Campaign Stronghold NM's and Battlefields
Invading Campaign strongholds is an opportunity for players to decrease the strength of the Beastmen Confederate's forces, increase the strength of their own nation, as well as obtaining special items and equipment. Defeating challenging Notorious Monsters is the task, with the ultimate goal of defeating the special Battlefield in the end. Throughout the three stronghold areas, there are 8 different NM's, each one corresponds to a Campaign statistic; funds, resources, supplies, reconnaissance, skill, production, morale, and prosperity. When defeated, they will always drop their sealed container, and have a chance to drop equipment. The containers are rare/exclusive and can be traded in for a key item. Trading in containers will also increase one of the nation's statistics.
All of the NM's seem to have a respawn time of roughly 4~6 hours.
Once the 8 key items from a stronghold have been obtained, players will be able to enter a battlefield within the stronghold. That battlefield can reward more equipment.
Once you've recieved a sealed container from the NM, return to the appropriate nation. Trade it to one of the following NPC's for the key item:
The BCNM entrances to these areas are as follows:
Orcish Hosts La Vaule (S) Stronghold
Container Item (Box) = Strongbox
Key Item = Imperial Lineage
- Spams Shoulder Charge (DefDown, Knockback)
- Does not use a Wyvern
- Spams Jump
- Uses Grenades
- Bhogbigg's Vial
- AOE Enfeeble, can be attacked
- Sticky Grenade (AoE Gravity)
- Tear Grenade (AoE Silence and Blind)
- Uses Daunting Hurl (strong ranged attack)
- Uses Catapult
- strong single target ranged attack, Hate Reset
- Uses Berserker's Dance (Self Haste)
- Uses Fanatic Dance (AOE Charm)
- Uses several TP attacks in succession of 5 or so
- Spams Call of the Moon (AOE Intimidation)
Battlefield: The Blood-bathed Crown
- Immune to Silence / Gravity / Bind / Paralyze / Sleep / Break
- 0% MDT
- +50 Store TP(or more)
- Spells: Shell IV, Protect IV, Banish II, Flash and Cure IV(only uses Cure IV at 33% and lower)
- TP moves: Battle Dance, Tornado Dance, Shoulder Charge, Berserker Dance, Veil of Chaos
- Says “I shall feast on your fear!” when he uses Veil of Chaos
- Glows super Light/Rainbow/Paladinish while Flash Aura is active. Flash aura is -104 ACC
- Aura removed @ 70%ish hp. Came back at 55%sh, never went away again. Must be on a very long timer?
- Uses invincible EXACTLY every 3 minutes
- Uses Battle Dance, Berserker Dance, Tornado Dance, Shoulder Charge, Veil of Chaos
Yagudo Theomilitary Castle Oztroja (S) Stronghold
Container Item (Box) = Bamboo Basket/Cage
Key Item = Habalo's Eclogue
Castle Oztroja (S) 1st floor
Castle Oztroja (S) 2nd floor
Castle Oztroja (S) 3rd floor
- Casts higher tier magic as HP lowers
- Has very high Fast Cast
- May use Manafont
- Uses normal Demon specials
- Uses normal DRK spells including spikes
- Will buff himself while not engaged, meaning he will have possibly lethal Dread Spikes upon being attacked
- Uses normal Yagudo specials and SAM 2HR
- Uses Dark Invocation
- Utsusemi creates 3-5 clones
- NM and Clones can all use Mijin
- Spams Cure V, Casts Buffs, Uses Benediction
- If silenced uses Shirahadori
- Will still try to melee between casts
- Subject to Bind
- Uses MNK 2HR
- At 50%, summons two MNK Assistants
- At 25%, summons four MNK Assistants
- Spams Horde Lullaby
Battlefield: A Malicious Manifest
- Tzee Xicu's Specials/Characteristics
- Immune to Gravity / Bind / Paralyze / Sleep / Break / Stun
- -50% PDT
- -33% MDT
- +50 Store TP(or more)
- 70% weight aura while glowing.
- Uses: Double Kick, Vorticose Sands, Dark Invocation, Sweep
- Below 50% Kamaitachi replaces Sweep
- Says “The time is come. I shall release you from the pain of your earth existence” when she uses Vorticose Sands
- Vorticose Sands Full gear strip + silence + enmity reset
- Kamaitachi is heavy AoE damage, knockback, and full dispel. Full dispel can be resisted
- Astral Flowed at 79%(Did nothing if no elementals up)
- Uses Astral Flow EXACTLY every 3 minutes below 95% HP
- Possible Strategy
- Can kite along the top circular ramp area.
- Come up along either side (as opposed to using the center ramps), there are ramps to the left and to the right on the ground level. This way, the kiting can start without having to initially run through Tzee Xicu and her elementals.
- The kiting area has several places where the kiter can get stuck.
Quadav Shieldwarriors Beadeaux (S) Stronghold
Important Note: Be aware that passage into the farthest North East areas of Beadeaux (S) require one person to have a Quadav Charm to pass through the door at (I-9). It can be obtained from De'Vyu Headhunter in present
day Beadeaux.
Quadav Shieldwarriors Beadeaux (S) Stronghold
Container Item (Box) = Letterbox
Key Item = The Words of Do'Nhu
- Uses Ore Lob
- Has Reprisal via Diamond Shell
- Uses Shell Charge
- Has Footwork
- Spams Dragon Kick
- Uses Wrath of Gu'Dha
- Switches between melee-absorbing and magic-absorbing states
- Usual Imp specials
- Casts Holy
- Job may be WHM
- Uses paralyzing, silence, and blinding tubes
- Uses Ore Lob (Strong Cone AOE)
- Will run a short distance after setting tube
- Tubes have low HP, can be killed quickly
- Uses up to 5 goblin mines.
- Fast Casting Tier3s
- Uses RDM enfeebles including Sleep
- Uses Ore Lob (Strong Cone AOE)
- Uses only Headbutt and Skull Smasher
- Does not melee
- Uses WAR 2HR
Battlefield: The Buried God
All enemies are immune to sleep.
- Immune to Gravity / Bind / Paralyze / Sleep / Break / Stun
- -20% MDT
- +50 Store TP(or more)
- Additional effect: Enstone (~30 dmg? 100% proc)
- Slow aura while his shell is shining. (40% slow)
- Uses Torment of Gu'Dha, Ore Lob, Skull Smash, Ore Toss
- Torment of Gu'Dha resets hate and petrifies
- Uses Mighty Strikes EXACTLY every 4:30 minutes
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