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Weakened HP/MP Testing

The 66% value given for MP% of weakness is incorrect (as per my own testing last night). It is the same value (0.25 multiplier, floored) as HP%, so -75% for both HP and MP. From my perusal of the FFXI Patch Notes history, the only mention of the Weakness debuff was in 2012 when its duration was decreased to 1 minute in Besieged. I suspect the confusion comes from the fact that weakness is applied before all gear/buffs, which means MP from gear has its full effect while weakened, potentially throwing off the naive straight-forward calculation.

The formula for max HP/max MP looks like this:

maxHP = ( { [ (baseHP * weaknessHPP) + gearHP] * curseHPP} + foodHP + convert) * gearHPP * mantraHPP * foodHPP
maxMP = ( { [ (baseMP * weaknessMPP) + gearMP] * curseMPP} + foodMP + convert) * gearMPP * foodMPP

with a floor step after each HPP/MPP adjustment. The MP calculation is identical, except of course convert should be flipped.

  • baseHP / baseMP include job traits and merits.
  • maxHP has a minimum value of 1. maxMP has a minimum value of 0.
  • convert is capped such that it cannot bring your interim maxHP (before applying gearHPP) below 1, and cannot bring your interim maxMP (before applying gearMPP) below 0.
  • The only part of this formula that is untested is the relationship between mantraHPP and foodHPP.
    • This is an assumption on my part that they are multiplicative rather than additive (both are multiplicative with gearHPP), and that foodHPP is after mantraHPP.
  • Curse testing was done using the curse aura in Beadeaux, which I assume functions equivalently to other sources of curse.

--Discipleoferis (talk) 19:04, 18 March 2024 (UTC)