The Art of War

From FFXI Wiki
The Art of War
Required Fame Unknown
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Hishahma, Aht Urhgan Whitegate (K-8)
Pack None
Title None
Repeatable Yes
Description Hishahma's special forces are struggling in their battle against certain monsters. You must find an effective strategy to defeat the enemy.
Previous Quest Next Quest
Finding Faults None
??? Box


  • This time, Hishahma requests your assistance in figuring out the best way to kill certain kinds of monsters.
  • Similar to Finding Faults, you travel to a beastman stronghold and spawn a NM.
    • This time the NM needs to be killed.
  • Orobon: Arrapago Reef, (E-11) - Ornery Orobon
  • Wamouracampa: Halvung, (L-8) - Wheel Wamoura
    • Reach this using the Halvung Survival Guide warp
    • This NM takes 0 damage until you cause it to lower its defenses.
    • Options to cause it to unfold (and take non-0 damage) are:
      • Shining a Light on it (clicking a nearby "Light Point" NPC that spawns)
      • Casting enfeebling magic
      • Hitting it
  • Puk: Mamook, (G-8) (upstairs) - Carpophagous Puk
    • Reach this using the Mamook entrance from Mamool Ja Staging Point or Aht Urghan Whitegate -> Bhaflau Thickets HP #1.
    • The NM will try to run away around 90% HP and will despawn if it reaches the end of its path.
      • While running, it takes approximately -90% damage.
      • If it despawns, you will need to zone to spawn it again.
    • Options to cause it to stop running are:
      • Disguising as Mamool Ja
      • Clicking the NPC fruit that spawn (must be Red)
      • Using multiple weaponskills
  • Return to Hishahma and tell him what worked (or guess)
  • Zone and return to him to find out if you were right and receive your reward (or berating)

If solo, the Wamouracampa is recommended


Finding Faults must be completed with all three monster types before Hishahma presents you with the option for this quest.