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Lowman Strategies

Below is listed strategies involving 4 or less players.

Trio MagicBurst

GEO SCH BLM August Amchuchu Apururu

  • Extremely safe with room for error
  • Fast killspeed and few people to fight against for drops
  • Easy to arrange, only requires 2 additional friends
  • Get the details at the video link! Extremely detailed strategy included.
    • Happy farming :)

3/4 player SCH/RNG strategy

SCH RNG Tank GEO (not necessary) August Amchuchu Apururu

  • Give RNG Aurorastorm2 (very important) and Firestorm2 on SCH (not as important if your RNG is geared)
  • Tank pops vir'ava, engages August / Amchuchu and pulls babies far awway
  • Wait a little while for August / Amchuchu to build hate (or RNG will rip hate on first WS)
  • SCH makes fusion, RNG follows up with 3000TP trueflight (If RNG is geared, this will SC for 99999)
  • SCH / GEO can magic burst if they want but if your RNG is elite vir'ava will die in 2 skillchains.
  • Depending on gear / if you have a GEO or not, the fight will take more or less skillchains but she gets absolutely dumpstered by fusion > trueflight

-- 23:13, 2 February 2020‎ Mighty

PUP Overdrive Solo Foire Taj icon.png

Credit for strategy goes to Aerix of Shiva, I simply copied his strategy to great success!

PUP/WHM (for Dia II). Eat Shiromochi icon.pngShiromochi as Vir'ava is evasive. Trusts: ArkTT (necessary) along with healing trusts (Apururu, Cherukiki, Yoran-Oran, etc..) and defensive trusts (Brygid, Moogle, etc..)

  • Buff up (Blink, Stoneskin, Aquaveil, etc...) cycle through Thunder/Light/Fire Maneuvers, then pop the NM.
  • Deploy Automaton (build TP beforehand for quicker aggro from your puppet, or use Ventriloquy before deploying.) Run behind and far away from Vir'Ava. Use Overdrive and cast Dia II for a little defense down.
  • Maintain your three maneuvers and watch your Automaton get to work.
  • When the adds inevitably spawn, cycle to your master -DT gear and engage one of them as they are walking towards you.
  • They will surround you and do considerable damage, so be quick with your engagement.
  • Cipher: Ark TT will immediately cast Sleepga II on all the adds surrounding you.
  • Disengage once all the adds have been slept (because otherwise ArkTT will wake one of them up with Bio...) and move away from the adds to avoid the Poison Aura.
  • Watch your Automaton finish off Vir'ava, hopefully before the adds wake up.

You could also come PUP/SCH with Dark Arts/Addendum: Dark and Manifestation Sleep the adds yourself. Also definitely doesn't hurt if you've got an out-of-party COR providing Companion and Drachen/Beast Roll --Fabiano (talk) 21:02, 20 September 2018 (EDT)

Fullman Strategies

Below is listed strategies using 5 or more players.

BLU Manaburn


Works pretty much just as easily both during and not during the bonus stats to trusts event.

BLUs eat food nuke. One calls August and pops, and then crowd controls with entomb and dreamflower (keep aquaveil up).

GEOs use acumen and focus, and langour and either refresh or malaise while both trading off entrust vex. This is because if silence wears off and impact or something gets off it has 1 shotted August before. One GEO debuffs (frazzle, silence, para, etc) and nukes and the other cures august and nukes. BLU should keep an eye on the healing in case the GEO slacks.

COR should use Wizards/Warlocks (in that order). Use cutting cards on warlocks instead of wizards. Then it should move away to use Tacticians on itself to then QD DD/TP and use Wildfire on Vir'ava. This is an surprisingly important amount of DD (~15%+) if your COR doesn't suck. Chances are it does and you just have to fight longer. --Spicyryan (talk) 04:46, 17 February 2016 (UTC)

This method above is old and outdated now. Several evasion nerfs have happened in the last year and a half to enemies. Vir'ava will still be very evasion to DDs though.

