Trial 1087

From FFXI Wiki

Trial 1087
Starting NPC Magian Moogle
Location Ru'Lude Gardens (H-5)
Previous Trial Next Trial
Trial 1088
Death Penalty (Level 75) description.png
Death Penalty (Level 75) description.png
AugRank.png DMG:+2


Suggested Locations

  • Abyssea - Misareaux
  • Bight Uragnite
  • Foret de Hennetiel, Bivouac #1, (H-6) - Several Zoldeff Jagil & Hoary Craklaw. 3-4 WS each, links easily manageable, open space, fast respawn. Use Bronze Knife and Bronze Bullet.
  • Since this is not a killing blow objective, Lentic Toad in the ponds of Reisenjima (Conflux #5) felt good for this objective. Summon support trusts, dual wield some DMG:1 Daggers, and don't use your WS set for Leaden Salute so that you lower your damage output. These toads have a high enough health pool that you can use Leaden Salute 5~ times on a single one before killing it, greatly speeding up this trial. Just be wary that they link easily, and try to not get overwhelmed -- I stood in a corner and /ra pulled, Leaden Salute 5 times to kill, rinse and repeat.