- Assisted by up to 11 Azi Dahaka's Dragons in Wave 1.
- Number of dragons summoned depends on the number of players participating in the Domain Invasion

- Uses Hundred Fists and gains an Attack Down and Burn aura.
can be triggered by a Darkness skillchain (water damage seems logical), which will end both Hundred Fists and the auras.
- Casts high level Fire and Thunder elemental magic.
- Has access to:
- Fiery Breath : Fire damage breath
- Tebbad Wing : AoE Plague and (fire?) magic damage
- Horrid Roar : Full dispel and hate reset (If fully resisted, dispels nothing and there is no hate reset)
- Absolute Terror : 60 second Terror (resists decrease duration)
- Spike Flail : Triggered when hate is pulled from the side/behind, even by Trust Magic. Player will suffer damage equal to 25-30% max HP. See The Spike Flail entry on the main Escha page for details on this move.