Spam Last Stand. Armageddon is best for additional white damage, Fomalhaut if you don't have it. Remember to pop occasional Wildfires for AM3 on Arma (very important to keep up AM3)! Do not WS Arebati for about 1 minute after Yaegasumi. Wild Card around 60-55% to try and reset Bolster. Make sure your Ranged Attack sets and Last Stand set has some DT, not necessarily capped DT (idle set should be capped).
BRD: To enable faster pulling do not use SV/NiTro at start. Give everyone Honor March > Minuet x2 > paeon x2 then give RUN Victory March > Ice Carol 1 & 2 > Ballad x2. Once fight starts and everyone is in place, SV/NiTro everyone except tank: HM > Minuet x2 > Knight's Minne > Minuet. Give Ballad to SCH. Then refresh the RUN songs while SV/NiTro is still up. Then try to land Elegy and Requiem on the boss. During the fight, when RUN gets dispelled prioritize reapplying VM, Ice Carol 1; and if Arebati is still above 50% HP try to put Ballads back on too, but after 50% he spams dispels much more frequently so it's not worth the hassle so don't worry about Ballads then unless necessary. Around 40% (after Wild Card some time), SV + NiTro and refresh the songs on ranged party members; you will need to do it at least once in the fight and best to do it when you have a free moment not having to rebuff the tank, but if Wild Card didn't reset SV then try to delay this rebuff until about 20%. Make sure sets have capped DT.
SCH: Hold SP for after pull to get the most use out of it, then Embrava 5 ranged/mage players, Embrava + Regen tank, Regen ranged/mage players, and try to reapply before SP wears off. Keep up Aurorastorm II on self, but no one else needs storms. Focus on healing between 75-65% HP when add is up but before Indi-Barrier is on; this is a little risky but we felt necessary to push damage a bit more. When Arebati is nearing 50% HP, use a Caper Emissarius on RUN since Last Stand can pull a lot of enmity; after 50% there are more dispels so RUN has less chance of generating enmity while dealing with rebuffs and while lacking haste necessary for spamming Flash/Foil. Erase tank debuffs, and rebuff tank after dispels. If you're running short on MP or need to focus healing, tell the RUN to Shell V themselves. Important to have capped DT and SIRD in midcast sets, capped DT in idle set. The sconces at the top of the stairs can block line of sight so be aware of your positioning (need to stay in Barrier too).
GEO: In the lobby before entering, Entrust Indi-STR, Indi-Precision, Indi-AGI on ranged players and Entrust Indi-Attunement on the RUN. In the fight: Put up Indi-Haste during buff cycle to make buffs faster. When fight starts, Ecliptic Attrition + Blaze of Glory Geo-Frailty and Indi-Fury; Around 75% use Bolster, Entrust Frailty, Geo-Barrier (keep Indi-Fury). Wild Card, Bolster again after first wears off. End with another EA + BoG. Throw in random Fire 1 whenever possible to help damage. Try to Impact. After the lobby's Entrusts wear off, do an Entrust Wilt on a DD. Around 65% HP on Arebati, switch to Indi-Barrier to help deal with add damage. Try to Sleep II the add when it spawns; it probably won't last long but every bit helps. Use Bolster and reapply bubble again when Arebati hits 50%, assuming you get SP reset from Wild Card. Make sure sets have capped DT.
RUN: Put on as many buffs as possible so that dispels have less chance to remove an important one. Keep up 3x Ignis runes (fire). Pull as soon as you have all the songs you need, whish should be around 13:30 minutes left in fight. Immediately after pull, run over to the group and Valiance everyone for a hate boost then move off alone to begin the fight. We preferred tanking near the spawn at top of the stairs to save time. After dispels, prioritize reapplying Barblizzard (and Shell V when your SCH has no time to do it). Near the end, you can save Vivacious Pulse and Liement to help heal yourself. Pop a single defensive buff at a time whenever you get dispelled, to help mitigate damage while you get buffs back up. If feeling ambitious, put up Temper and attempt to help with proccing using Power Slash. Lock yourself into a single gearset which has a combination of enmity, capped DT, high M.Def and M.Eva so you aren't useless when Encumbered (see below for gear suggestions). The only gear swap allowed is Futhark Coat +3 for activating Elemental Sforzo (extra 10 second duration).

RUN Gearset

Encumbered Set  
Epeolatry (Level 119) icon.pngEpeolatry (Level 119) description.png Vallus Grip icon.pngVallus Grip description.png 32x32.png Staunch Tathlum +1 icon.pngStaunch Tathlum +1 description.png
Nyame Helm icon.pngNyame Helm description.png Unmoving Collar +1 icon.pngUnmoving Collar +1 description.png
Odnowa Earring +1 icon.pngOdnowa Earring +1 description.png
Cryptic Earring icon.pngCryptic Earring description.png
Nyame Mail icon.pngNyame Mail description.png Kurys Gloves icon.pngKurys Gloves description.png Moonlight Ring icon.pngMoonlight Ring description.png Defending Ring icon.pngDefending Ring description.png
Ogma's cape icon.pngOgma's cape description.png
Engraved Belt icon.pngEngraved Belt description.png Eri. Leg Guards +1 icon.pngEri. Leg Guards +1 description.png Erilaz Greaves +1 icon.pngErilaz Greaves +1 description.png
  56+25 PDT/46 MDT
48 M.Def Bns
553 M.Eva
45 Ele Resist
11 Status Resist
73 Enmity
Some Absorb Dmg

If you have trouble meeting the DPS check (not dealing enough damage), you can split this fight over two entries (using two Moglophone IIs). Here is an example of such a clear:

--Silvermutt (Asura), Kitsune LS

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