Avatar perpetuation cost

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The Avatar Perpetuation Cost is how many MP per tick (approx. 3 seconds) that it costs a Summoner to keep an Avatar out. This cost varies depending on the level of the Summoner and which avatar/spirit is being summoned, as seen on the chart below.

(1mp/tick) is the minimum the perpetuation cost can be reduced to via equipment. Negating the cost at LV99 is not a difficult task as many pieces of Summoner's Reforged Armour and JSE Oboro weapon make this possible. The base perpetuation cost is based on the SMN job or subjob level and is not affected by item level or avatar level.

Perpetuation Costs by Level

Alexander and Odin can only be cast during Astral Flow and remain active for only a few seconds and therefore have no perpetuation cost.

MP/Tick Carbuncle / Cait Sith Fenrir / Siren Avatars / Diabolos Elemental *
Initial Summoning 5MP 15MP 7MP / 15MP 10MP
1 Lv.1 Lv.1 --- Lv.1
2 Lv.10 Lv.8 --- Lv.19
3 Lv.18 Lv.15 Lv.1 Lv.38
4 Lv.27 Lv.22 Lv.10 Lv.57
5 Lv.36 Lv.30 Lv.19 Lv.75
6 Lv.45 Lv.37 Lv.28 Lv.81
7 Lv.54 Lv.45 Lv.38 Lv.91
8 Lv.63 Lv.51 Lv.47 ---
9 Lv.72 Lv.59 Lv.56 ---
10 Lv.81 Lv.66 Lv.65 ---
11 Lv.91 Lv.73 Lv.68 ---
12 --- Lv.81 Lv.71 ---
13 --- Lv.91 Lv.74 ---
14 --- --- Lv.81 ---
15 --- --- Lv.91 ---
  • (As of the March 27, 2012 Version Update the "Elemental MP Cost" merit option no longer exists; Summoning Magic Cast Time has taken it's place and the Spirits overall Perpetuation Cost has been reduced.)


Item Slot Level ILvl Effect
Astral Signa Weapon 70 0 -2
Bahamut's Staff Weapon 75 0 -3
Chatoyant Staff Weapon 51 0 Hidden: -3
Dragon Staff Weapon 40 0 -1
Gridarvor Weapon 99 119 -5
Nirvana Weapon 75 0 -4
Nirvana Weapon 80 0 -5
Nirvana Weapon 85 0 -6
Nirvana Weapon 90 0 -7
Nirvana Weapon 95 0 -7
Nirvana Weapon 99 0 -8
Nirvana Weapon 99 0 -8
Nirvana Weapon 99 119 -8
Nirvana Weapon 99 119 -8
Nirvana Weapon 99 119 -8
Patriarch Cane Weapon 99 109 -3
Was Weapon 99 119 -5
Was +1 Weapon 99 119 -7
Accord Hat +1 Head 99 118 -2
Glyphic Horn Head 99 109 -4
Glyphic Horn +1 Head 99 119 -4
Smn. Horn +1 Head 75 0 Weather: -3
Summoner's Horn Head 75 0 Weather: -3
Austere Robe Body 50 0 -1
Beck. Doublet +2 Body 99 119 -7
Beck. Doublet +1 Body 99 119 -6
Beckoner's Doublet Body 99 109 -5
Call. Doublet +2 Body 89 0 -4
Caller's Doublet +1 Body 89 0 -3
Glyphic Doublet Body 99 109 -4
Glyphic Doublet +1 Body 99 119 -5
Penance Robe Body 50 0 -2
Smn. Doublet +1 Body 75 0 Day: -3
Smn. Doublet +2 Body 90 0 Day: -3
Summoner's Dblt. Body 74 0 Day: -3
Adhara Gages Hands 99 0 -2
Beck. Bracers +1 Hands 99 119 Day/Weather: 50%
Beckoner's Bracers Hands 99 109 Day/Weather: 50%
Call. Bracers +2 Hands 87 0 Day/Weather: 50%
Caller's Bracers +1 Hands 87 0 Day: 50%
Nashira Gages Hands 75 0 -1
Nightmare Gloves Hands 75 0 Latent: -1
Assid. Pants +1 Legs 99 119 -3
Assiduity Pants Legs 99 119 -2
Augur's Brais Legs 79 0 -1
Apogee Pumps Feet 99 119 -8
Apogee Pumps +1 Feet 99 119 -9
Artsieq Boots Feet 99 119 -3
Beck. Pigaches Feet 99 109 -6
Beck. Pigaches +1 Feet 99 119 -7
Caller's Pgch. +1 Feet 81 0 -2
Caller's Pgch. +2 Feet 81 0 -3
Con. Pigaches Feet 99 109 -4
Con. Pigaches +1 Feet 99 119 -4
Convo. Pigaches +2 Feet 99 119 -5
Convo. Pigaches +3 Feet 99 119 -6
Evk. Pigaches +1 Feet 74 0 -1
Caller's Pendant Neck 84 0 Weather: -1
Avatar Belt Waist 30 0 Latent: -2
Lucidity Sash Waist 99 0 -2
Evans Earring Ear 99 0 -2
Gamma Earring Ear 75 0 Salvage: -1
Conjurer's Ring Ring 50 0 Latent: -1
Evoker's Ring Ring 71 0 -1