Category:Adoulin Quests

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Adoulin Quests Header.jpg

These are quests listed under the "Adoulin" section of the FFXI quest log.

Note: Many Adoulin quests can only be started after meeting the required Adoulin fame level.
There are nine levels of Adoulin fame, and your fame can be checked at the NPC Iyvah Halohm in Eastern Adoulin at (G-8).

Quest List

Western Adoulin Quests

Fame Name NPC Pos. Zone Rewards
3 "Always more," Quoth the Ravenous Westerly Breeze I-5 Western Adoulin 1500 Experience Points
1000 Bayld
1 A Certain Substitute Patrolman Rising Solstice D-9 Western Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
500 Bayld
1 A Pioneer's Best (Imaginary) Friend Merleg H-11 Western Adoulin F.A.I.L. badge
500 Experience Points
200 Bayld
1 Exotic Delicacies Flapano I-8 Western Adoulin Flapano's Paella
1 Hunger Strikes Westerly Breeze I-5 Western Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
500 Bayld
1 No Laughing Matter Peladi Shalmohr F-11 Western Adoulin 900 Experience Points
1 Raptor Rapture Pagnelle G-10 Western Adoulin 1000 Bayld
1 Scaredy-Cats Eamonn E-8 Western Adoulin Reive unity
1000 Bayld
1 The Old Man and the Harpoon Jorin J-4 Western Adoulin 500 Experience Points
300 Bayld
2 The Starving Westerly Breeze I-5 Western Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
500 Bayld
2 Transporting Vaulois H-6 Western Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
300 Bayld
1 Vegetable Vegetable Revolution Door: Amchuchu's Laboratory J-10 Western Adoulin Rarab Tail x12
2000 Bayld
1 Western Waypoints, Ho! Alienor E-8 Western Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
500 Bayld
3000 Kinetic Units
3 Granddaddy Dearest Alienor E-8 Western Adoulin 500 Experience Points
300 Bayld
1500 Kinetic Units
4 F.A.I.L.ure Is Not an Option Clautaire I-12 Western Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
500 Bayld
4 Vegetable Vegetable Evolution Door: Amchuchu's Laboratory J-10 Western Adoulin 2000 Bayld
Rarab Tail x12
1 Flowers for Svenja Door: Svenja's Manor I-8 Western Adoulin 1000 Bayld
Flavors of Our Lives Berghent J-9 Western Adoulin 500 Experience Points
300 Bayld
All the Way to the Bank Peladi Shalmohr F-11 Western Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
Do Not Go Into the Light Door: Svenja's Manor I-8 Western Adoulin 1000 bayld
Hypocritical Oath Door: Svenja's Manor I-8 Western Adoulin 1000 Bayld
To Laugh Is to Love Peladi Shalmohr F-11 Western Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
Vegetable Vegetable Crisis Door: Amchuchu's Laboratory Western Adoulin
Sick and Tired Door: Svenja's Manor Western Adoulin
The Weatherspoon Inquisition Nashu Western Adoulin 500 Experience Points
1000 Bayld
Not-So-Clean Bill Door: Svenja's Manor I-8 Western Adoulin 1,000 Experience Points
1,000 Bayld
Glorious Earring icon.png Glorious Earring
A Barrel of Laughs Tuffle-Buffle J-11 Western Adoulin Anastasi Earring icon.png Anastasi Earring
Anastasi Earring icon.png Burana Earring
Anastasi Earring icon.png Gelos Earring
Anastasi Earring icon.png Hija Earring
Vegetable Vegetable Frustration Door: Amchuchu's Laboratory J-10 Western Adoulin 2,000 Bayld
Midras's Helm +1 icon.png Midras's Helm +1

