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Talk:Crom Dubh
Soloable on a pretty well equiped nuking BLU with trusts or with a couple of nukers and trusts.
Luckily the Jahkri +1 gear from ambuscade with an ambusacde nuking cape and accessories like the Sanctity Necklace from the Domain Invasion int he zone constitute being a well geared nuking BLU.
Pull out Amchuchu, August, and Gessho as your tank Trusts. While you don't need to all 3 or those 3, you must use Gessho as he is the only one who really lives through Noahionto (assuming you keep Crom dispeled). The other 1-2 tanks you choose are really just to buy Gessho some time to last longer. Call out Apururu or Yoran-Oran after that to take care of the tanks. If you call our Star Sybil or something after a WHM trust that stands out of range, you can stand behind them to gain their benefit as you nuke from ~11-12 yalms away out of range of everything.
Set standard nuking spells for traits and then others like Searing Tempest and Blinding Fulgor to start whittling the NM down. Do not spam Subduction as that is to be saved for in case the trust tanks all die and you need to kite. Crom moves very slowly with subduction gravity on, and causing him to build resistance to it by spamming it isn't optimal. Frankly, any mage setup can make use of a BLU doing this to easily triangle or box him to bounce hate around with DPS as you laugh at him.
You shouldn't really get hit much so using zephyr mantle over occultation works, and allows you to use water bomb for int+ and conserve MP.
So, basically stand back while endgaged and trusts are on it and nuke away with primarily fire and light spells. Magic Hammer does not work here as the mob is undead to use temps, wear refresh gear, etc. Pretty easy fight if you can nuke it for 7k+. Use Burst Affinity when it is up for extra damage, use Magic Accuracy Food, and if you team up with a GEO to duo then this is super easy as you can expect to still --Spicyryan (talk) 21:32, 25 April 2017 (EDT)
Any player tank plus any ranged source of damage will work as a moderate-risk strategy. Used RUN + BST with Vivacious Vickie or Warlike Patrick from behind Crom Dubh plus Yoran-Oran, Shantotto II, Semih, and Koru-moru, did not dispel Infernal Bulwark. Noahionto did not one-shot pets, occasionally one-shotted RUN tank, but finished fight with BST and Trusts. Anecdotal but Noahionto damage did not seem to be affected by runes, pet DT gear, or any MDB buffs. May be related to damage taken by Crom since last TP move? It seemed to generally spike higher when using Warlike Patrick's big Fusion into Fireball SC + MB versus Vickie's steady but slower Sweeping Gouge. --Safiyyah (talk) 14:28, 10 November 2017 (EST)
Easiest to just nuke this NM as Noahionto will kill most people close to the mob. SCH setting up fusions for MBing fire will work well with some tank to hold the NM. Quick and easy fight. --Spicyryan (talk) 21:32, 25 April 2017 (EDT)
Master RUN/WAR tank, Master COR/RDM Drachen/Beast rolls and heals, Master SMN/RDM for Dia II and AF/AC Volt Strike spam.
~330k HP with 3 people Kriz (talk) 16:04, 1 January 2020 (EST)
~300k HP with 6 people Kriz (talk) 15:21, 20 March 2020 (EDT)
While breath damage isn't subject to a boost from MAB, and Noahionto seemingly gains a boost to damage from Bulwark. It is probably not breath damage, but at the same time since going full out MDT with lux runes and valliance on RUN or BLU (with barrier tusk too) still allows for massive damage to be taken, it probably isn't purely magical either or has some weird gimmick. --Spicyryan (talk) 21:32, 25 April 2017 (EDT)
The range of Noahionto appears to be maybe 10 yalms, so RNG is a valid choice. --Oderic (talk) 18:32, 19 July 2019 (EDT)--