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Universal Healthcare - A Dane's Guide to White Mage Gear
(Picture Credits: Phoenix.Radatz)
This guide will mainly focus on gear sets.
For advise on playstyle and techniques please see these great White mage guides below
Current Guides: | ||||
I would like to say thank you to Asura.Wotasu for letting me steal... getting inspired by his work.
The goal of this guide is to make gear sets that not only focus on primary stats for a given spell, but also secondary stats and tries to reuse items as much as possible, when not detrimental to the effect of the spells
Most sets will have alternatives an runner-up items listed below the sets as a guide to help if you are stuck on getting a specific item.
- Starter sets are meant for people just hitting 99 and might not have done a lot of mission progression, so a lot of gear is removed from the selection to builds these
- Normal sets what you should be aiming for.
- HQ sets, contains very rare drops or very (subjectively) expensive items.
Questions/Comments/Suggestions are welcome here:
universal-healthcare-a-danes-guide-to-whm-gear - ffxiah.com
Merits and Job Points
Merits | ||
Group 1 | ||
Category | Effect | Upgrades |
Divine Seal Recast | Shorten recast time by 20 seconds. | 0/5 |
Cure Cast Time | Shorten cast time of all Cure spells by 4 percent. | 0/5 |
Bar Spell Effect | Increase potency of Bar spells and add a magic defense bonus of 2 points. | 5/5 |
Banish Effect | Increase damage of Banish by 2, and length of def. down effect by 2 seconds. | 0/5 |
Regen Effect | Increase the amount of HP recovered each interval by 1. | 5/5 |
Group 2 | ||
Category | Effect | Upgrades |
Martyr | Sacrifices HP to heal a party member double the amount. Recast: 10min. Increase amount of HP healed by 5 percent. |
0-1/5 |
Devotion | Sacrifices HP to grant a party member the same amount in MP. Recast: 10min. Increase amount of MP granted by 5 percent. |
4-5/5 |
Animus Solace | Increases the maximum damage absorbed by Stoneskin applied by certain healing spells during Afflatus Solace. Increases maximum damage absorbed by 2%. |
5/5 |
Animus Misery | Increases the maximum total damage stored during Afflatus Misery. Increases maximum total damage stored by 5%. | 0/5 |
Job Points | ||
Category | Effect | Priority |
Benediction Effect | Recovers caster's MP when Benediction is activated. - Increase amount of MP recovered by 1 percent. | Low |
Asylum Effect | Increases magic evasion while under the effects of Asylum. - Increase magic evasion by 4. | Medium |
Divine Seal Effect | Reduces the amount of enmity accrued by casting Cure spells while under the effects of Divine Seal. - Reduce enmity by 3 | Low |
Magic Accuracy Bonus | Increases magical accuracy. - Increase magic accuracy by 1. | Medium |
Afflatus Solace Effect | Increases potency of Cure while under the effects of Afflatus Solace. - Increase Cure power by 2. | High |
Afflatus Misery Effect | Increases the potency of Banish and Auspice while under the effects of Afflatus Misery. - Increase magic damage dealt by Banish by 2. | Low |
Divine Caress Duration | Increases the duration of strong resistance to status ailments dispelled while under the effects of Divine Caress. - Increase duration by 2 seconds. | Medium |
Sacrosanctity Effect | Increases the minimum value of magic defense that weakens over time while under the effects of Sacrosanctity. - Increase minimum value by 1. | Medium |
Regen Duration | Increases the effect duration of Regen. - Increase duration by 3 seconds. | High |
Bar Spell Effect | Increases potency of Bar spells. - Increase effect resistance by 2. | High |
Curing the wounded - Dont worry we won't send a bill
For specific situations (Do not underestimate the power of the light si...weather):
Korin Obi or
Hachirin-no-Obi - for all cures during light weather
Twilight Cape - For Curaga during light weather
Theo. Bliaut +3 - For all Curagas, or when afflatus solace is not in effect
Runner up and alternatives:
Naji's Loop - To replace Jann. Ring +1 if you got another Adoulin ring
Kaykaus Bliaut +1 - For Curaga if you want some extra ConserveMP (Augment path D).
More Tankyness:
Staunch Tathlum +1 - Trading in 4 conserMP for SIRD. DT- and Ailment prevention should be you first choice to get some more tankyness (NQ is fine for Gil saving)
Gelatinous Ring +1 - if you dont have Janiston ring this becomes an obvious choice for the ring slot. With both DT and some HP To boot to counter out HP loss from Mephitas's Ring +1
Raetic club +1 > Chatoyant Staff (with weather) > Queller rod > Chatoyant Staff (no weather)
Queller rod doesnt offer much in optimal sets. the only thing it brings to the table is 2% cure potency II.
Chatoyant Staff offers a much bigger benefits from the weather boost. However even in situations where you dont have weather bonus Queller is technical better but the low bonus of 2% Cure Potency II doesn't really warren an inventory slot for me.
