My name is Nick. I've been playing FFXI since 2005-2006. I originally started on Sylph as Toxnick, though a month later I started a new character on Hades named Toxictaru. A friend of mine from SOCOM1/2/3 was in Excellence at the time (yeah, Stans linkshell), and she told me to go there instead. I met a girl there a month later, and ended up marrying her (we're still married). We ended up doing some server bouncing to play with friends and new linkshells. Ultimately I ended up on Seraph, then to Cait Sith, then back to Seraph, before finally going "home" to Hades. When Hades merged with Cerberus, I met up with a new group of people, and have been playing with them since 2010. We individually moved to Asura, along with basically the rest of the English speaking player-base. I outgrew the name Toxictaru, and my preferred name is a reserved FFXI name, so I chose Ninazu, a Sumerian god (Sumerian gods are oft referenced in FFXI, including Pazuzu, Ningishzida, and many others).
Toxictaru is, in retrospect, a childish sounding name. It's actually from a high school project I did in the 90s, where we had to come up with a business name for a media class. Instead of calling it "Nick's" something, I decided to call it "Nix" (not after the anti-lice product, mind you). I used that name on various message boards, but eventually found it in use. As the millennium was coming up, and everyone else was doing it, I called myself NiX2000, ultimately shortened to nix2k. For various reasons, I also bastardized it in reverse to kToxin (deliberately mispelled nix2k backwards). When I started playing SOCOM, we created a silly "Ninja" clan, and I ended up using Toxic Ninja, which came from kToxin. While that clan didn't last, I used the name for a bunch of years. When I started playing FFXI, it just sort of happened naturally from that. Anyway, I don't think anyone gives half a fuck about this whole paragraph (or most of the last and most of the next, for that matter).
I helped start BG-Wiki back in 2007 when the FFXIclopedia drama happened. My wife was a major editor for them, and their treatment of her because of things I did were unfair. So when it was decided to make a BG wiki, I was on-board from the moment it started. I used to be an Admin here, but sometime in the intervening years I've lost that status. Not that I really need/want it. I used to be in the BG Free Company on Gilgamesh for XIV, but moved to a smaller server (well, it was small at the time, fucking Mateus). I mostly just log in to screw around on Corsair now.