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The Setup
So I was getting ready to pop in some Futurama DVDs and laugh myself to sleep, when I suddenly get a contact list request on MSN. I noticed the name, and immediately was struck by the sillyness of it. Their name was "lucy", email address was [email protected].
Now, whoever reads this will probably not know about it, but a certain person who hangs out around here and BG in general got a similar thing the other day, and posted in his blog. I read it out of morbid curiosity, and well, realized who they were immediately. As we all know, SE is actually starting to make a legitimate dent in the RMT population on FFXI. While its killing the economy, its removing the RMTs. Economy death bad, RMT death good. Lesser of two evils I suppose.
Of course, with various improvements in game activities and making gear Rare/Ex or creating clones and moving the money version to BCNMs, RMTs are running out of ways to make money. Hell, we had a bunch of updates in September just for fixing NPCs which give out like, 5gil at a time.... Naturally, RMTs want to still make money, but no one is buying their gil (if they even have it anymore, that is) because of how expensive it has become. Accounts, however, are still the same price. So what do you do? SE is forcing us to use more secure passwords in the near future, and they realize this is happening. Now I don't know of anyone who is fucking stupid enough to actually DO this, but they're trying anyway. Rent my account. Right. Renting my account means they take it, jack the password, world shift it on MY dollar (which, as far as I know, is credit card fraud) and sell it to some kid for a few hundred bucks. Hell, my account my actually be worth 4 digits! That said, I'd never do anything this goddamn dumb, because seriously, I trust two people with my account, and I'm one of them (the other is my wife).... Do they really think that some random bitch on MSN with a fake picture is going to just GIVE up their account information?
And besides. Aren't they in this to make money? Renting my account, as if I'd ever see a dime.
For the record, I made a comment about my avatar on MSN. I could really care less what it is, and I think mundane things like the rubber duck or the Windows XP frog user icon, and my kitten icon on Vista are incredibly cute. Therefore I leave them there. So when I mention my rubber ducky, I'm talking about the default rubber duck icon on MSN.
I'm currently going to be browsing the MSN Messenger Terms of Service, as I think that kind of soliciting is against policy. And well, Microsoft stores logs of shit we don't even know about, and I know damn well I can get this log to them if I need to. Not that it'll matter, but fun is fun.
"She" also said some things to me in simplified Chinese. Translating it is a bit of a problem for me, as I'm unable to read it... but I did Google and Altavista Babelfish translate them. I can work out what they mean (cept for the first one), but if someone can clear that up for me, I'd appreciate it.
SIGH. And NO, I'm not in to incest, and did not fuck my mother. If anyone believes that, you're a fucking retard. Just so you know.
Now, on to the show!
Toxictaru says:
- who the fuck are you and why the fuck are you contacting me
lucy says:
- hello
Toxictaru says:
- answer my question
lucy says:
- this is lucy
lucy says:
- how are you
lucy says:
- maybe you dont know me
Toxictaru says:
- answer
Toxictaru says:
- my
Toxictaru says:
- question
lucy says:
- the pic is me
Toxictaru says:
- wait wait wait
Toxictaru says:
- you want me to rent my ffxi account right?
Toxictaru says:
- yeah, well, see my pic?
Toxictaru says:
- its a duck
Toxictaru says:
- a rubber ducky!
Toxictaru says:
- my rubber duck says fuck you and answer my question
lucy says:
- what question
Toxictaru says:
- what the fuck do you want
lucy says:
- if you like , i want to rent your acc
Toxictaru says:
- how much? if its not a 1 followed by six zeroes, a decimal and two more zeroes, an hour.
Toxictaru says:
- So lucy, I know thats not your name, and in fact, I don't really care
lucy says:
- lucy is my english name
Toxictaru says:
- have you ever considered prostitution as a profession? you don't have to pay anyone else your hard earned dollars
Toxictaru says:
- thats fine, I don't care.
lucy says:
- i just say the last time
lucy says:
- if you dont want to rent your acc to me
Toxictaru says:
- No, we're going to talk, you and me.
Toxictaru says:
- i speak engrish!
lucy says:
- i should say byebye
Toxictaru says:
- i r ronery
Toxictaru says:
- Wait don't go
Toxictaru says:
- So you people are having problems leveling your own accounts now?
Toxictaru says:
- you want to, lets see, rent my account...
Toxictaru says:
- which, obviously, involves you changing my password and never giving it back, right
Toxictaru says:
- stop me if I'm wrong, but I don't plan on stopping even if you try.
Toxictaru says:
- so then, you take my account, you world shift it somewhere else, sell it to some kid
Toxictaru says:
- do you consider that MAYBE the players of FFXI are able to recognize accounts
lucy says:
- first i promise you i dont change anything on your acc
lucy says:
- if you dont want to rent it just tell me you dont want
Toxictaru says:
- "oh, wow, a character was stolen, now we have a new guy who just joined our server, has the same jobs leveled... the same gear... oh wow! It couldn't possibly be that guy"
Toxictaru says:
- do you people realize how fucking stupid you are?
Toxictaru says:
- rent my fucking account
Toxictaru says:
- where did you get my MSN information? fucking BG?
Toxictaru says:
- or is ganiman selling that information for more money
lucy says:
- i told you if you dont want to rent just say you dont
lucy says:
- and i will say byebye
Toxictaru says:
- do you play final fantasy?
Toxictaru says:
- can I rent your account?
lucy says:
- sorry i dont play
Toxictaru says:
lucy says:
- byebye
Toxictaru says:
- have a good one
Toxictaru says:
- hope the sweatshops are working out for you
lucy says:
- byebye
Toxictaru says:
- by the way, I'm going to be reporting you to microsoft for violation of terms of service.. and you can be damned that I'm posting this online for EVVVVVVERYONE to see.
Toxictaru says:
- I love you
lucy says:
- haha whatever you do has nothing to do with me
Toxictaru says:
- no, correction, you're attempting to solicit on MSN, its against their terms of service
Toxictaru says:
- I have this logged
Toxictaru says:
- I report you, you go away.
lucy says:
- 你以为你谁呀傻比一个
- (Translated by Google: You thought you than a guy stupid) (Translated by Altavista Babelfish: Who do you think your silly ratio)
Toxictaru says:
- <3
Toxictaru says:
- Hey lucy
Toxictaru says:
- is this you too?
Toxictaru says:
- [21:20:45] lucyonmyway: hello
- [21:54:27] Zero: ?
- [21:54:43] lucyonmyway: hello
- [21:54:51] lucyonmyway: this is lucy]
Toxictaru says:
- Did you obtain my information from:
Toxictaru says:
- [21:56:51] lucyonmyway: i got your addr from the forum of FFXI and then i added u as my friend
lucy says:
- i will say byebye
Toxictaru says:
- you've said it twice now
Toxictaru says:
- why are you still here?
Toxictaru says:
- go
Toxictaru says:
- GO
Toxictaru says:
Toxictaru says:
lucy says:
- 滚你妈
- (Translated by Google: Roll your mother - translation is clear from the next message) (Translated by Altavista Babelfish: Rolls your mother)
lucy says:
- if you have time just go home and fuck your mother
lucy says:
- :D
Toxictaru says:
- I did that earlier :)
Toxictaru says:
- she was good
lucy says:
- 骚货
- (Translated by Google: Publisher) (Translated by Altavista Babelfish: Bitch)