User:Toxictaru/About Kalisa

From FFXI Wiki

Kalisa and I met shortly after I moved from Sylph to Hades in June, 2006. I had been moving BLM along and was getting ready to hit up the Dunes. I got a random invite, partied for a while, and seeked again. Not long after, I got an invite from another party. In this party was a sackholder of a rather social linkshell known as RamenNoodles. I joined up quickly, and not long after, I was made a sack myself.

Kalisa and I chatted a lot. I may have been slightly elitist coming on to Hades, and she was generally pretty quick to put me in my place. Around the time I was level 20, I was hanging around in Jeuno doing something, and we struck up a conversation. I think the linkshell was pretty dead, and well, we just got to chatting. I knew pretty quickly that we'd be friends when she used fsck in conversation (gogo geek!). I wasn't trying to start a relationship over a video game (I thought it was dorky after I heard of a couple who were married after meeting on EQ), I didn't actively pursue anything. However, as time passed, we got to know each other better, and we just got along well together. Clicked, whatever. On my first trip to 75, she helped me with a lot of stuff on the way. Instead of spending countless hours shouting in Jeuno, she'd take me out for AF coffers, limit breaks, and NMs that dropped stuff I could benefit from on BLM. We've duoed quite a few things that a lot of people can't.

Regardless, we finally met in person in October of 2006. Although we didn't get to spend a lot of time together, we realized we worked well together. Of course this meant plans for spending Christmas together. Through some circumstance and simply just wanting to do it, we decided we'd get married during the holiday. On December 28, 2006, a few thousand miles away home, we were married. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