San d'Oria Mission 5-1

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(Redirected from The Ruins of Fei'Yin)
The Ruins of Fei'Yin
Series None
Starting NPC Any San d'Oria Gate Guard
Title Archlich Assassin
Repeatable No
Description This mission involves traveling to Fei'Yin, located on the Beaucedine Glacier. Visit Chateau d'Oraguille to learn more.
Previous Mission Next Mission
Magicite The Shadow Lord
  • Rank Points

Note: This Mission is the same for every other Nation.

  • Players who are on the same Mission (5-1 or higher) with the Key Item New Fei'Yin seal, or have completed it for their current Nation, will be able to join you.


Fei'Yin Map

Head to Chateau d'Oraguille in Northern San d'Oria HP #2.

  • Speak with Halver before you can continue.
  • Visit a Gate Guard and accept the Mission.
  • Return to Halver, and he will give you the Key Item New Fei'Yin seal.
    • If you are low level, you might want to use Trusts or form a party of lvl 50+ players.
  • Go to Fei'Yin (located in the northeast corner of Beaucedine Glacier) for a cutscene with Zeid. You will have to reach the Qu'Bia Arena and clear the BCNM "The Rank 5 Mission".
    • The majority of enemies in Fei'Yin detect by Sound sound, however there are several that detect Magic spellcasting.
    • Quick Travel options:
    • From the entrance of Fei'Yin:
      • Go east to (K-8). There are 2 Dolls in front of a door named Cermet Portal, open it and you'll be able to enter Qu'Bia Arena.

You will be able to prepare outside of the BC, however all buffs will wear upon entering. Plan accordingly and click the Burning Circle when ready to take on The Rank 5 Mission.

  • You only need to kill the Archlich to win.
  • You will be facing Archlich Taber'quoan. The Archlich will spawn with 2 Ancient Sorcerers. Ancient Warriors will also spawn in the hallway and run to help of the Archlich during the fight.
    • The Archlich is a BLM, and will cast spells like Sleepga II and Freeze, he may also use Manafont.
    • The lesser skeletons have very little HP and can be easily taken out by an AoE spell.
    • Focus attacks on the Archlich, a Paladin with Invincible is useful for managing the many extra mobs. A Monk using Hundred Fists also shines in this fight, due to the skeleton blunt penalty.
  • When you win, you'll be given another cutscene and receive Key Item Burnt seal.

You can head back to Halver to complete the Mission.