- Respawns every 1 hour in the corresponding zone.
- TP Moves:
- Soul Douse: Triggered from in front. Conal breath damage with additional effect of Doom.
- Chaos Blast: Triggered from in front. AoE damage, with knock back. Inflicts Max HP Down, Max MP Down, and Max TP Down.
- Sinister Wing: Trigered from the left. Damage and knock back.
- Dexter Wing: Triggered from the right. Damage and knock back.
- Dancing Tail: Triggered from behind. Conal physical damage, 3-5 hits. (Number of hits depends on wing position.) Additional effect poison.
- Dark Star: AoE Magical damage.
- When both of Yilbegan's wings are up, it takes -25% physical damage and -75% magical damage.
- When both of Yilbegan's wings are down, it takes -75% physical damage and -25% magical damage.
- Yilbegan will take more physical and magical damage when it is casting a spell or readying a weapon skill.