Template:San d'Oria Mission Checklist

From FFXI Wiki

USAGE: Define Active-Color (the color for active missions), Complete-Color (the color for completed missions), and Default-Color (for missions that have not been accepted yet). Each mission line may be notated with "Active" or "Done." Omission of any mission, or writing anything other than "Active" or "Done" for any mission, will result in the mission being marked as default/unaccepted.

To make the list show up in two columns, set the Multi-Column parameter to "yes".


{{San d'Oria Mission Checklist
<!-- Configuration -->
|Active-Color = red
|Complete-Color = green
|Default-Color = blue
|Multi-Column = no
<!-- Missions -->
|Smash the Orcish Scouts = 
|Bat Hunt = 
|Save the Children = 
|The Rescue Drill = 
|The Davoi Report = 
|Journey Abroad = 
|Infiltrate Davoi = 
|The Crystal Spring = 
|Appointment to Jeuno = 
|Magicite = 
|The Ruins of Fei'Yin = 
|The Shadow Lord = 
|Leaute's Last Wishes = 
|Ranperre's Final Rest = 
|Prestige of the Papsque = 
|The Secret Weapon = 
|Coming of Age = 
|Lightbringer = 
|Breaking Barriers = 
|The Heir to the Light = 