Avatars are a type of powerful beings shrouded in the myth and lore of Vana'diel. Avatars have two major roles in the game; first as the beings evoked by the Summoner class, and as powerful characters that a part of or the drivers behind the stories in Vana'diel. Much of the story of the game has been unintentional consequences of the actions of various avatars, as well as trying to prevent actions from other avatars.
Avatar Prime ★ Weakness System
The High-Tier Mission Battlefield Avatar ★ have four different weaknesses which may be triggered.
- The High-Tier Battlefield version Prime Avatar will have an innate damage reduction of -30% for magic, physical, and ranged damage as well as a potent en-spell effect of their element.
- Triggering the weakness will remove damage penalty or weaken the en-spell effect.
- Weakness effect varies for each Prime Avatar and is not always the same effect for the same weakness trigger.
- Once a weakness has been proced the Prime Avatar will be weakened until the use of their
Astral Flow ability. They will need to be reproced after this.
- Procs will stop (stun) the current action of the avatar, and may be useful for preventing certain moves from going off.
- Weaknesses are triggered as follows:
Types of Avatars
Avatars may be broken down into the following sub-categories:
Celestial avatars are the avatars that existed before Vana'diel was formed. They are sometimes referred to as "the Slumbering Gods"
Terrestrial avatars were creatures before Vana'diel was formed, but became avatars after Vana'diel was made.
A classification of avatars whose do not fall into the above classes.
Avatar-like beings that have never been confirmed as avatars, nor had their origins explained.
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