Turbo Charger

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Turbo Charger icon.png Turbo charger
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: A wind-based automaton attachment.
Image: Turbo Charger description.png
Functionality: ·Adds "Haste" effect 
Type: Automaton Item
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box
Stack size: 12
AH Listing: Auction House 16.png ➞ Others ➞ Automation
"Find Turbo Charger on FFXIAH" "Find Turbo Charger on FFXIDB"

Elemental Capacity
Element: Wind Element: Wind
Attachment Effects
Gives a magical Haste effect to the automaton.
No Maneuver 5%
1 Maneuver 15%
2 Maneuvers 20%
3 Maneuvers 25%

Purchased From...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Rararoon Nashmau - (G-6) 222,300 Gil
Puppetmaster level 80 required

Obtained From...
Quest Notes
Royal Painter Escort Appraisal of the ??? Box has a chance of being the Turbo Charger.
Scouting the Ashu Talif ??? Box has a chance to be received after defeating Swiftwinged Gekko.
Appraisal of this ??? Box has a chance of being the Turbo Charger.
Targeting the Captain Appraisal of the ??? Box has a chance of being the Turbo Charger.


  • Counts as Automaton magic Haste (cap of 43.75% from all sources).