Eastern Adoulin Quests

Fame Name NPC Pos. Zone Rewards
Order Up Reja Ygridhi F-9 Celennia Memorial Library 1000 Experience Points
500 Bayld
2 A Good Pair of Crocs Felmsy G-5 Eastern Adoulin 500 Experience Points
200 Bayld
2 A Shot in the Dark Pudith F-6 Eastern Adoulin 500 Experience Points
200 Bayld
1 A Thirst for the Ages Roskin H-8 Eastern Adoulin 2010 Experience Points
1000 Bayld
A Thirst for the Eons Roskin H-8 Eastern Adoulin 2000 Experience Points
1000 Bayld
A Thirst for Eternity Roskin H-8 Eastern Adoulin 8000 Bayld
1-3 random skill up books after every Conquest Tally
A Thirst Before Time Roskin H-8 Eastern Adoulin 30,000 Bayld, or
Erudit. Necklace icon.png Erudition Necklace
1 Cafe...teria Yocile G-8 Eastern Adoulin 500 Experience Points
300 Bayld
500 Gil
1 Don't Ever Leaf Me Audibert F-9 Eastern Adoulin 1200 Bayld
1 Keep Your Bloomers On, Erisa Door: Research Chamber J-8 Eastern Adoulin 1000 Bayld
3 Meg-alomaniac Sharuru F-8 Eastern Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
500 Bayld
3000 Kinetic Units
3 Open the Floodgates Risen Hackles G-6 Eastern Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
500 Bayld
1 The Longest Way Round... Vastran F-8 Eastern Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
500 Bayld
1 Wes...Eastern Waypoints, Ho! Sharuru F-8 Eastern Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
500 Bayld
3000 Kinetic Units
4 Wayward Waypoints Sharuru F-8 Eastern Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
500 Bayld
3000 Kinetic Units
5 One Good Turn... Chelidoine J-9 Eastern Adoulin 500 Experience Points
300 Bayld
The Secret to Success Behsa Alehgo J-8 Eastern Adoulin 1000 Bayld
3 Eye of the Beholder Behsa Alehgo J-8 Eastern Adoulin 500 Experience Points
1000 Bayld
3 In the Land of the Blind Behsa Alehgo J-8 Eastern Adoulin 1000 Experience Points
1000 Bayld
Homiliary icon.png Homiliary
The Curious Case of Melvien Estelle F-9 Eastern Adoulin
No Mercy for the Wicked Rigobertine J-7 Eastern Adoulin 4,000 Experience Points
1,000 Bayld
Mistress of Ceremonies Rigobertine J-7 Eastern Adoulin 12,000 Experience Points
3,000 Bayld
Elixir Tank
3 Thorn in the Side Zaffeld J-8 Eastern Adoulin 1000 Bayld
Velkkovert Operations Zaffeld J-8 Eastern Adoulin 500 Experience Points
1000 bayld
The Good, the Bad, the Clement Zaffeld J-8 Eastern Adoulin 500 Experience Points
1000 Bayld
The Weatherspoon War Zaffeld J-8 Marjami Ravine 10,000 Experience Points
1,000 Bayld
Barkarole Earring icon.png Barkarole Earring
The Silent Forest Levil E-8 Western Adoulin See Quest Page
Winds of Eternity Siren H-7 Leafallia See Quest Page

Ulbuka Quests

Fame Name NPC Pos. Zone Rewards
1 Empty Nest Bataron H-7 Ceizak Battlegrounds 2000 Experience Points
200 Bayld
1 Grind to Sawdust Elmric K-7 Ceizak Battlegrounds "Logging"
500 Bayld
1 To Catch a Predator Lucretia H-9 Ceizak Battlegrounds 2000 Experience Points
200 Bayld
1 Twitherym Dust Gurren-Murren K-7 Ceizak Battlegrounds 1000 Experience Points
100 Bayld
1 I'm on a Boat Choubollet J-6 Foret de Hennetiel Watercraft
500 Bayld
1 Orobon Appetit Nestroh H-9 Foret de Hennetiel Paresis resilience
500 Bayld
1 Poisoning the Well Fritha J-7 Foret de Hennetiel 2000 Experience Points
200 Bayld
1 Unsullied Lands Inmot-Pinmot J-10 Foret de Hennetiel 2000 Experience Points
200 Bayld
Breaking the Ice Traiffeaux K-10 Kamihr Drifts "Fragmenting"
Pair of fuzzy earmuffs
and 500 Bayld
No Love Lost Peppe-Aleppe Kamihr Drifts Algor resilience,
Peppe-Aleppe's superlative tonic,
500 Bayld
Hide and Go Peak Toppled Tree M-7 Marjami Ravine Pair of Velkk gloves
500 Bayld
5 It Never Goes Out of Style Veldeth L-7 Marjami Ravine 500 Experience Points
300 Bayld
4 Water, Water, Everywhere Jhen Durheka L-10 Marjami Ravine 2000 Experience Points
1000 Bayld
Did You Feel That? Udip Ferawoh M-7 Marjami Ravine Restrainment resilience
500 bayld
1 A Geothermal Expedition Fallion I-10 Morimar Basalt Fields 3000 Experience Points
300 Bayld
1 A Stone's Throw Away Apolliane K-10 Morimar Basalt Fields "Demolishing"
500 Bayld
1 No Rime Like the Present Hegnor H-10 Morimar Basalt Fields 3000 Experience Points
300 Bayld
Talk About Wrinkly Skin Orsa-Porsa K-10 Morimar Basalt Fields Calor resilience
500 bayld
Lerene's Lament Lerene N-7 Outer Ra'Kaznar Lerene's paten, "Pulverizing", 500 Bayld
2 Fertile Ground Chalvava F-11 Rala Waterways 500 Experience Points
300 Bayld
1 It Sets My Heart Aflutter Saldinor F-10 Rala Waterways 500 Experience Points
200 Bayld
1 The Whole Place Is Abuzz Rumin-Flumin H-9 Yahse Hunting Grounds Toxin resilience
500 Bayld
1 Boiling Over Leautiere G-7 Yahse Hunting Grounds 2000 Experience Points
200 Bayld
1 Don't Clam Up on Me Now Oblor K-9 Yahse Hunting Grounds 1000 Experience Points
100 Bayld
1 Hop to It Chya Mindorah I-8 Yahse Hunting Grounds 2000 Experience Points
200 Bayld
Dirt Cheap Mano-Amano J-7 Yorcia Weald 1000 Experience Points
500 Bayld
Flower Power Mano-Amano J-7 Yorcia Weald 500 Experience Points
300 Bayld

Geomancer Quests

Geomancer concept art.png

Runefencer Quests

Rune Fencer concept art.png

Pages in category "Adoulin Quests"

The following 103 pages are in this category, out of 103 total.