A Little Knowledge

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A Little Knowledge
Required Fame
Level Restriction: None
Starting NPC Erlene - The Eldieme Necropolis (S) (J-8)
Pack Wings of the Goddess
Title Schultz Scholar
Repeatable No
Description You have been given the chance to study the grimoire used by the famous Schultz School of Martial Theory. Your first task is to bring Erlene twelve sheets of Vellum.
Previous Quest Next Quest
None On Sabbatical
Vellum icon.png Vellum x12
Key ItemGrimoire
Ability to become a Scholar.


  • Speak with Erlene in The Eldieme Necropolis (S) at J-8 (first map) as a level 30+ job and you will get a cutscene.
    • You can get there by entering from Batallia Downs (S) (J-10). Walk straight down the tunnel into the room where it forks North and South... Erlene will be there.
  • You will then be requested to hand in 12 sheets of Vellum icon.png Vellum.
  • Vellum icon.png Vellum can be purchased from the Auction House under Leathercraft or can be obtained in exchange for Rolanberry icon.png Rolanberries from the NPC Tucker located in Crawlers' Nest (S) at K-8 (first map).
    • Tucker will only accept the trade after the quest has been activated.
    • Tucker will take 3 trades of up to 4 stacks of Rolanberry icon.png rolanberries per trade, so you can get up to 12 sheets of Vellum from him, but no more.
    • He will accept no more Rolanberry icon.png rolanberries after 3 trades.
      • For example, you will only receive 3 sheets of Vellum if you trade him one stack of rolanberries 3 times.
    • TL;DR: Head to Crawlers' Nest (S) with 12 stacks of 12 Rolanberry icon.png rolanberries in your inventory (120 gil each at the NPC vendor).
      • Trade 4 stacks of Rolanberry icon.png rolanberries to Tucker at once to receive 4 sheets of Vellum.
        • Repeat this another 2 times to receive all 12 sheets of Vellum icon.png Vellum needed for the quest, before getting blocked out from further trades with Tucker.
  • If you are not a BLM, RDM, SMN, or BLU, change to one of those jobs now. It does not need to be level 30.
  • After handing in the sheets to Erlene, you will get a cutscene. Then you will be asked to use one of the following Two-Hour ability SP Abilities: Astral Flow, Chainspell, Azure Lore or Manafont.
  • With one of these abilities in effect, speak to Erlene again to activate another cutscene. You will be rewarded with the Key ItemGrimoire and the ability to change your job to Scholar.


  • Once your Scholar is level 5 or higher, return to Erlene in The Eldieme Necropolis (S) to learn the spells Embrava and Kaustra. These spells are not available via scroll, you will learn them automatically when speaking to her while on Scholar.