Sufficiently geared and buffed melee players can easily destroy Vir'ava. Lesser geared players or lowman groups will want to proc Blue.png against Vir'ava to lower it's evasion and then easily beat it like a wet paper bag following that. Typical tank, WHM, GEO (geo frailty, indi vex for beautiful death/amnesia), BRD or COR, DD x2 group should be able to thrash this nowadays. Charm Buffer at the end of each fight for added security. If you have a good BRD then you should be fine having them just sleep the adds, otherwise take a BLU with Dream Flower/Entomb --Spicyryan (talk) 21:27, 24 September 2017 (EDT)

Hybrid Manaburn

One highly effective strategy for defeating Vir'ava was with RDM/SCH BLU SCH PLD and GEO using August trust. It is most preferred for the PLD to use august; when Frond Fatale is used, the adds will come after whoever popped the NM, meaning it is also preferred that the PLD pop the NMs as well, This will result in Frond Fatale hitting August and failing to charm him, and all of the adds going straight to a paladin, hopefully waiting just a few yalms away. This means that the BLU with magical setup can participate in bursts as well, as the Raffelesia adds will all be out of range of Searing Tempest. The way we handled the crowd control was for the BLU to start off with Dream Flower, and waiting for the RDM/SCH to overwrite that sleep with Manifestation > Sleep II. This will overwrite the Dream Flower, so no need to wait for them to wake up. Repeat as needed. It is highly reccomended the BLU keep up occultation at all times, given that if the adds wake up, they immediately and simultaneously spam a TP move, hopefully this wont matter, but better safe than sorry.

IMPORTANT CAVEAT: Keep Vir'ava silenced. While she's pretty much Guaranteed to use Frond Fatale after going below 90% (or having been popped for over 90 seconds or so) she is very unlikely to use it again as long as you keep her silenced, and do NOT kill the adds, just keep them slept. It's important to keep them in one central location, as they like to split up and go all over the place after they wake up. Keep them incapacitated. You want the PLD to move if August loses hate for whatever reason, just wait for him to get it back, have the PLD move slightly and recast Geo-Languor and resume.

As for damaging the NM, SCH Magic burst setup was used, Indi-Focus/Geo-Languor with Entrust Indi Acumen on the RDM, RDM kept August with Haste, Shell V, Pro V, and used Refresh III (2 would work) on the entire party. The scholar would open Fusion skillchains and we bursted with fire, the BLU would join in when possible. This is likely the most reliable way to take her down, as with the adds and charm out of the way, it's just like any other NM.

Drop rate on Abnoba Kaftan for us was around 35%, Arean Body was around 50%, Grove 25% and Subligar only dropped once. This was with no Treasure Hunter.

Happy hunting! <Kiddeath>--Sylph

Frond Fatale will not be used if the adds Vir'ava calls are not killed. As long as they live (slept or petrified preferably) then you only ever need to worry about Beautiful Death >25%. --Spicyryan (talk) 23:28, 29 September 2016 (UTC)

Correction, 50%, was just hit with Beautiful Death at ~49%. --Spicyryan (talk) 21:23, 24 September 2017 (EDT)


Dark Knight w/ Caladbolg. Easy win with new odyssey gear, Sakpata's Set.

--Datsikk (talk) 15:12 24 Mar 2021 (GMT)

RDM/SCH solo

Using RDM/SCH I solo'd this. It was a bit tricky but if you pay attention to the going ons of the fight its not too bad.

  • Food: Seafood Gratin
  • Mlvl: 26 (not essential)
  • Trusts: AAEV, Zeid II, Matsui-P, Monberaux, Yoran-oran UC
  • Preparation:
    • buff everyone with haste II, phalanx, refresh III, Protect, Shell
    • prepop lucid wings until everyone is at 3000 TP
    • buff yourself,
    • barspells: barfire, baramnesia,
    • Enchantments: Enfire, gain-mnd
    • Be in Dark Arts, keep Aquaveil up
  • Strategy:
    • Pop Vir'ava, engage and run away about 20'.
    • Saboteur -> Stymie Frazzle III -> Spontaneity Impact -> Distract III -> Silence -> Paralyze II -> Addle II -> Blind II -> Poison II
      • Frazzle/impact are just nice to haves, but its hard to land frazzle without stymie and impact doesnt last very long otherwise
    • Once Vir'ava summons her adds, wait for them to come to you, Manifestation -> Sleep II them. remain engaged.
    • Begin fighting, keep an eye on her dispels and reapply the buffs as normal
    • Once you hit 25% popping a charm buffer would be wise. if you are muddled, stand back until you can use it.

if the adds wake up, they will attack your tank. the most elegant thing you could do is manifestation -> break them, then reapply sleep for more time before they wake up. They woke up at 5% for me which almost ended the run. if you disengage the trusts will quickly die, especially if the black rafflesia's are nearby

I used the DD trusts because I thought they might be necessary, but it seems like only your damage really matters, zeid was hitting for 20s, matsui was hitting for 10's. replace them with support trusts. --Nattack (talk) 04:15, 9 May 2023 (UTC)