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![]() The Voracious Resurgence |
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PLD tanks and pops, BLU melee DDs, BST uses grasshopper and positions pet to AoE kill pugs, GEO and COR do stuff, and WHM does bandages.
This strategy works, but it is not the safest (in fact it is not great at all), and dread spikes really suck. But, it shows you can melee it if you really want to.
IDK what procs white, but I assume it has something to do with either high damage from the pet during unleash and familiar or me spamming light SC with CDC>CDC.
Strategy 2, the better one:
PLD tanks, BLU pops the NM, GEO and COR do things, WHM does whm stuff and nukes aeros or thunders, other nuker also does DD stuff.
The adds will come after the BLU which should have Occultation and Barrier Tusk on. You can 1 shot the adds with one Anvil Lightning, Tenebral Crush, Blinding Fulgorr, etc or 2-3 Subductions. Don't **** around or the adds will kill you if you get lazy because they all will WS at the same time.
Overall it is super easy this way. --Spicyryan (talk) 06:49, 24 October 2015 (UTC)
The above is old, just take a tank top pop it, a trust healer, a geo, and then either sch and blm, cor rngs, or pets and cor. Easy peasey. --Spicyryan (talk) 09:21, 16 February 2018 (EST)
COR RNG Method
I see a lot of shouts trying to fill up a 6 party mage setup on Asura and it takes them forever to fill. I use to do the MB setup or even blu spamming subduction/mb if they could. For the longest now I've done a low man COR method though. If you COR isn't geared like mine you could expand it this setup with another cor, rng or more buffers. I'll also list some expanded setups for less then perfect people.
Well geared + augged Doomsday, Death Pentalty or Aeonic COR + Idris GEO/blm - GEO pops with aquaveil/stoneskin up for sleepga when the adds pop. COR does STP and MAB roll on self. I pop a pear creep personally IDK if I actually need to or not but they are so cheap from the NPC. GEO does Acumen and BOG + Ecliptic Attrition Malaise.
Use August or EV to tank Pakecet. Then use 2 distance healers to cure him. Yoran, Chek, or Apu.
GEO will sleepga the adds asap.
COR gets 1k+ TP does Wildfire then pops Triple Shot and goes ham spamming Wildfire every chance they can you can toss in a fire shot with emp feet right before it if closing a SC and some sweet DMG on it's own. Darkness SCes do great DMG untill he goes into the mode of blocking Darkness dmg (when Dread Spikes are up). If he not dead before this pop a super revit and triple shot again.
Semi well geared COR or RNG, NQ GEO, and real Tank At this point it becomes you can pretty much fight this all day long with weaker people once you have a real tank it just going to be a slower fight. Nothing really changes other then have the tank pop if they can so the adds go to them not the GEO. You probably won't need to to sleep the adds but can if you like just make sure the tank does something to build AOE hate so if they do wake up they are not on your GEO.
So now the fight might not be a 1m or 2m but you can just go slow and steady at this point if you are working with less then great gear on the COR/RNG front they probably will need a pear creep and might even need the acumen to be changed to focus for them.
Decently geared COR/RNGs, GEO, Tank and more buffers Bring some kind of extra buffer be it a 2nd cor , brd or geo. Have them give ranged acc in some way Hunter Roll, preludes and fire threnody if brd, Torpor. I say torpor because if its two GEO you can have them do Acumen/Malaise, Focus/Torpor. Switch to sushi over pear crepe if you really have issues building TP but this shouldn't really be a problem even if they are in Meg +1 gear.
At this point the fights are going to take a while and this is now just giving you a complete different setup then the standard MB setup that maybe you job(s) fit in better with. Darvamos{Chiaia} (talk) 09:09, 16 February 2018 (EST)
Easy Solo for BLU/run with trusts.
Here is a video without using trusts:
--Spicyryan (talk) 11:22, 24 May 2018 (EDT)
Difficult Solo for RNG/NIN with trusts.
--Resetti (talk) 5:10, 5 March 2020 (CST)
Dark Knight w/ Caladbolg fairly easy solo