Personally I prefer Raetic club +1 for cure 1-4 and I use Chatoyant Staff for cure 5-6 to save on MP on these. And if no Raetic club +1. Then just use Chatoyant Staff all the way
Fast Cast - Do it well. Do it faster
Runner up and Alternatives:
Fi Follet Cape +1 Another source of 10% fastcast in the back slot for the regular set, this one can cover multiple jobs and save on inventory
Clerisy Strap +1 +
Regal Pumps +1 in the Regular set can substitute missing either Kishar Ring or Malignance Earring
Pinga Attire Set Also contains a lot of fastcast. You can get it of the AH, but personally I don't like the set due to its limited functionality, cost one some pieces and that it is locked behind Su3.
Debuff Removal - We are fully digital so the pharmacist can always read the doctor's prescription
Runner up and Alternatives:
Ebers Cap +3 When you don't have yagrush use this for -na/erase spells
Gambanteinn (Level 119 III) Cursna +100 perfect for the times you only need to remove a single doom from the party, or to dual wield with Yagrush (Level 90)
Kaykaus Mitra +1 16 healing skill for Cursna. If you want to save a inventory slot you can reused this one from your curing set
Inyan. Dastanas +2 20 magic skill for Cursna. a stand in until you get the Fanatic Gloves
Divinity 20 Healing skill for Cursna in weapon slot
Enhancing - Free vaccines and boosters
WHM Enhancing skill powered spells appears to cap out around 500 (boost and bar-elemental)
You will need 26 additional enhancing skill if you dont have light arts from /sch (one place would be inside oddy)
You will need less skill items as you go up in master levels. Adjust as you see fit.
Runner up and Alternatives
Andoaa Earring - 5 Skill
Stikini Ring - 5 Skills
Stikini Ring +1 - 8 skill
Telchine Pigaches - Another source of "enhancing duration" but due to how gear vs augments are calculated, they are not as good as Theo. Duckbills +3
Enfeebling - Insert Joke about US healthcare here
Runner up and Alternatives:
Regal Cuffs 20% Longer enffeble duration, by sacrificing a bit of Magic accuracy.
Kishar Ring 5% Longer enfeeble duration, by sacrificing a bit of Magic accuracy.
Ebers Mitts +3 Add some defensiveness to you set with a small drop in MND and Magicc accuracy.
Daybreak is a strong contender and probably your best mainhand if you don't have augmented Bunzi or Yagrush.
Malignance Earring is also a strong contender in ear slot if you don't have Ebers or Regal
Null Belt Almost as strong as the maxed out Obstin. Sash, and a potential easy pickup with friends
Alaunus's Cape with Mind, Magic Accuracy and Enmity- comes close to Aurist's Cape +1 R15 and beats eaisly the unmaugmented Aurist Cape +1. But can't be used on multiple jobs.
Lifestorm Earring &
Psystorm Earring can be a decent combo for the starting set.
Rumination Sash A better belt piece for the starter set if you have access to vagary
Luminary Sash An even better belt piece for the starter set, from Reisenjima NM's. Will last you until the HQ belt
Divine - Don't worry so much about the next world that you never learn to live in this one
Idle - 5+ weeks of yearly vacation is nice
I recommend to have more than one idle set.
The idle sets here are meant for when you have high amount of mp (above 75). As your MP drop you should swap in refresh accessories.
Rings,Earring (If you got moonshade) and ammo slot should be first to put in once MP drops below 75% after a spellcast
Below 50% you can start adding in more or change completely to a refresh set
For most events you should probably have a ballad or a Evokers roll or any other source of refresh. Combined with the idle sets 5refresh and the heavy amount of Conservre MP put into spellcasting set you should have a hard time dropping below 75% MP. Howver it is nice to be prepared with refresh for idle incase of a wipe, Curse/disease eating your MP or whatever tricks an event might use against your MP pool.
Runner up and alternatives:
Chironic set can get refresh +2 from Dark Matter augments
Miscellaneous - Insert Joke about US healthcare here
No potency are sets that you can use to fill out empty slots in any other spellset. and/or use for spells that dont need any gear to improve its potency. The focus is on ConserveMP, Recast time and Enmity
Food - Not all that Corn syrup
Tropical Crepe - at the time of writing this guide its at 30.000gil/stack on the AH makineg it cheaper then many worse food from the moogle. omes with a nice 90Macc bonus and a sprinle of MND and MDB
Chocolate Crepe - This one is even cheaper at 500/units from the moogle but only provies 35Macc
Unless a Red Mage is present for enfeebling I would advise to always bring a stack of Macc food any event.
Calculator and Resources
FFXI Cure Calculator https://embed.calculoid.com/?calcId=98366&apiKey=60dfaae363cd93ab798a8
F.A.Q. and Hot Opinions
Don't complaing about people blinking. It should never be a problem for you, if you play WHM right. Learn to use <stal> and <stpt> as macro targets, and blinking will never interfer with casting spells on a party members
Alternative you can disable dynamic armor in the game or get an add-on like Dressup to stop people form blinking around you, but really the best way is to learn to use <stal> and <stpt>
if you complain about other peopel blinking jsut rember what you are saying is "I dont know how to play this game the rightway and you all have to compensate for my weakness". Blinking was never a problem in the game.