Avesta Bangles

From FFXI Wiki
Avesta Bangles icon.png Avesta bangles
Pages on this wiki that reference this item
Description: Magic Accuracy+6 Enfeebling magic skill +15 Elemental magic skill +15 Dark magic skill +15
Image: Avesta Bangles description.png
Type: Armor
Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, CanSendPOL, Equippable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare
Stack size: 1
"Find Avesta Bangles on FFXIAH" "Find Avesta Bangles on FFXIDB"
Armor Information
Races: All Races Equip. Slot: Hands
Level: 88
Jobs: Monk / White Mage / Black Mage / Red Mage / Thief / Dark Knight / Bard / Ranger / Summoner / Blue Mage / Corsair / Puppetmaster / Dancer / Scholar / Geomancer / Rune Fencer

Dropped from...
Monster Name Level Zone Rate Notes
Arch Angra Mainyu Dynamis - Beaucedine Trade Fiendish Tome: Chapter 21, Fiendish Tome: Chapter 22, Fiendish Tome: Chapter 23, Fiendish Tome: Chapter 24, and Fiendish Tome: Chapter 25 to ???.


  • This piece may or may not be a reference to a notorious Red Mage, or to Zoroastrian religious texts [1].
    • The species which drops it as well as the name of the NM, Angra Mainyu, may be a reference to Zoroastrianism as well.